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For months, Clif High’s datasets had been predicting a “media casualty” but he didn’t know if this signified that somebody in the news media would die.

I thought it could be the death of BBC radio news presenter, Lisa Shaw but Clif thinks it was the can of whup-ass that was opened up on CNN’s top medical advisor, Dr Sanjay Gupta by Joe Rogan on his podcast last week and he thinks it signaled the final death blow to the media’s credibility that represents a fulfillment of the web bot forecast.

Clif’s datasets have also been predicting a major emotional release event to occur between October 24th and 28th, that would have an emotional charge of a similar scale to that of the collapse of the US-backed Afghan government to the Taliban last August.

He’s calling it a mass initiation event – and for the Normies, especially. We’re moving out of the Woo and into the Initiation, into the new astrological age.

He says it could even be something along the lines of the public revelation that Michelle Obama is really a transwoman, with the implication being that this was just the tip of the iceberg of fraud around Barack Obama.

He says this October 24th-28th event] will “set the tone” for a dark and weird period, through November and December but then in January or possibly even late December, we’ll get a positive bump and be lifted up for a period during January, even though there will still be atrocities going on all around us.

Clif’s parting words are, “Be good. You’ve got a couple of choices and if you can, be good. It always works out. Morality is strategically and tactically useful – and it is supreme – in Fourth Generation Warfare.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Watched a few of his videos, and thought he had an interesting way of connecting some dots. His prediction regarding the “BIG” media event during the week of October 24th-28th, was a huge non-event. There was no bifurcation of the way people would view the world pre and post 10/24-28. Further, the man did not have the integrity to address his failure in his most recent video, “Woo Up”.

    High has interesting opinions, but he is basically full of shit and needs to work more on his linguistic model.

  • Peculiar Woo lesson on Straw & Hay, then we hear the jews rambling on about getting back an (alleged) stolen famous painting of ‘Rolls of Hay’ from WW2.
    And Stop trying to initiate people to go fight the Chinese when the dust settles on vaccines! There is no room for your continued Battles & Wars in the Coming ‘New Age’ your time was up, its over, it is done!

  • Funny you mention old military / technology documentary shows. I remember getting my friends mom a new TV around 1980 and we were watching the old science show NOVA to try out the TV. They were at MIT and they demonstrated a machine similar to the mass transporter on Star Trek. They could move 90% of a piece of wood from the transmitter to the receiver end and technology has evolved a lot since 1980. I have never heard a peep since then and no word in any searches. Even if we never got to Star Trek level of beaming to a point in space this technology could change the world. Forget these shipping delays at the ports and truckers, just beam product from one shipping dock to the needed location. Cargo ships, trucks, fuel, courier companies all get the paradigm shifted. Just in time production could happen anywhere in the world.

  • Alexandra,

    Cliff reports about “. . . The Powers That Be . . .”
    without naming the “THEY” destroying the

    Atheistic Jews!, from in the Rothschild/Rockefeller/
    Soros Cabal, is T-H-E Power.

    Torah Jews are the Good Guys !

    Atheistic Cabalists removed the Ten Commandments
    from the public square, and forced Savage Pornography
    on the West—to take down Moral/Virtuous Man for
    HEDONISTIC Man’s REPTILIAN ( old brain ) appetites.

    We’re witnessing what had confronted Moses, after
    coming down from the mountain, as his people badly
    behaved . . . and you know the rest of the story. The
    Atheist Jews are those Bad people today.

    Reinstall the Ten Commandments and take down the
    Porn Industry, Alexandra and Ciff ! :


    Minority Poverty Pimps Chant ‘No Justice? No Peace!’

    – – –

    Want Justice?

    Obey The Ten Commandments;

    Work Hard In School;

    Don’t Use Drugs;

    Honor Your Parents;


    Pay Attention To Your Nation’s Political Course

    This scribbler knew which ones of his fellow
    high-school classmates would become thoughtful
    citizens, and which ones would take to the
    streets in adulthood and demand an immoral

    Classmates who behaved, studied and
    participated in school activities grew up to
    become model citizens while those cut-ups,
    smart asses and know-everything thugs
    disrupting class and angering teachers
    are now in and out of bars and marriages
    (if not jails), using drugs, taking welfare,
    and ardently supporting their enabling
    Democrats in Congress (Marxian Jews
    being the architects and driving force in
    the Democrat Party), to champion the
    “poor” and keep them dependent on the
    state, retaining power and position by
    keeping money flowing to deadbeats,
    such as those tens of thousands of
    teen sluts humping their boyfriends (or
    their one-night stands) to pregnancy,
    parenthood, free food, free housing,
    free training, and free medical insurance
    (Sally Jesse Raphael’s March 13th TV
    program featured teen girls who had
    become pregnant by various immoral
    means–such as secretly punching
    holes in condoms to conceive a baby,
    “to love and be loved by,” and while this
    sick socialist government funds their
    “independent” living arrangements).

