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The singularity of officialdom’s narrative collapse is here, censorship is off the charts and Clif High says that we’ve now entered a period of increased novelty (aka “events”) that won’t trail off until sometime in February.


Clif says that Evergrande is now defunct and owned by the CCP, indicating that the Powers-that-Be are no longer able to maintain the Petrodollar financial system that has ruled the world during our lifetimes.

He says, “The US dollar died with the Evergrande. The willingness of the CCP to take the US dollar was the last thing that was propping-up the Petrodollar. The Evergrande dying off means that they can no longer afford to take worthless dollars for anything they do… 

“The ability of the central banks to control things is gone now,” and the central banks will not be able to survive this bond crisis, because the deflationary trend is juxtaposed against an organic hyperinflationary trend.

He explains that we’re in now a deflationary environment, driven on the one hand by the restructuring of Evergrande by the CCP and on the other hand by the escalation of the vaxxine die-off.

He notes that the die-off is neither ubiquitous nor uniform and that certain geographic areas, such as those surrounding Silicon Valley are being spared, while other areas are seeing two and a half times as many people dying per month as during this time last year, many of them elderly because they were the ones vaxxed first.

“The die-off is moving up. This is deflationary. All of those people that are dying are not sucking up resources anymore; they’re not competing for resources, so there’s no pressure on prices relative to them…

“Deflation, basically in a financial system means there’s weakening demand and a consequence of that is falling prices. The central bankers can’t have deflation.”

He describes how when faced with a similar scare in 1932-1933, Roosevelt consulted with the central bankers in London and proceeded to seize the gold from American citizens.

He explains how hyperinflation is a function of resource deprivation and how hyperinflation in prices can come about from either the hyperinflation of the currency, which reduces its purchasing power; or it can come from too many people rushing at a limited-supply item and bidding up the price, which may partially explain Joe Biden’s deliberate destruction of US energy independence and his deliberate collapse of the supply chain.


“They wanted to have a war, they wanted to kill off billions of humans, in order that they could get us into this Great Reset that monster, Klaus Schwab says that ‘You will own nothing and you will be happy.’ They wanted all of this. This was necessary.

“They didn’t get their war. Trump and the Self-Organizing Collective f*ed them over and they didn’t get their war. Hillary Clinton was not allowed to destroy Seattle, she wasn’t allowed to destroy Austin with nuclear weapons and claim it was the North Koreans at the behest of the Chinese and that ‘we lost the war’.

“They weren’t able to do that. Obama didn’t get to take our guns, so all of their plans are really getting f*ed-up and now, they have to deal with stuff that had been set in motion when they were certain that Hillary Clinton could not lose.

“So Evergrande’s current situation originates from Obama’s time…and it built up a giant mass of financial instruments that were supposed to be used by the Chinese to seize most of Australia and seize other parts of other countries in a giant bond debacle – not the bond debacle that we’ve got now – but a different kind that would be relative to the created hyperinflation that they knew that they would be able to engineer after Hillary had destroyed a couple of cities in the United States, after Obama had seized all the guns and the CCP could say they ‘won the war against the United States’ and our Constitution was no longer valid and that we had to live under their rules and they would have just come on in and invaded.

“We’d be just like Australia. We’d have no guns to repel them. It would be a terrible situation. But that didn’t happen. Universe doesn’t want that sh*t to go down, in spite of the fact that the CCP does not grasp this and the Globalists don’t grasp this…


“The Evergrande bond debacle that the CCP is in now is different from what they had anticipated. In the one that they’d anticipated, those people that had taken currencies – loans, in essence – would be seized; they’d have all their properties seized. As the…borrower failed, the lender would seize the assets.

“Now, we have a situation where the lenders’ bonds are not being able to be paid. So all the investors outside of China are f*ed. CCP is simply not going to pay them…

“They’ve already been hardening China, in restricting access and bringing their people home over the last 4 months, 5 months, in a very accelerated fashion, that tells people like myself that they knew this day was coming and they needed to harden things up, because they’re literally going to use force – navies, armies, etc. – to say, ‘F* you. We default,’ to all the foreign investors that had pumped-up the Evergrande.

“This is going to have some consequences that are going to be very far-reaching. Some nations may decide to send warships to China, because they’re so desperate to seize assets from China, once the bonds default.

