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I’m always very excited when I run across a story that I’ve never heard before – and this was one of them!

It’s been ascertained, through cave paintings and human remains found at archeological depths corresponding to 12,000 years ago and earlier, before the end of the last Ice Age, that there was an ancient settlement of people in the (now) semi-arid hinterlands of Brazil’s Northeast. Their cranial shapes strongly suggest that they were descended from the ancestors of today’s Australian Aborigines and Africans.

After repeated forensic tests on numerous skulls found at these strata, it was determined that these were not the skulls of the typical Native Americans of Mongoloid stock, who arrived to the New World from Siberia via the Bering Land Bridge. The latter was formed 11,000 years ago during the Ice Age, when sea levels dropped and the Siberians quickly spread out over the Americas, thoroughly populating both by 9,000 years ago.

The new evidence shows that these people did not arrive in an empty wilderness. Stone tools and charcoal from the site in Brazil show evidence of human habitation as long ago as 50,000 years.

Evidence of fire usage, rock art paintings, and some of the oldest skeletal remains ever found in the Americas have established a new timeline for the arrival of modern humans in the Americas. Analysis on skulls found show that they are more similar to the bone structure of Africans and Australian Aborigines than to typical Native Americans.

This find could be the tip of an iceberg, which supports the claims of many that the ancient Olmec civilization of Mesoamerica, considered by anthropologists to be the mother culture of the Maya, Oaxacan, Aztec and other major civilizations of the area.

Further evidence in the cave art in Brazil suggests that these first Americans were later massacred and wiped-out by the Asian invaders and it is now theorized that the last remaining traces of this ancient population of Australasian can be found at the Southernmost tip of the South American Continent, in Tierra del Fuego.

The Fuegians have long been thought to be physically, culturally and linguistically distinct from other Native Americans. Both Tehuelches and Selk’nams tribes of Tierra de Fuego practiced body painting and rock art similar to that of Australian Aborigines. In contrast to most Amerindian peoples, most Fuegians were taller than most Europeans.

I’m waiting for science to confirm that similar inroads were made into South America by the Polynesians, who are a mix of ancient Southeast Asian Stocks with Melanesians, and who founded cultures throughout the Pacific Islands, including that of Hawaii and who managed to sail as far east from their origins to Easter Island, just a few hundred miles off the coast of Chile and a part of Chilean Territory.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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