This is a mashup of the secret history of Robert De Niro, who has hob-nobbed with all of the major Hollywood pedophiles, including Roman Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, Peter Nygård and P Diddy and some of the unfortunate statements he made in front of New York courthouse, outside Trump’s “Hush Money” trial on Tuesday.
It is not well-known that in February 1998, De Niro was held for questioning by French police in connection with an international prostitution ring. De Niro denied any involvement, and later filed a complaint against the examining magistrate for “violation of secrecy in an investigation”. He stated he would not return to France, but has since traveled there several times including for the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.
Independent journalist, Liz Crokin knows all about this and she unleashed on him on Tuesday, after De Niro made a complete ass of himself in front of the courthouse, screaming about Trump and about how he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign.
Liz Crokin tweeted:
Robert De Niro attacked President Trump outside of his trial today while throwing his support behind Trafficker-in-Chief Joe Biden, and got blasted by dozens of Trump supporters calling him a pedophile, trash and a traitor!
“You’re a pedophile — you touch kids,” one Trump supporter shouted. De Niro called Trump a “tyrant” and claims if he gets back into office, he’ll never leave. De Niro knows it’s game over for him and his criminal pizza pals if Trump wins, here’s why:
As I have reported multiple times in the past, in 1988 French authorities arrested De Niro at the Bristol Hotel in Paris and held him for questioning in connection with an international prostitution ring that involved minors.
De Niro was detained on a warrant by Judge Frederic N’Guyen, who had been investigating the prostitution ring since October 1996, according to reports. De Niro’s lawyers denied his involvement in the ring. No charges were filed against him, and the story was covered up!
The case uncovered the brutal methods used to snare young women — some as young as 15-years-old — into a call-girl agency specializing in wealthy, high-profile clients.
Six people were charged with running the international prostitution ring. The agency was known for tricking, or trapping, starstruck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.
The girls were reportedly pressured into prostitution. If they refused, they were blackmailed with a threat that risqué photographs of them would be sent to their families. In some cases, they were simply abducted, according to an investigator’s report from the case.
In 1977, Roman Polanski allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl. After that alleged sexual assault, he met with De Niro later that same day.
Also, De Niro has a long history and close relationship with Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein produced several movies starring De Niro such as Jackie Brown and Silver Linings Playbook.
De Niro also owns The Tribeca Grill, a restaurant in Manhattan that Weinstein used as a spot where he lured in his sexual abuse victims, and he also allegedly terrorized the waitstaff there and acted like a pig!
In 2017 when rape allegations poured out against Weinstein, De Niro remained silent. However, he did express many foul-mouthed opinions publicly about President Trump.
At the 2017 Annual Hudson River Park Gala, where he was honored with a namesake park bench, De Niro said in his speech: “Fuck you, Donald Trump!”
De Niro protected his sexual predator pal Weinstein for years while slamming Trump.
Also, the painting featuring Bill Clinton in a blue dress and red heels — a piece by Australian-American artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid — was presented at the 2012 star-studded Tribeca Ball. That event honored De Niro. The painting ended up in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan home — where he sexually abused and trafficked women and minors — and was used as a place to run surveillance for blackmail operations.
De Zero is at best, an enabler who has protected his elite sex predator and pedophile pals. He continues to attack Trump who has done more to combat child sex trafficking than any president in history.
Receipts below.We knew the day would come when these people wouldn’t be able to walk down the street.
Here’s my message for De Zero: GO FOCK YOURSELF!
Segment on CBS This Morning Saturday
Narrator: His double life was a not-so-closely held secret for decades. In a recent interview for an Israeli documentary, Milchan confirmed what had been rumored for years. He was working for Israel’s top spy agency all along.
Meir Doron spent months interviewing Arnon Milchan for a book he co-wrote two years ago about the producer’s secret life.
Meir Doron: He basically told us about secretive operations that he did for the State of Israel, especially in order to get material, information, equipment for the Israeli nuclear program.
Narrator: In 2000, Milchan told 60 Minutes how he used dozens of his companies around the world to facilitate sales of hundreds of millions of dollars of missiles and other weapons to Israel. And he flat-out denied working for the Israeli government.
Arnon Milchan: Was I a spy? No, I was not a spy.
Narrator: Milchan now says he was integral to developing Israel’s nuclear program.
Arnon Milchan: “One thing I regret is not paying enough attention to the image of me I created. Do you know to what extent I’ve risked my life for the country time and time again? And in Hollywood, they keep on saying ‘arms dealer’ after more than 150 films. F**k them. I did it for my country and I’m proud of it.
Narrator: You know that the years that you were doing ‘King of Comedy’ and ‘Once Upon a Time in America’ were perhaps the most dramatic years for him in that respect.
Robert DeNiro: Yes, yes. I did ask him once. We spoke about something and he told me that he was an Israeli and that he, of course, would do these things for his country. There’s something with the little, the things that trigger a nuclear thing. I remember at some point, I had asked Arnon about that, being friends. I was curious, but not in an accusatory way. I just wanted to know. And he said, “Yeah, I’m Israeli. That’s my country.”
Meir Doron: Israel basically built all their centrifuges to enrich uranium based on information that Milchan collected for them.
Reporter: So this information that the Israeli government used to build these nuclear centrifuges was obtained from his spying? Yes, absolutely, directly.
Outside courthouse
And elections? Forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave. What does that mean? Is that the country we want to live in? Do we want him running this country and saying, “I’m not leaving, I’m dictator for life?”
I hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. This is not a threat. This is a reality. And that’s why I’ve joined the Biden-Harris Campaign. Because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for President.
Really! We don’t have a choice! On January 6th, while Republican lawmakers despicably tried to keep the loser Trump, the loser Trump – if he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave. What does that mean?
You are gangsters. You are gangsters. You are a mob. You are a mob. You are a mob. You’re a little punk. You’re a softie. You’re a nobody. Your movie sucks. You’re trash. You’re trash. You’re dung. You’re dung. I got you. F@ck you. F@ck you. You touch kids. You touch kids. You loser. F@ck you. Etc, etc, etc.
ed sez,
Study Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s Warning :
See Jeff Rense (( at Rense Dot Com )), re Rabbi
Daniel Lapin’s Unprecedented Truth-Telling—
about his Liberal/Libertine Brethren’s Immoral
Destruction of America, via Hollywood :