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‘Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets’ is a well-produced documentary based on the research of ‘Clinton Cash’ author, Peter Schweizer for his latest book, ‘Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.’

Schweizer narrates the largely untold story of how Joe Biden enriched his family by using his influence as Vice President to help them make lucrative deals with Communist China, including the Chinese military.

Joe Biden’s two brothers, his sister and his son had all been landing sweet insider business deals as consultants, contractors and lobbyists for much of Joe’s 35-year tenure as Delaware Senator before he ascended to the Vice Presidency in 2009. Afterwards, they kicked it up several notches.

Similarly to how Hunter Biden landed a $1,000,000 per year job on the board of Burisma when his father was made the point man in Ukraine and despite the fact that he had virtually no business experience, let alone in Ukraine or in the gas industry, Hunter landed a one billion dollar deal with the Chinese government 10 days after he joined his father on a state visit to that country.

Peter narrates, “Hunter and his Chinese partners established a private investment fund they would call Bohai Harvest. The Chinese government provided the money, Hunter was given a seat on the Bohai Harvest board of directors and a 10 equity stake in the new company.

“Devin Archer, his business partner was appointed Vice Chairman the new firm enjoyed an unusual and special status in China, operating through the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. No other investment fund in the world had a deal like Biden’s firm, not UBS, not Goldman-Sachs, not Morgan Stanley, no one.

“In short, the son of the Vice President of the United States, with little investment experience, no experience in China got a deal in the People’s Republic of China that no one else had and he got that deal shortly after his father was appointed point person on US policy towards China.

“But this isn’t just another story about a politician’s kid getting rich. Hunter’s new firm, Bohai Harvest began making investment deals around the world that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese government – and that’s what makes this deal so troubling.

“That’s a bold thing to say but it’s true. This new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese military.

“In 2015, Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with the Chinese military contractor, AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) to buy American parts manufacturer, Henniges.

“Henniges’s technology is considered dual-use, meaning it can be used for commercial and military purposes. Deals like these require approval of the highest levels of the Federal Government.

“Hunter Biden’s partner in the Henniges deal, the Chinese aviation giant, AVIC was notorious for its history of stealing us military technologies to build their own fighter jets and drones but in September 2015, AVIC bought 51% of Henniges and Hunter Biden’s Bohai Harvest bought the other 49% – and yes, the Obama Administration did indeed approve it.”

There’s a LOT more! Don’t miss this important film!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Sorry just wanted to clarify USA is different to these other super powers. There’s been a lot of world government meddling but the USA is special.

  • Its like this…world government creates super powers. USSR, USA, PRC, EU these are pittted against each other. End game, world super state, the new Roman Empire. Then global purification of elements no longer needed because it’s achieved its goal. Is this a fair assessment?

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