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The very sad story of the Pulse nightclub massacre is getting curiouser and curiouser. According to an article in the New York Post, based on a TV report by the Brazilian news organization SBT, the Orlando shooter’s Uzbekistan-born ex-wife, Sitora Yusufiy testified to the FBI that their short-lived 2009 marriage was marked by violence. She says American-born Omar Mateen was a tormented person who often did go to gay nightclubs, including The Pulse in Orlando, the scene of the massacre. Yusufiy described him as an unstable person but said that she did not believe that his actions were religiously-motivated. (Mateen was an observant Muslim).

In her bid to help the investigation, Yusufiy told the FBI everything she could, including that she believed that he was struggling with his homosexual tendencies. She said that she’d been present on several occasions when Mateen’s father called his son gay.

For curious reasons, the FBI instructed Yusufiy not to disclose Omar Mateen’s sexuality on “American media”, so this information comes to us from her Brazilian fiancé, Marcio Dias in this Brazilian TV news report

Regardless of the FBI’s wish to hush up the matter of of Mateen’s homosexual tendencies, strong evidence of it has emerged from a former classmate and from at least 4 regulars of the club who said that they had seen Mateen at the Pulse on over a dozen occasions during the past 3 years, trying to pick up men. One of those said that he’d communicated with Mateen via the cellphone app Jack’d, which is for gay men to arrange dates.

In an MSNBC report, Cord Cedeno who uses the gay men’s dating app, Grindr claimed that he’d been solicited by Mateen but he’d blocked him immediately because his messages were “creepy.” Cedeno’s friends reported having seen Mateen’s profile on several other gay dating apps, as well.

Omar Mateen’s father, Afghan immigrant Seddique Mateen used to host an anti-American radio show which expressed support for the Afghan Taliban in his native Dari language. Omar Mateen was brought in for questioning by the FBI in 2013 and again, in 2014 about his possible links to terrorist groups in the Middle East with ties to Florida. Finding nothing incriminating, his case was closed and so was able to buy the assault rifle and a pistol used in the attack.

A Federal law enforcement source told the New York Post that Mateen’s current wife and mother of his son, Noor Salman was aware of Mateen’s plans, of his recent gun purchases and had driven him to the club on at least one occasion. It was reported to be likely that Salman will be charged as an accessory to 49 counts of murder and 53 counts of attempted murder.

Although Mateen called 911 to declare his allegiance to ISIS in the midst of the massacre, President Barack Obama stated that there was no indication that the attack was part of an organized effort on the part of ISIS. An attack by a non-Islamic Indiana man, James Howell, packing 3 rifles and 5 lbs. of explosives who admitted to intending to cause harm to people at a Gay Pride march in Los Angeles was foiled a few hours after the attack in Orlando. I smell a rat.

Were Mateen and Howell mind control victims in yet another false flag shooting attack, staged to roll back the Second Amendment?

Hundreds of videos have already been posted to YouTube, displaying the very fake-seeming, “crisis actor” performances of aggrieved loved ones, calling for a ban on assault weapons. Other sites have published information from social media accounts related to the 49 people who were allegedly killed.

Reports are also emerging from survivors of the attacks that there were multiple gunmen involved. That 102 people were shot in a span of 8 minutes by one man using a heavy assault rifle and a pistol does seem to require a stretch of the imagination. Yet another Lone Nut strikes again!

With his Taliban-supporting father claiming that his son’s attack was motivated by a recent trip to Miami, where gay men kissed in front of his 3-year-old son, it does appear that Mateen’s intolerant upbringing and his father’s repeated denigrating attacks on him for being gay – and that he in fact did have gay tendencies – created too much inner conflict for him to carry on with his double life. It could very well be that he attacked the gay nightclub masquerading as a radicalized Muslim in the name of ISIS because he could not come to terms with his own homosexuality.

