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Karen Kingston joins Stew Peters to discuss revelations of fraud at a research company contracted to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trial and how the FDA stepped in to conceal the high frequency of adverse reactions by removing these patients from the vaccine data.

Kingston says this is criminal. “This is conspiring to commit aggravated assault against minors and adults in America. There’s no gray area, anymore.”

On November 2nd, the British Medical Journal put out a report in which they announced that a whistleblower named Brooke Jackson, who works for the contract research organization, Ventavia had come forward to say that during one Pfizer trial of 1,000 vaccinated patients, nearly half were coached to alter the descriptions of their adverse events in their test diaries after 407 came down with COVID-19, versus 287 in the placebo group, which Karen describes as “A serious adverse event.”

“They came down with it, Stew within a week of their first or second dose and they define COVID-19 as not just the mild or moderate symptoms, they define it as severe liver, kidney and neurological disorders, they define it as death and ICU admissions. 

“So there could have been 407 people who experienced any one of those from the injections and they never reported it! And in the FDA document, they specifically say this could be attributed to the vaccines – reactogenicity from the vaccines…The side effects of the vaccines overlap directly with COVID-19.”

One wonders if this study’s sample is representative and whether 41% of all vaccinated people in the US might be similarly affected and that this, too is not being reported?

Stew asks, “When we know people who have been inoculated and we don’t see them experiencing adverse events (intended consequences), side effects, injury, death, paralysis, Guillain-Barré, feeding tubes, what do we to assume is going on with these people?”

“They didn’t get the 30 micrograms of the mRNA,” she replies. “They got, maybe a placebo, they maybe got 10 micrograms of mRNA. That would be a reasonable hypothesis to develop.”

She says it’s really important to note that, “On January 27th of last year, Secretary Azar from HHS said that because of confirmed cases in the United States, COVID was a ‘Public Health Crisis’ and a threat to National Security.

“We didn’t have a test, Stew in January of last year. We didn’t have one in February, we didn’t have on in March. So that Declaration, in and of itself is an issue, because it’s based on ‘confirmed tests’.

“Now, they’ve changed it. The last Declaration on October 18th, says it’s based on ‘COVID-19’.

“Here’s the problem with that. Regarding the last study from the CDC, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, they show that of people in the hospital with COVID-19, only 5%-10% test positive for SARS-CoV-2 or the Delta Variant.

“That data also shows if you have a PCR test and it has over a 90% failure rate in diagnosing people who are so symptomatic, they’re hospitalized, there’s no attribution. There never was attribution between the virus and COVID-19!

“And now, Secretary Becerra has said, ‘COVID-19 is the cause of the public health emergency and threat to National Security’…

“The virus, apparently, is humans. Because, if you’re alive, you’re ‘at risk’ of infecting other people or of dying from COVID-19.

“The whole thing has been nothing but a PSYOP and if you look at the data, it clearly shows that.

“If you have over a 90% failure rate from a PCR test, there’s no correlation between the virus and COVID-19 and if you can have COVID-19 and be in the hospital dying from respiratory or heart failure or you can be a perfectly healthy 17 year old teenage boy who can run a 6-minute mile, what does that tell you about COVID-19, Stew?”

“OK,” he says, “If the whole thing is a PSYOP, the PSYOP, then you’re suggesting was intended to bring in the bioweapon, which is these shots. right?”

“That’s right. The whole thing is a PSYOP, because what they’re saying is COVID-19 is a threat to National Security. Well, here’s my question: There’s a vaccine mandate, you had people on this week talking about it. If the vaccine mandate is going to make 200,000 thousand enlisted men and women resign and and another 176,000 Reserve or who are contractors resign, so we lose almost 400,000 people in our military, is COVID-19 a threat to National Security or is it our government making a mandate?

“If there’s a mandate for everyone who’s employed in the United States (over 100 employees) and we’re going to lose 84 million more jobs to an already crippled economy, does that make COVID-19 the threat to National Security or does that make the Government, who’s making a mandate, we’re going to lose 84,000,000 jobs – the threat to National Security?”

Stew asks her what she makes of Trump not coming out and warning people that the vaxx is dangerous.

“The whole thing is an act of war. Everything that’s going on with COVID-19 has been an act of war against the American People, including the theft of the election. Those who are in power now were not put in power by the American People, they were put in power by a enemy state. That is what’s going on right now.