    Marxian Democrats Chide And Tax The Industrious

    Out Of Their

    Hard-Earned Money

    One of the more twisted slogans Marxian
    Democrats use, for chiding the industrious
    into handing over their hard-earned
    money, is: “No Justice? No Peace!,” which
    helps you — you poor and disgruntled
    minorities — to keep assaulting WHITE
    CIVIL SOCIETY, to acquire more of
    what you want: free money, free food,
    free housing, free day care, free training,
    and free medical insurance (the term
    “disgruntled minorities” includes the
    poor flooding into America from all
    over the world–to get federal cradle-to-
    grave freebies).

    Perceived Injustices Are Of Your Own Making

    What minority poverty pimps perceive as
    injustices are the effects of bad behavior:

    Want justice?–obey your parents

    Want justice?–obey the laws

    Want justice?–obey your teachers

    Want justice?–study history to
    understand the present and predict
    the future

    Want justice?–study hard to
    increase your knowledge

    Want justice?–join and practice
    a religion

    Want justice?–don’t use drugs

    Want justice?–don’t litter your
    mind or environment

    Want justice?–shun bad music,
    TV and movies

    Want justice?–volunteer your help

    Want justice?–avoid extramarital sex

    Want justice?–marry to have children

    Want justice?–don’t have a baby
    you can’t afford to feed, house and
    nurture to healthy maturity

    Want justice?–don’t sneak across
    the border to steal an unearned
    place in America

    Want justice?–stay in your own
    country and work to effect good
    government and good culture there

    Want justice?–don’t demand
    money from the industrious, to pay
    for the bad outcomes of your
    personal weaknesses

    Want justice?–defund the
    Democrat Party, which enables
    your bad behavior and drives
    the nation towards moral and
    cultural ruin

    Want justice?–fight liberals’
    liberalism, which at its core is
    Marxist/socialist/feminism, and
    means to entrenching evil
    socialism and communism

    Want justice?–engage peaceful
    attributes of good citizenship;
    obey the Ten Commandments and
    exercise your civic duties

    But Being Good Is


    Nerdish, Prudish, Uptight And Un-Cool!

    Of course, that sounds so-o-o nerdish,
    prudish, uptight and un-cool to Democrats
    and their minority charges.

    Well, who is suffering and dying from
    drink, drugs, and STDs–and, then,
    screaming for acquisition of an immoral
    “justice,” as if they have no culpability
    for their bad personal/social condition?:

    Unfortunately, the Marxian Jew-run
    government in Washington D.C. wrecks
    giving to you what you demand.

    Would that social conservatives reply:

    “No Virtue? No Justice!”


  • Someone calling himself BDAnon posts on GAB, supposedly an intel glowie. Nothing he says comes true, but for what it’s worth, he has also mentioned the date 24 October.

  • I wonder if it will be that American intel released covid. After China, Iran was hit next, neo-con’s 2 biggest enemies of the week. Or something, any TRUTH on the vaxx or Fauxi. Please Lord wake people up.

  • On GAB, A man named Paul Furber posts remarks by an entity calling himself BDAnon (for Big D*K), supposedly an intel person. BDA has posted a lot, none of which has happened, but he also mentioned the date Oct. 24. For what it’s worth.

      • FYI, Alexandra :

        The second post in your provided link,
        mentioning Israel, is mistaken.

        I’ve a list of Google-linked reports—about
        how that nation has secretly been using
        U.S. technology to build China’s military;
        e.g. :

        U.S. Asks Israel to Cut Ties with China

        I’ll not post more here,
        for fear of being flagged
        by the traitors.

        Simply Google it.



        Vulgar language springs
        from the old (reptilian) part
        of the brain—which growing
        phenomenon in at-large
        society bodes ill for the idea
        “Civility in Grace.”

        Atheist Jews in Hollywood
        had engineered that social
        decadence—Torah Jews,
        such as Rabbi Daniel Lapin,
        had warned about those bad
        Jews shifting of America’s
        MORALITY toward IMMOR-
        ALITY in the 1990s, when
        movies began to introduce
        vulgarities in speech.

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