The question is, why does the FBI want to cover up Mateen’s homosexuality? There is definitely something fishy about that. The motives for this will hopefully be revealed in time.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Views on Orlando Jihadist:
    The rhetoric spewed by the mainstream media and the politicians is that the killer was a closeted gay, a lone wolf, who snapped, and what his motives were, as of yet, are unclear, but surely it can’t be Islam. I beg to differ.
    What lacks here is a misunderstanding or complete ignorance of the Qur’an and Islam itself.
    Mateen’s motives became crystal clear when it was revealed, he too was gay, a devout Muslim gay, at that. For Mateen, or any other gay person for that matter, will find on judgement day that his scale is heavily overloaded with sin and no amount of good deeds will erase such sins away, except two.
    The first is to migrate to a non-Muslim country with the intention of spreading Islam. Since he’s American born, I suppose he could have moved to Canada or Mexico but then he’d still be plagued with temptation and possibly sinning again before his death and then it’s too late.
    The second guaranteed entry into Paradise is to kill and be killed in jihad. Wipes away all sin in one fell swoop and, hey, you’re dead so you can’t sin again, “BINGO” free pass into the waiting arms of eternal male and female virgins, who are there to service you. As a bonus, he freed all these lost souls who will all now go straight to Hell.
    Even with that in mind, one might say he’s still a lone wolf, not really though. Mateen, himself, claimed to be affiliated with ISIS and ISIS has responded in kind. This is significant because others have claimed allegiance to ISIS and ISIS has not acknowledged them. What does this mean? It means there are ISIS sleeper cells here in the US, training recruits here at home. It’s obvious that Mateen, troubled by guilt and the thought of eternal damnation, contacted ISIS through social media and they well could have steered him to his only possibility of ever entering Paradise.

  • Views on Orlando Jihadist:
    The rhetoric spewed by the mainstream media and the politicians is that the killer was a closeted gay, a lone wolf, who snapped, and what his motives were, as of yet, are unclear, but surely it can’t be Islam. I beg to differ.
    What lacks here is a misunderstanding or complete ignorance of the Qur’an and Islam itself.
    Mateen’s motives became crystal clear when it was revealed, he too was gay, a devout Muslim gay, at that. For Mateen, or any other gay person for that matter, will find on judgement day that his scale is heavily overloaded with sin and no amount of good deeds will erase such sins away, except two.
    The first is to migrate to a non-Muslim country with the intention of spreading Islam. Since he’s American born, I suppose he could have moved to Canada or Mexico but then he’d still be plagued with temptation and possibly sinning again before his death and then it’s too late.
    The second guaranteed entry into Paradise is to kill and be killed in jihad. Wipes away all sin in one fell swoop and, hey, you’re dead so you can’t sin again, “BINGO” free pass into the waiting arms of eternal male and female virgins, who are there to service you. As a bonus, he freed all these lost souls who will all now go straight to Hell.
    Even with that in mind, one might say he’s still a lone wolf, not really though. Mateen, himself, claimed to be affiliated with ISIS and ISIS has responded in kind. This is significant because others have claimed allegiance to ISIS and ISIS has not acknowledged them. What does this mean? It means there are ISIS sleeper cells here in the US, training recruits here at home. It’s obvious that Mateen, troubled by guilt and the thought of eternal damnation, contacted ISIS through social media and they well could have steered him to his only possibility of ever entering Paradise.

  • The father was pro-Taliban in the same way the CIA was. He came over here at the time that the CIA was supporting the Taliban in their war against Russia, which had taken over. His expression of support for the Taliban was in it’s war with Pakistan over the border that has been disputed since it was created, as it divides the Pashtun people. He is NOT anti-US by any stretch. That’s my evaluation based of my non-extensive review of his MANY YouTube posts.

    It very much appears to me that the shooter was an asset, like Mohammed Attah, who was told to do this and that suspicious activity. They tell them that they are the ‘B team’. Attah’s B team was called Able Danger. They tell them that their job is to do these suspicious things and see if ‘the system’ can pick them up. As a test of the system. It is very much the model. The bombers in London had backpacks that they didn’t know were going to explode. Same stuff. Oswald and Ruby were B teamers, openly engaging in suspicious activity, they were told, to see if the FBI and Secret Service could pick it up. The red flag is that the FBI closed the file. They would NOT have done that unless they were ordered to. In the Fort Hood shooting, it came out that they had been ordered to ‘by another government agency.’ That’s not going to come out here, if the FBI is telling the family not to mention that the shooter was gay.

