Alexandra Bruce
March 24, 2014

This episode of the legendary early-1960s American TV series, Rod Serling’s ‘The Twilight Zone’ was brought to my attention by a friend and a subscriber to FKTV, as the strangeness of the fictional plane’s journey portrayed in this episode reminded her of the ever-changing story, re-hashed by the Criminal Mainstream Media, as to the ultimate fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing several days ago, with the plane’s whereabouts still remaining “officially unknown”.

Unfortunately, the half-hour Twilight Zone program was only available on YouTube in 10-minute chunks or less, at these following webpages:

1) Part 1:
2) Part 2:
3) Part 3: (this page)

The explanation that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has simply “disappeared” is something which, according to Veterans Today Senior Editor, Gordon Duff wrote in a recent article, “…is beyond impossible…

“…Modern airliners cannot disappear. They can’t be hijacked or stolen, not without the full involvement of a SOCOM or Special Operations Command with the ability to control news reporting, suppress not just radar but sensor data, so much data that only a very few have a remote idea of how outlandish this story is.”

He goes into some depth into the details of how this is so in this article:

NEO – Flight 370: Another US Conspiracy?

It will be interesting to receive feedback about Duff’s comments from the numerous professional aviators and commercial airline pilots who regularly receive this newsletter!

But for the fans of the “Twighlight Zone”, here is a brief description of this episode:

“The Odyssey of Flight 33” is an episode of The Twilight Zone, which originally premiered in 1961 – before JFK was assassinated and New York City’s international airport was then known as Idlewild.

An unlikely break of the time barrier finds a commercial airliner sent back into the prehistoric age and then to New York City of 1939. The tale is a modern re-telling of the ‘Flying Dutchman’ myth.

The episode takes place on Global Airlines Flight 33, en route from London to New York City. About 50 minutes from Idlewild Airport (now called JFK), Captain Farver and his crew notice that their Boeing 707 is drastically increasing speed, repeatedly crossing some kind of barrier.

With much of their equipment malfunctioning, including radio communications, they eventually realize they have been thrown back in time when they see no signs of civilization but spot a grazing Sauropod Dinosaur.

They increase altitude in an attempt to cross the barrier again and to return to 1961, but arrive above the 1939 New York World’s Fair instead. Realizing that they can’t land all the passengers in 1939 at LaGuardia Airport, and low on fuel, the captain decides to keep trying to return “home” to 1961. “All I ask is that you remain calm”, he informs the passengers over the P.A. system, “…and pray”. This is one of the few episodes using an ending with neither a twist nor a resolution.

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Alexandra Bruce

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