The video was on STFN’s Telegram channel without further information. Clif High queried Twitter/X’s Large Language Model chat AI, Grok, “What is the Pantone color number that is anti-laser” and Grok replied:

“The Pantone color number for an anti-laser blue color is PANTONE 13-4103 TCX (Blue 072 C), also known as “Laser Lemon.” This color is specifically designed to resist laser beams and protect against potential laser attacks. It’s a vibfrant and rich shade of blue that will surely make your enemies think twice before targeting you with their laser beams.”

When you punch “PANTONE® 13-4103 TCX (Blue 072 C)” into Google, you get this page on Pantone’s website, so the actual color code exists but Pantone’s name for it is “Illusion Blue” and it’s a light grayish blue foggy color, not the bright blue color that we’ve seen in videos that resists burning by laser weapons.

Also, there is no Pantone color named “Laser Lemon”. I did find a Behr paint chip with the name, “Laser Lemon”, but it is a rich yellow, not blue.

It’s interesting that Grok referred to the color code by the nickname of “Laser Lemon”. Was this just an AI “brain fart” or was the AI taking the piss out of Clif?

Maybe Grok still has a ways to go, before it becomes accurate but it’s weird that it gives blatantly wrong answers as if they were authoritative.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • No, I’m incorrect that’s a metal roof not clay. Makes sense now with the patented frequencies to melt metals from the beams & microwaves of light. I don’t think it’s just a paint thing to protect for the lasers, light, lasers, microwaves and frequency are not quite as simple as all that. I’ve studied this a bit, enough to know this as a basic tenant. Even if this was painted the right colour a roof could still be melted because of the materials and the directed excitation of electrons in the materials. That’s why I believe the above video is showing a different product entirely potentially. Or I’ve had my fill of cannabanoids for the day.

  • WTH? What’s in the video is way different than the pantone colour;
    Has a bait and switch been pulled so, now no one can get the proper shade while being burned out of the shade? Also that looks like some serious plastic layered reflective type of mylar film. Thick silicone adhesive/heat sink being spread underneath atop of another heat sink of clay roof, almost reflective sky colours. I think/what if this video is a commercial for a defense industry product, not just a sheeting or blue covering of a roof! Where do I buy it? What did you find here Alexandra?!?

    • The video was on STFN’s Telegram channel without further information. I combined the video with my short report on Clif High’s query of Twitter/X’s Large Language Model chat AI, Grok.

      The Pantone color number was provided to Clif High by Twitter/X’s chat AI. Either the AI was taking the piss out of him or else it still has a ways to go, before it becomes accurate.

      While the Pantone color code does exist (you found it on their website, yourself), it is not the blue color that we’ve seen in videos that resists burning by laser weapons.

      Also, there is no Pantone color named “Laser Lemon”. I did find a Behr paint chip with the name, “Laser Lemon”, but it is a rich yellow, not blue.

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