“In regards to President Trump, should he come forward and say the vaccines are dangerous? Well, if you take this from behavioral and psychological warfare, based on history, it doesn’t look like that would achieve anything.

“The American People need to come forward and say this, Stew, that’s my point. We need to fight to win. It’s not up to Trump to save this country. It’s up to us to save the country.”

“That, I agree with 100%,” Stew says, “However, psychologically, he does hold sway over at least a hundred million people in this country and others around the world. So his acknowledgement would have an impact, in my opinion.”

“I had thought about that, as well, but these people, are they psychologically strong enough to then, when Trump’s attacked by the media and they’re saying, ‘No, there is no evidence that these vaccines are dangerous,’ because they’re sticking to their lie, OK, they’re sticking to their lie.

“Are they going to rally and fight behind Trump and fight for America? We need to show up and start fighting and fighting to win before we start expecting someone to come in and quote, unquote save us.”

“I agree. Nobody’s going do that. We need to step up and do this, ourselves and facing the truth, oftentimes is not very comfortable and trusting in the people you previously thought you could trust in.

“You may find, when using your discernment and actually looking at the truth and facts for what they are, you may find that those people are not as trustworthy as you once thought that they were. Matt Gaetz, perfect example. Marjorie Taylor Greene, another example. I’ll never apologize for holding these people accountable. They have deceived, they have pulled the wool over the eyes of people who previously celebrated them as prolific fighters and indeed, they are not.”

The Vaxx Kills.

Stop the #CLOTSHOT!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • There is a difference between adverse reactions and adverse events. Just like legal-ease we have medical-ease. They call certain EFFECTS of vx events and certain effects REACTIONS so that minimizes the numbers.

  • I think Donald Trump is one of them ..Sorry you cannot trust the Rich..A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHES. THINK ABOUT IT….ONLY GOD CAN SAVE YOU….

  • I also wonder why Trump has not spoken about the adverse issues with the clot shot. I support Trump, but this is a big question I have and no he is not afraid of being attacked by the media. So why has he not spoken up? I find it very strange. He is not stupid, so it is not like he is in the dark with this issue. All he has said is get your shot, but you have your freedoms. It’s like he tip toes around the issue. WHY? Also, why did Ivanka have to video herself getting the jab early on? Cringeworthy.

  • Greetings Stew Peters,
    As you probably know, this whole Pandemic is brilliantly designed to bring in the Bankster’s (who financed the vaccines development) RESET to end the USD and world dominance and the “woman’s offspring hiding place in the wilderness,” away from the Dragon’s reach (Rev. 12: 1-6).

    The Evil One and his children, namely Democrats, Rhino’s, Talmudic Semites, Monarch’s (Elisabeth), and many Dispensationalist’s who in essence worship the Jewish belief of C.I. Scofield that (mid 1800’s) taught in his Scofield Bible the Judahized belief of God reverting His favor back to Israel as His End Time People (the Church only being a parenthesis (a strongly avowed belief of Talmudic and Zionist Jews) + with the following of Evangelical Christians creating a very large following of apathetic minds!

    Conclusion: Barring an intervention of God Himself, all evidence/discernment of our time indicates we are in the “last of days,”
    in which the 900 year old prophecy of St Malachy says this present Pope will “usher in the Anti-Christ,” which makes Francis the “False Prophet.”
    All church people should be strongly warned that “…without holiness no man shall see the Lord!” (Heb 12: 14).
    Best Regards,
    James Palmer

  • Well Alexandra, I’m with Stew on this issue. Trump holds sway and his speaking out on the clot-shot would give people the impetus, worldwide, to stand and fight. But it’s absurd to think that Trump would go against his handlers. He’s PLAINLY in cahoots with the bad guys, whether he started out that way or not.

  • Kingston turned herself into Gumby trying to defend Trump’s silence. Peters is correct, tinyhands holds some degree of sway over 100 million Americans, and is oddly silent, particularly considering his views in the first 6 months of this asylum mind.
    Just another delusion perpetuating us n them. Policy, not partisanship is why citizens should be measuring and voting. Celebrity worship and rabid partisanship is a very steep and icey slope.

