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Extraordinary engineering and building techniques were applied on a colossal scale in ancient times which remain unmatched to this day.

With the help of millions of dollars in contributions from the art world, Biblical scholar Michael Heiser succeeded in mounting a 340-ton boulder to a wall at the Los Angeles Museum of Art, in 2012. The boulder could only be transported 7 miles per day, traveling about 100 miles in around 3 months This was after many failed attempts, where the world’s biggest cranes had kept on breaking. The boulder remained rough and unhewn and is but a pebble when compared to the biggest carved stones of ancient times carved stones of 500, 700, 900 tons are found in their thousands, all over the world.

So, if it was extremely difficult to move a stone weighing a fraction of the weight of the ancient stones then the question has to be, how on Earth was it done?

This video compares the stats on the six largest stones carved in the ancient world.

Number 6: Obelisk of Axum

Carved in Ethiopia before 2000 BC and weighing about 500 tons, it is a true marvel and is one of the heaviest stone carvings from ancient times but it is nowhere near the heaviest.

Number 5: Solomon’s Temple

The largest stone in the Western Wall tunnel is estimated at 11.6 X 5 meters long and weighs between 700 and 900 tons. The wall had an original height of between 70 to 140 feet in places. It is built from bottom to top of large squared stones beveled at the edges and varying between 97.5 centimeters and 1.8 meters in height the stones are laid without cement. The massiveness of the work and the perfection of the cutting and fitting of the stone is on par with the Egyptian Pyramids.

Number 4: Colossi of Memnon

These two giants were each built from a single piece of stone. They are oriented towards the sunrise at Winter Solstice and they weigh over a 1,000 tons each. The statues are made from blocks of quartzite sandstone which was quarried near modern-day Cairo and transported 420 miles over land. They are too heavy to have been transported upstream on the Nile.

It’s not surprising that people speculate that these structures were built by a lost civilization that appears to have spread all across the globe. The technology underlying these huge constructions was based on a foundation of Science and Mathematics which has revealed traces of their manufacturing processes that are proving to be totally astonishing.

Cuts and holes on hundreds of stones indicate that the ancients drilled into granite with a feed rate that was 500 times greater and deeper per revolution of that of the most powerful modern-day tools!

Number 3: Colossus of Ramses

Although only fragments of the base and torso remain of this massive statue, it would have weighed in at 1,300 tons.
An inscription describes Ramses as the Sun Prince but it’s believed these inscriptions were added during the reign of Ramses although the actual site itself is actually thousands of years older.

Broken pieces of the Colossus are in museums all over the world. Only fragments of the base and torso remain of the Colossus, which would have stood 19 metres high and weighed at least 1,300 tons. The stone for the statue was transported 170 miles overland from Aswan to Thebes.

Number 2: Stone of the South: Temple of Baalbek

The so-called stone of the south at the temple of Jupiter is of incredible proportions. The highest estimates of this unfinished stone’s weight have reached an incredible 2,000 tons three other smaller stones under the Grand Terrace of the temple itself are also estimated to weigh from between 750 and 2,000 tons each. All the large stones used for the Temple of the Sun at Baalbek were quarried from the same location and taken over half a mile uphill to build the Great Temple.

Number 1: The Unfinished Obelisk

This gigantic obelisk would have stood an incredible 42 meters high and weighed over 2,700 tons when complete, more than twice the size of any known obelisk ever raised and quarried. Construction was apparently abandoned when natural
fractures appeared in its side. That the stone is still attached to bedrock gives important clues to how the ancients quarried granite much of the red granite used for ancient temples and colossi came from quarries in the Aswan area, 500 miles south of Cairo. This monolith is disputed to be the largest stone ever quarried and certainly on par with the unfinished stone at Baalbek. This obelisk would have been taller than any other ever raised.

The discovery of this obelisk and several others in their unfinished states allows us to see how they were made but not what tools were used, which remain a complete mystery

Does it not completely boggle your mind that Michael Heiser struggled to move a rock a fraction the size of this using modern technology? There is surely an argument here that the ancient world was not as primitive as we’ve been led to believe.

