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One of the Central Bank Digital Control (CBDC) patents for all WHO COVID-19 vaccines – control and experimentation platform. October 2021.

Patents that prove medical devices are inside of these inoculations, some sort of an injectible computing system…

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • that’s the only truth here: GOD WINS, ALWAYS, BECAUSE NOBODY and NOTHING, in particular the QD’s Kingston tries to portrait as ‘replacement’…(!) is ever bigger and MORE POWERFUL than HE IS!!!! It is pity that non-scientist Kingston tries to explain stuff, which she can’t. And it is a tragedy that all scientsists which know exactly what is going on, are silent!

    • Most I agree with you, except you may want to review about you beliefs.
      It’s been revealed these days that advanced civilizations likely had existed since almost 10k B.C. or even before, and destroyed by nuke explosion likely by aliens.
      Possibly it has happened repeatedly while we are being trapped here.
      Focus on spiritual matter that we may escape from this place is that we won’t have to be reincarnated here.

  • And the majority of people are extremely slowly (sort of) waking up by saying “I’m not anti vaxxer but there may be possibility that those vaccines don’t work as expected”.
    By the time they finally accept a half of truth, already too late for them to undo the damage done to themselves.

    Does this sound similar to Elon’s Neuralink?
    You bet (but bunches of confusing stuff written on their website almost as to hide its true purpose?).
    Neuralink is supposedly a visible chip that needs to be implanted in brain, which may lead people to think that it’s impossible to put such technology into smaller size.
    But is it?

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