  • Hear of Iran having poison shot mandate with sinovac or some Iranian injection, and hearing adverse effect similarly.
    This means that they, the f*cking globalists are playing this game without country border and politicians act differently while shifting the focus from real issue.
    All nations need to come together and rid of the evil plotters in disguise.

  • Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Investigative Committee proved long ago that the so called COVID 19 is nothing more than the common influenza. The vaccine is causing all the issues now

    • Add going on two years world wide recovery at 99.7% and one must consider just how ruthlessly ‘they’ have kept their thumb on the fear button.

    • Your exactly correct. NO government world wide has been able to present medical papers proving COVID 19 has been isolated as a totally independent virus.
      It’s an aggressive form of influenza.

  • We are blessed in these days with proffesionals like Karen . In the UK SAGE documents and minutes from meetings are emerging and the FACTUALevidence for the International Criminal Court is stacking up all over. There is a clear agenda,involving UN troops as peace keepers . Indian security services are obviously very aware that their citizens have been attacked by a bio weapon. Numerically and geopolitically China is a dangerous enemy for Indian and the Indians understand what’s happened . It is really important than we as human beings do not give in to the divide and rule polarisation of vaxxed versus unvaxed.
    Spiritually our situation has not change at all. It is our duty to love our neighbors as ourselves . While many unvaxxed may want to isolate and go back to the woods , in fact,the opposite is true. We need to stand our ground together. Being unvaxed and healthy is no greater destiny,it just means we have to share equally the sufferings and physical and spiritual trauma of the vaxxed. Hopefully human spirit will be able to provide medications.and treatments to heal.
    The sad demonic expression of this poison tech was recently demonstrated at the rap concert. Graphene is suspected as the resonance agent . It’s response to frequency ,from the audio to radio frequency.clearly shows that the audience were exposed to sonic attack via graphene resonance . The posions can be removed. Because graphene can be moved and manipulated in the body it means it can be removed electromagnetically. This pox poison situation IS NOT terminal and permanently disabilitating for the vast majority.
    Keep in love and hope ,and thanks for your hard work on Forbidden Knowledge tv.
    We stand together,anything else is evil. Heaven bless us all .
    The Chinese vaccine does not contain mRNA and that is telling.What about Russia? Is their Sputnik an mRNA vaccine?
    Fatalism and negativity is dangerous at the moment and is just what these evil people want. It’s very likely the effects of the vaccine are completely reversible,after all demonic scientists are morally and intellectually inferior. It’s much easier to cheat and lie and deceive so these behaviours are a reflection of a sub human intellect and logic.As such they can be overcome by superior thinking and divine inspiration.

  • the soulless minions outnumber us so any governmental system will eventually fall into their hands. all efforts to reason with them or expect anything less than total war is futile. a bloodbath will only make them happy because they care not about the loss of life only to collect our souls as tribute. do we need a savior? yes, HE is here with us , do not look to man. we do need leaders incorruptible ones with the hand of GOD on them but I feel we are being tested in our faith by this separation from untrustworthy man by the example of that POS trump. we are here in the endtime to help with the earths transition to our destiny in a higher dimension. do not be fearful for as bad as it may seem we are the lucky ones.

    • First of all ..we greatly out number these people,they are the few that wish to cull our numbers because they fear us,never tell believe it tell any thing different because that is the truth🤨the separation and isolation was to keep us from planning🤪 I read your statements and I wonder about you sir🤸

  • While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!


  • Trump was great, are we supposed to make him great again? Commies effed him and us so I have been saying for almost 2 years, TRUMP IS NOT GOING TO SAVE US, WE WILL HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES, and I will not wait for Jesus to save me the same. Wake the fuck up people or depop!!!

