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SG Anon — Military is the Only Way > Marine Corps Activated Against Traitors > Scale of Worldwide Mil Coordination is Enormous > US NG On the Move > NCSWIC >>>

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Wow. finally something you idiots don’t fall for.

    You guys are seriously retarded. It is both amusing and scary to come to this site. Amusing because it is funny to see the ramblings of the old aluminum hat gang with these bullshit conspiracies, but scary that so many of my fellow countrymen and women buy into this shit.

  • Ratify: Sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract or agreement) making it officially valid.
    Here is where people confuse the first Constitution, “Articles of the Confederation” (1777) with the “Federal” Constitution.
    The “Articles of the Confederation” were Never dissolved. It is a “Perpetual” union between the States.
    They Ratified, gave consent, to create the “Federal” Constitution of the United States of America in 1789.
    Each State remains with their own “State” Constitution.
    Articles of the Confederation remained in place as a “Perpetual Union” to serve the States in Common defense, the Securities of their Liberties, and their mutual general welfare (Article III).
    Perpetual: Eternal, everlasting, constant, continual.
    ” Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States” is how the “Preamble” is titled before the 13 Articles are listed.
    It is the “Federal” entity that went rogue. That is why we find cement blockings around “Federal” buildings.

  • Funny how theres no proof whatsoever of any of these claims, the logistics of what’s claimed with no verifiable proof isn’t trustworthy in the slightest. I honestly believe this is just a psyop meant to lull patriots into inaction, while the system is breaking all around us. Proof man, or go away Fed.

    • you stole my thunder. the ongoing psyops are always transparent to those that possess a a rational discerning mind. This garbage has been going on for decades, but now these turds have been able to fully implement their full spectrum warfare. they can all go pound sand or kiss my ass; their choice.

  • I supported Trump in spite of many reservations about the things he did before and while in office. I don’t believe the last election was stolen but there was collusion between the two parties and both sides were guilty of lies and fraud. ‘Donald’ has been soliciting donations illegally since then. Also believe that the person who made the announcement to run is not Trump but someone playing that role. That while it was kept silent, Trump died from cancer several years ago.

    While there isn’t much I believe is the truth – from either side – much appreciate all that is posted here.

  • What Dennis said and…I’m old, was trained in life or death critical thinking in the military and this fellah does the fog of word dance like he’s doing a drill. I felt a similar mental stress in listening to what I’ve felt coming into and traversing the California Central Valley tule fog at 75mph. Dude is good at sincerity in tone and convoluted vaguery in word.



  • I thought it strange that Trump announced his 2024 Presidential Run at this time. It seemed quite early and he seemed distracted somewhat.
    My, my, my …… the plot thickens.

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