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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I noticed they took off from spraying the Saturday before Roman Easter Sunday, April 16th & Saturday May 7th, day before Mothers Day.

  • Northern Arizona evergreen corporation sound familiar Chinese central Oklahoma retired Nike missile base this information is over 12 years old So God knows where their poison from now These are not human beings I do not possess the same DNA structure that you or I they have no compassion no caring no love empathy they’ve just look like us we were sold a long time ago think all roads lead to Rome reality is never what we think it is.

  • No end to the darkness of the Rabbit Hole. Indeed call for protection around yourself from your Higher self and believe.

  • So if this is accurate is there not one single pilot involved in this that has a moral compass? A family? Kids they care about or even pets? I don’t understand. How do they recruit these people?

    • no it has been reported that they intentionally hire pilots who have no kids and are typically the yes sir kind of military men , they don’t ask questions they just do as they are told and paid very well above the normal pay scale to do so…..many of them are told they are doing this for the betterment of the planet to counteract the effects of global warming

    • big world full of hurt people who want others to hurt like them,even more ppl who just wanna be apart of something big. its fairly easy to get people to do evil. but trust there are angels walking among you,not just demons

  • I would like to present the words to a song I penned in 2007. It is my Happy Go lucky song about Fascism, “The Fourth Reich Blues”…..Wouldn’t it be funny, Wouldn’t it be strange, if the World were but a mirage, a land of the deranged. Would it but, be silly, would it not be a KICK!!!, if we found our lives so captured, by soulless, heartless, Pricks! They would take from us our land, they would steal from us our homes, they would drag away our children, and not return their bones. Would it be quite dandy, should we have a quaint parade, to march off all the helpless, the Fourth Reich must be paid! So turn in all your weapons, hand over all your wealth, line up for the injections, your cards they have been dealt. They would poison all our water, they would poison all our food, they would purposely wreck the economy, for if you’re poor you will be sued! Or you might decide to wake up! And ignite your smoldering soul, to burn as a fiery Flash pot, that illuminates the whole. For many a coward’s courage, is hidden beneath his fears, if he knows he has been lied to, his obedience turns to Jeers!!! And the names of all the guilty, will be shouted from laptops to phones, by their lies they will be labeled, by their deeds they will be known………..Happy Chemtrails, to You….I hope we’ll meet again…..Happy Chemtrials, to You….I know we shall meet , again…..

  • They seem to like taking selfies or is this some kind of satanic cult?
    Or maybe that’s a blackmail tactic.

  • Thanks for shining a light on this devastating part of our political nightmare. Aluminum destroys the neurology of insects that have been reduced by 70% since this horrible practice began. I notice this year we have fewer swallows who eat the insects. It also is horrible for the forests where the roots of trees burn in forest fires. These people are destroying the environment, and we probably pay for this… Why? Climate change…NO. Maybe it is a “smash and grab” operation–destroy the farmland with drought to buy it up cheap. Vaccines full of aluminum as well to cause our neurological problems.

    • The plan is to kill the Peasants, that would be us! Mind as well make yourself comfortable while they do so. No one is coming to our rescue/stopping them. We don’t even know where they take off or Land to take matters into our own hands.

      • Northern Arizona evergreen corporation sound familiar Chinese central Oklahoma retired Nike missile base this information is over 12 years old So God knows where their poison from now These are not human beings I do not possess the same DNA structure that you or I they have no compassion no caring no love empathy they’ve just look like us we were sold a long time ago think all roads lead to Rome reality is never what we think it is.

        • I doubt “all roads lead to Rome” just another cover story, just like the names Rothchilds, Rockerfeller, Soros…..ect….

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