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Tore Maras alerts us to this website,, which is by, of and for the same Leftists who rioted in 2020 and who are getting ready to do so again, in a big way, as they never really wanted Biden and now, with the war in Gaza, “Genocide Joe has got to go!”

I hate the war in Gaza as much as anyone but these kids have been brainwashed by our entire educational system to want a Communist revolution in America – or really, an end to America, itself. Remember their chant in 2020? “No Trump, no Wall, no USA, at all!” These kids and these “migrants” are being used as a front by NATO and the CIA to help them achieve that end.

Tore says the Mapping Genocide project is being financed by NATO. She implies that she knows this, because she has Cosmic Top Secret Clearance, the highest NATO security clearance there is. She says that the unvetted military-age men who are not in our facial recognition databases are being urged by our homegrown domestic terrorists to “independently” attack these defense contractor facilities that are stockpiled with weapons across the country, because they are supplying armaments for the Gaza genocide.

She says that she’s been in touch with DHS and other law enforcement but she isn’t sure if they aren’t completely captured and in league with these domestic terrorists. However, it is the local police departments that should be paying the closest attention to this movement, because it is they who will become the main targets of these revolutionary forces, according to Mike Adams in a podcast that I published on December 30th of last year, based on information he’d received from sources in law enforcement and Military Intelligence.

Mike said, “You’re going to see organized raids of armed illegals attacking and carrying out mass exterminations of police departments.” They’re going to try to wipe out all of the law enforcement in a given area in order to gain control of it. He describes it as the October 7th Hamas attack times a thousand, happening simultaneously.

Tore says that, if the IPs aren’t being spoofed, it appears to her that much of the organizing for Mapping Genocide is happening in St Paul, the State Capital of Minnesota and the “Twin City” of Minneapolis, which was visited with some of the worst violence and destruction seen during the 2020 riots.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is a proud supporter of Antifa and in June of 2020, George Webb reported that Ellison was instrumental in helping the DNC to orchestrate the 2020 riots, which he described as “feints and demonstrations coming from the real enemy, which is the people who want to replace your police force – and that is NATO and that is the CIA. I can assure you, this is a tried-and-true plan that NATO has used, in conjunction with the CIA for a takeover, city-by-city of all of a country’s police departments,” a tactic that was outlined in a book by Doug Valentine called ‘The Phoenix Program’.

Harry the Greek posted about this at the time on his about NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, head of the One World Order Police State and about the Strong Cities “Global police force” intended to replace our current local police departments.

George Webb said we would know the identities of those involved with this kinetic part of the coup d’état of America if we removed the 22 redactions from the State Department memo that would reveal the identities of the operatives who did the Iran nuclear deal, which would also point to who did Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Haiti, Honduras and Colombia. He said, “Those are going to be the same people who replaced the police departments in those countries with DynCorp – or other contractors, like Blackwater. Mercenary contractors.”

This is a 4-hour video, in which Tore showcases the good, the bad and the ugly of Trump’s Vice Presidential picks but I didn’t have 4 hours to watch it all, especially after the assassination attempt against Trump.

After dealing with all of the Trump assassination attempt information, I returned to Tore’s Telegram channel to find myself blocked (either by her or an admin).

So, I have done a lot to spread Tore’s messages to the world and she’s always complaining about how all the journalists ignore her or

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Alexandra Bruce

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