Bonus Round: Unfinished Stela at Yangshan Quarry

The real heaviest monolith of the ancient world is, in fact almost 16,800 tons, heavier than all of our previous selections combined – and then some!

The gigantic unfinished stela base was abandoned during the Ming Dynasty in 1300s AD in a Chinese quarry and could provide the answer to the question of how other monolithic stone blocks were made in other parts of the world, in scope and ambition. The size and weight is almost unimaginable. It’s existence is relatively new in the West and further investigation by experts is required to be better understood.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Solomon’s Temple stones are no doubt a fraud. Anything involving the supposed Israelites is a fraud so I would look for the flaw in the stones or the story. A good archaeologist could reveal the truth but Israel bribes or blackmails scientists to never reveal the truth as it would destroy the story of their history. Everything about them is a fake from beginning to end.

  • I’ve always been bugged by the redundant comparisons made in how bronze and stone tools just could not have done all this…well, no shit Sparky, now let’s do some real speculations based in Vedic time frames, and humanity, backed by many archeological finds, has been on planet for easily 200,000,000 years…but, denial is easier I guess.

  • Totally blows all of our archeologists ‘theories’ out of the water. I’d love to hear how they would explain the huge stone cutting in China and what it was going to be used for. I guess they aren’t teaching any of this in many schools…..if at all in history classes. Boy have we been duped. I loved ancient history in school…..this just makes a mockery out of it.
    There is no doubt that people all over the world were using carving techniques that we still aren’t using today. Laze-ring hieroglyphics onto stones for their temples…..transporting monoliths that we’d be at a loss to move today…..what a fall we’ve taken by not having this wonderful information …. the world has suffered because of it. It would be such a gift to have this knowledge.

  • Obviously, ONE very ancient civilization was receiving “HELP” from our “Cosmic Families”, AND if “Certain Groups” would “Come-Clean” about WHO those ancient people ARE (AFRICANS) and STOP trying to HIDE their REAL-Story MANY “Clues” can come forth as to HOW these feats were attained by those “Beings”.
    Its not a big secret WHO effaced most of the ancient artifacts and statues of ancient Africa…The Europeans!
    Nepoleon Shot the Face off the MOST of the main statues that were all over Egypt, because he didn’t like the “Negroid Features” that were on MOST of them.
    They Vatican was responsible for most of the “Disappearance” of ancient African Their-Story…YET their super secret library is LOADED with the TRUTH about LOADS of things about EVERYTHING!
    Once ALL the Luciferian/Satanist are Removed and the Return of the “Melanin Cosmic Beings” occurs THE “TRUTH” will be Exposed about EVERYTHING.

  • Fascinating stuff, but like a lot of other accounting of time, that much of it is religious faith. It’s my opinion that time is not fully understood, yet so often I see them mark time according to traditional assumptions.

    Science has yet to discover the full nature of material time and space, but has admitted that they are not straight as lines as presumed. We are as two dimensional beings unable to conceive of a third dimension.

    Most certainly I don’t understand these things, but I can read and listen to what great science thinkers have to say about them. It seems many want to keep the door closed to them with traditional three dimensional thinking which naturally assumes these feats were accomplished via mechanical forces when that requires more faith than I’m willing to invest in their theories.

  • An excellent article and video. Modern man the top of the technology/ science world? Who are we kidding. There is so much lost ancient scientific knowledge yet to be re-discovered and learnt from.

  • If you want better videos of this type go to WWW. Hidden Inca, Brien Forester has well over 900 videos on You Tube about these builders we know nothing about. He has even had DNA tests done on the elongated sculls of the Paracas people who’s sculls were up to twenty-five percent larger then our own today. He’s kind of like a real Indiana Jones, including going to Petra in Jordan and showing the place is huge, over twelve kilometers in length! Well, I’ve done with my rant. Thank You Alexandra Bruce, for all you do, to show us this world is not what we have been lead to believe.

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