  • Many people from Islamic countries are married and gay at the same time. Most of them stay in the closet or lead a double life. Of course this must be extremely frustrated. I can hardly imagine that it was the reason he killed so many people but we are living in a strange world. I feel very sorry for all those people who died and their family and friends.

  • You do know what is next don’t you, the alien invasion plan. Not too sure how it will go down, but it will happen. And it’s all a hoax, we the sheeple, are fools to listen to so much shit that we are given. The one percent need to go kill another planet, they have fairly well killed this one, and it’s only going to get worse, if I believed in a God, I might pray. However I do believe in people (gods) for we must be able to see through the lies, to find the truth. And that might just set us free, for we have not been free in a very long, long time, I wish us all luck.

  • Just how much good has our vast military and surveillance state done to protect us from individuals who have problems and semi automatic weapons with large capacity magazines? Nothing, and nor can it, but those are two programs never held accountable for their failures or irrelevance, as politicians just keep heaping more money on these two failed institutions.

    As a practical matter and to lessen the body counts of these weapons, magazines should be limited to no more than six rounds. When I served in Vietnam, we had 20 round mags but would never put in more than 16 rounds because eventually the weak springs would fail if loaded with 20 rounds.

  • HI There

    What amazes me is no one is saying how he had entered the Building with his Guns!!?
    Secondly to of killed 49 people before he was Shot!! as soon as he fired the first few Shots the police should of been on to him, the people who were stuck in the Bathrooms were texting there loved ones, again that should of prompted the Police capture him, Theses intelligent questions are not been asked!!!?? Why Not!!? DA!!!

  • prior to OKC, the feds were attempting to pass eavesdropping authority to NSA over telecom companies. It was experiencing headwinds in congress. After the OKC murrow building was destroyed in a controlled demolition, the bill passed, causing significant loss of privacy for every American.

    First WTC bombing was carried out with help from FBI who recruited the perps and gave material support.

    911 Bush & co New American Century plan details a plane crashing into building. Textbook operation carried out at 3 levels. Presto Patriot Act passes Congress. It was drawn up and ready. Then Bush & Co proceed with plans to overthrow 5 governments with Arab Spring. Plans are then continued under puppet Obama.

    So why the orlando shooting? 1. Current privacy bill passed by congress goes to senate, certain insiders attach an amendment that guts fourth amendment. Bill stalled in senate. Probably will pass no problem now! It will allow CIA,NSA,FBI and dog catcher to look at and store the internet browsing history of all americans without a warrant or probable cause!!!! 2. After failure of Sandy Hook to move gun confiscation, same old strategy will be attempted here by insiders. Unfortunatly it has already had the opposite as is experiencing a total sell out of guns and ammunition. Local gun shops are having inventory cleaned out.

    I have seen several local and internet statements indicating multiple shooters. Crisis actors? No I think the trauma unit had plenty to deal with. Interesting how cops refused to go in for 2 hours and then took time to bust thru brick walls? Like the shooters could not hear and see the entry? They stayed back and allowed the max carnage. One man with a set could have gone in the front and shot the bastards between the eyes.

    The Orange County Sheriff is a gun grabbing Communist. So you can figure he was totally cooperating with the plan.

  • The Eagle speaks: Best ye listen, if Truth be your thing

    Orlando is a false flag hoax, no-one died, crocodile tears cried. crisis actors and their lies, The Cabal as usual in plain sighs, the agender agenda putting the sheople through the blender, please wake up, how many more false flag hoaxes must there be before the ‘alternative’ media catch on. I doth truly wonder.. To be sure, indeed.

  • I can’t find one photo of a ‘shot’ or dead person from Orlando on the internet, which has millions of photos of dead people.


    This isn’t Sandy Hoax, where children were allegedly killed by a lone gunman with an AR-15. Maybe the powers that be are afraid that the people are on to them; that we are coming to stop their treason (George Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Rice, etc.), and theft (Wall Street/ Goldman Sachs/ Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon,..). So they are faking these attacks, to take away the people’s only chance at stopping their Fascist power play.

    Makes as much sense as anything else these days.

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