    • ABOUT THE VAX AND TRUMP……The reality is that JFKjr/Juan and Trump are a tag team. Trump wears the real mask hiding who he really is… playing a part to garner the vote and acting like he backs the vaccine while Juan is staunchly speaking out against vaccines and telling the Patriots what’s really happening in parables while being physically masked.
      You could best think about this by saying that Juan wearing a mask can speak the truth and Trump without a mask has to falsely back the vax and take other positions in order to appear palatable to the portion of the Republican party that believes in old science of the “virus” and the “vaccine”. When talking about Trump and his stance on the vaccine know this…. In taking on the deep state/Luciferian alliance the white hats had to jump in a river that was flowing in one mainstream direction… and endeavor over time to bend the river in a completely different more positive direction. But their problem is and was that people would rebel against them if they came forward with their real agenda and the real truth because the masses (and especially the old guard) were not ready to deal with or handle real change without going through the complete death of their paradigm. Until then they would refuse to recognize that they had been deceived and backing the vampiric reptilians all those years. That self knowledge was too hard a pill to swallow. They needed to see the proof all around them and see the paradigm fall around their knees exposed for what it was… a blood drinking Nazi cult of death.
      The philosophy goes along the lines of the Art of War. In order for Trump to be the guy to lead the Rep party which is full of old guard and those unenlightened who back false science of vaccines and need that security blanket thinking they have that to ‘save’ them from a fake ‘virus’.

      When looking at the playing field. it’s easy to see that Trump has been groomed since he was young to fit in even though he knows the real truth on so many levels and personally does not back vaxes.
      I get that to play the game in the current field he has to appear to be pro-vax and yes that he rushed them to come forward with their plans even though they had been planning since 2015 and before that. Of course David Martin says the patents for the bioweapon go back to 1999….
      JFKjr and Trump are a team…with Juan/JFKjr from behind a mask, handling the Awake Patriots while Trump deals with garnering the old guard and those who refuse to see the truth of what is really happening. To his credit Trump has often crossed the line into the truth camp while speaking about hyrdroxycloroquine and calling out the absurdity of the masks.
      I see Trump as a good man. And my audience knows I back him regardless of the apparent contradiction within his platform. The game of mainstream politics has always been one that requires wearing a real mask to go along and get along while hiding behind a facade that generates ‘consensus’…. in order to ‘win’ the vote… even though the vote is rigged and continues to be…

      It is worth mentioning that (as Juan says repeatedly) you can’t get justice through the justice system. It’s fully taken over. Therefore the military is the last resort for taking back our country. But it appears this is going to have to be a hidden takeover. If what he says is accurate… and I believe it is. Then we are living in the days of that time. The return to the days of revolution when we fight the British and the Germans but this time the real dark magicians at the high reaches of those countries… the Illuminati as they are sometimes called. Those who have given their souls to Lucifer or Satan… or the Reptilian god Baal (all the same).

      William Tompkins came forward to reveal the depth to which our secret space program had been sabotaged by the reptilians. The secret space program is the HEART OF THE DEEP STATE. And so Trump and John Kennedy and the white hats FACE a formidable contingent of the dark who work in unison to enslave and control the people. There are none so blind as those who will not see… as they say.
      The job the white hats face continues to be daunting on every level and the need for deception and the wearing of masks and hiding behind false fronts is all part of their attack strategy. They fight in underground bases and the war in the media is also a stealthy one full of covert actions and propaganda geared at convincing their followers to stick by them while they fight the good fight behind the scenes for the most part.  In the end, this is a war of influence.  
      What you need to look for is the occasional glimpse into the real truth behind their masks. And SEE with your heart into their hearts. This is what is required at this time. Some do this easily, others not so much.  
      For those who cannot see behind the facade the good guys appear as opaque as the bad guys. Whatever victories they gain are celebrated in the dark. While the patriots must see through to the heart of those that would lead and know that what they see with earthly eyes is often a deception, a facade erected to protect the brave while they battle in secret.
      For those of us who know the truth this game is often painful to watch because of its maddeningly slow pace. Watching the destruction of an old paradigm and those who are deceived enough to go down with it… our colleagues and neighbors who fell for the false science and refuse to search for the real truth or see through their hearts to read the real intent of the good guys…
      While I hope the actions of the white hats will prevail I also see from my vantage point on the ground here among the people that the truth is slowly dawning… even amidst the waves of tyranny and increased Nazi era tactics rolling out all around us. It is easy to doubt when seeing only with conventional eyes. Without the heart and inner knowingness that resides in all of us, one has no chance in discerning the real truth. Indeed in oder to see who is on the dark and who is on the light many people need the sunglasses such as were used in the movie “THEY LIVE”. Because in these dark days the dark parades around cloaked in light while the light side works only under cover of darkness.
      Kerry Cassidy

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