A Congressional staffer has been accused of filming an amateur gay porn video inside a Senate hearing room.

The staffer had sex with an unknown man in what appears to be a conference room in the Hart Senate Office Building.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I’m probably going to get a lot of hate and I am being a troll but… I dunno getting nailed hard on the senate hearing room would be on my top 10 places to sexually disgrace.
    Goodnight everybody! Tip your servers.

  • Gee, the white house is full of drugs, homosexual anal fcking, blowjobs, fraud, lying…..Time to purge the system of the rats. And what do we do with evil my friends??

  • Disgusting, demonstrative, demoralized, demonic, deplorable, depraved, disillusioned, destructive, devastating, disgusting, death…this needs to be all rid of like minded individuals like this that are corrupting our Republic within!

  • This tragedy is brought to you by the failure of the nations pulpits to teach the full gospel so that hearers understand the nature of our nature and the nature of our Creator, who is an ever-present spirit and not a mortal limited to spatial consignments. And that He has prescribed our best behavior for our own good.

    This Creator “sees” our every step, knows our every thought and our end from before our beginning. So what is done and said in secret is no secret to the very Creator and sustainer of life.

    But the nations pulpits have forgotten, if ever they knew, that their mission is to teach this gospel to the nations, so that those nations do not go off the rails into harmful imaginations about who and what their people think and do to each other and to other nations. Because of their failure, we have also stupid shepherds in the legislature and the judicial branches of government that facilitated over two generations of public schools to teach children that this Creator does not exist, nor if he does, he cannot know or be known!

    Thus belief and faith has been subtly shifted in this generation to Darwinian pantheistic worship of Mother Nature. Nearly everything now must be sacrificed to Mother Nature. It’s right there in front of us every hour of every day! Why can’t we see it?

    There is a price to be paid for compliance and another price to be paid for non-compliance, just as surely as the sun rises in the east. This young male and the other male are now encumbered to pay later for their presumed pleasure they imagine now. Real physical, emotional and spiritual payment. I write from many decades of observation and knowledge, that if I were to tell you here Alexandria would never publish it and if she did she would bring down the wrath of hell’s missionaries against her.

    • I judge them by their response to covidiocy. Only 3 countries in the world went against the grain, and each had their leaders killed and replaced with compliant ones. So finding another country that’s better does in fact seem hard to do these days.

      Arizona is not another country but is consistently rated with the best gun laws in the nation, and I never wore a mask even once. I did get kicked out of a couple places but those places actually did me a favor by forcing me to find better, cheaper places to shop.

      • True.

        I just randomly happened to have come to this place a few yrs before C19 scam, and I see bout 99% of population being sheep, which almost made me regret my choice.
        However, I could still rant around and get away from these idiots without having much problem (except, having arguments with sheep on daily basis), neither did I lose my job.

        So I’m guessing that no matter where we are, as long as we stand firm, we’ll be still fine.

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