“But now, the CCP will not be able to seize the farmlands and the lands of Australia. If they want it, they’ll have to invade it, because they won’t have any legal claim to it, as they would have in this other scheme…


“And so the deflation here is going to prompt the remaining central banks; the Chinese central bank, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of London, the Vatican Bank…all of these banks are going to have to pump for hyperinflation like you would not believe, because of the amount of deflation that we’re going to get from the Evergrande debacle.”

And all of this hit the cryptocurrency market, causing them to drop relative the US dollar price notation.

“So the message from the deflationary event that we’ve got going on now is that we’re moving into a world of solid, hard currency. In a solid, hard currency world, everything changes.”

For example, he says that in a solid, hard currency world, you would have to give gold or silver to people to get an airplane go pick up people in Haiti to take them to our Southern Border so that they could sneak over and invade the US, because these pilots will no longer do that for US dollars. So this kind of activity will no longer be happening.

“So many people and institutions will not be taking Chinese currency or US currency…[that] those countries that have resources will be able to grab those resources and say, ‘F* you!’ to China and their quasi-legal claims, through the phony bond markets.

“This is also going to hit the derivatives, it’s going to crash banks, it’ll hit real estate globally, massive deflation in real estate globally, as a result of this, pockets of hyperinflation as the currency goes thrashing around, here and there, in response to what’s going on, both the die-off and the machinations of the CCP and the other central banks, trying to create more hyperinflation, because that’s all they’ve got.

“If they can’t kill us off in a war and then reset the economy as a result of that, then we’re all looking at them, as the purchasing power of the dollar drops, as the purchasing power of the yuan – of all currencies – drops to nothing, we’re all looking at the central bank, saying ‘OK, F*ers, you better open up that vault and give me some of that gold, or we’re going to come and take it!’


“Basically, over the course of the next few years, this right here [Evergrande and vaxx die-off] is the end of the financial system. It’s the end of the Globalists…

“They’re going to do everything they can to repair this situation…It won’t work…This is usually the time that we get into the wars.

“1932-1933, note what was happening in Germany, as the bond crisis swept through the globe and caused this depression situation to go on. Germany was in the position of Australia. Germany had owed debts that were put on them by being the loser of the war.

“That would have happened to the United States. We would have had ‘reparations’ that we would have had to pay to China for some ‘sin’ that we’d done to them.

“Now, it’s reversed…China – the CCP – is going to have to pay reparations all over the globe for the bioweapons they’re releasing and all of this. They won’t do it. There will be hard wars, as a result of this – brief, because the CCP’s very brittle.

“1933, the bonds crashing globally basically created the social chaos that propelled the Brownshirts and Hitler into power – as was designed into the process.

“Now, we’ve got something that isn’t designed into the process. They actually had a different plan for the Evergrande bonds. They had the 1933 plan for the Evergrande bonds.

“Australia, at this point, there was supposed to be a crash in the money after the war and Australia, the US, etc. would owe vast quantities of money to the CCP, which we would not be able to pay and the CCP would come and take property, buildings, land, etc., in lieu of this debt that we owed them, theoretically.

“And so, now we don’t have that. Now, instead, we have the Evergrande deflation. So, the bonds are going to deflate, they’re worthless now – pennies on the dollar, if that. So valuations are going to fall, because who knows what any of this property is worth if there’s no bidders for it.

“It’s going to roil the Forex market, all kids of chaos in the inter-fiat interchange system. It will, for a brief period of time cause the same kind of frothiness in cryptos and then, as they start pumping out the hyperinflation – which…maybe they’ll ramp it up 30 days from now, maybe it’ll take 60 but I don’t think it’ll take 90 – I don’t think we’ll go 3 months without the hyperinflation being deliberately pumped out as fast as they can…

“They did not work their Plandemic plan absent the war. The Plandemic was supposed to come after we had been involved in the war, as part of that process. And then, they expanded that plan when they didn’t get their war…because, bear in mind, in 1918 [during the Spanish Flu pandemic], we’d been through World War I. And so, we had conditions then that allowed the pandemic to go through and destroy everything, to the point where we got to 1933 and the hyperinflationary event, as a result of their brush with deflation.

“Now, we don’t have a war as a prelude to the pandemic, we just got into the pandemic and then, they had to go batsh*t with it. It exposed them. The Self-Organizing Collective engineered much of this and allowed Nature to take the rest, so to speak and we’re at that point now, where we’re going to see the ‘Rumors of Woo’ – we’re going to see the rumors come up out of the Woo and these rumors are going to dominate us from this point, all the way through, probably all the way through next year and the year after…

“And unlike the 1932-’33 episode of bond default and the hyperinflation thing, here, we have the internet – so long as it lasts – and so, we’ll have some level of communication about it all and people will be able to watch it happen in realtime…


“Foreign investors globally will be really screwed as the knock-on on Evergrande starts falling off, because Evergrande is going to pollute all kinds of bonds and derivatives, everywhere and so the roll-on will be going for weeks, as various companies react to sudden changes in their bond status and so on, because a lot of them use bonds as a storage vehicle for money they accumulate along in time and if the bonds go belly-up, then when they go to the banks, they’re not worth as much as they used to, so they can’t get loans, that sort of thing.

“Also, the loans, the money they get isn’t worth much. This will affect cryptos positively, it likely will do so before the end of the month but there’s going to be a lot of roiling in that market, as we go forward.

“This is going to seriously impact the Catholic Church – Vatican…

“This is a period of time, as a result of this, we’ll get into the next 60-to-90 days, so maybe February, first part of March, we’ll get into a period where the government employees’ paychecks just don’t buy anything and they’ll start walking off.

“We’re going to see the breakdown of the university system. A lot of them are holding supposed value in bonds and paper assets that are going to die off as a result of the deflationary, the [vaxx] die-off, the Evergrande.

“Bear in mind, a lot of the older people that have been killed-off by the vaxx were investors. They had retirement money that they kept rolling over in bonds and that sort of thing. So, even…that aspect of the die-off is impacting the financial system and exacerbating the problem with Evergrande.

“There’s going to be fewer people trying to buy the worthless bonds. That includes the university system. They’re not going to be able to be buying anymore…

“So take what steps you may at this point, ahead of the events that are going to be hitting us as a result of the CCP taking over Evergrande, because the CCP is not going to pay the bonds.

“They’re going to make the people inside the country whole, in the sense that they may slack off and not demand as much money out of them but they’re certainly not going to pay any of the foreign investors and this will lead to some ugly stuff, basically.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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    • Might be hard to find this but it could come in handy as chaga is very high in oxalates the stuff of my nightmares with kidney stones. I gave up spinach ,sweet potatoes and chocolate, drink a shot of grapefruit juice first thing in the AM and avoided the ER for 10 years now. The medical establishment offers no treatment for kidney stones they have no incentive to cure you of it.

    • I think it is. Officially, it’s about the Uyghurs but the USG and corporations like Apple never cared about the Uyghurs before.

  • Bitcoin crypto is circling the drain it was a CCP criminal money raising scam . Evergrande was a CCP money laundering operation and CCP kept it. All the derivative stuff is going under it’s not real money it was used to buy land, companies and other assets. The white collar looter class banksters, insurance companies and hedge funds all of it is imploding it has to end to bring in the new system. Of course they want to take us down with them, nearly 80% of all fortune 500 companies stock are owned by 3 top tier hedge funds. This will hurt for people who have been helping the dark side for a living. The social security, pension and retirement system are one of the biggest real reasons why they wanted to kill us off. They have skimmed off most of it and don’t want to honor the social contract . It’s not that they didn’t have the money to payout they were willing to cough up $150T if we would allow them continue with their plans. Kim’s restoration plan will give us something we have not seen in our lifetimes an honest financial system where we do not have to prey on each other to make a living and use our money to fund wars to make powerful people rich, Hopefully we can unlearn the rules of the old system and live in peace and share the world. Cliff’s F’ bomb dystopian fear porn of us sliding down the path to ruin leaves out GOD’s plan to revive us, pick a side and may GOD help us all. If you can only find GOD with drugs maybe you need a better travel guide.

  • If you don’t hear from me again you must assume the evil part of the British security service has detained me or killed me ,or both . My many freinds have been informed of today’s developments,a phone call from the security services ,check my old posts for my dry style and truthfullnrss,they may decide to kill me off and then carry on my email account,god will tell you if it’s a bot. So proud to have the strength through live love to be brave….eleven years of medical and welfare neglect. Tell my kids and freinds not to fear. Time and death is not what they yell you it is . Thank you spirit world for the garnet medallion,given to me in a mad dream five minutes before the phone call. Thank you Alexander and freinds fir love,hard work and truth.
    Fear God only and don’t be divisive to all. Godbkess us all.

  • Excellent chalk-talk; more than econ 101, but international economics, and monetary econ, without all the indifference curves and output and pareto charts, spoken in the vernacular.

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