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Is GaiaTV’s story about the three-fingered Nazca mummies falling apart?

This Peruvian television news report studiously ignores any mention of GaiaTV or the involvement of any Americans in this case, putting the blame squarely on the Mexican team that joined Gaia’s investigation led by the well-known Mexican paranormal researcher, Jaime Maussan.

A few weeks ago, GaiaTV publicized the discovery of strange mummies with both human and possible extraterrestrial characteristics, including elongated skulls,  huge eyes, small noses and three long fingers and toes.

According to this report, Maussan’s investigation led to a swift response within the community of Peruvian archaeologists, who have asked the Peruvian government to take action against the Mexican researchers, who they claim have committed crimes against the cultural heritage of Peru, by allegedly modifying ancient mummies from the Paracas culture and sending tissue samples abroad without permission from Peru’s Ministry of Culture, the agency that regulates the taking of samples for DNA analysis.

A representative from Peru’s Ministry of Culture has reportedly claimed that the mummies have been modified and he has asked a public prosecutor to conduct an investigation into the alleged offense against these “archaeological monuments”.

At a press conference held in Lima, Peru on July 12, the Mexican researchers stated that there are five specimens and they claimed that it was the local authorities who had not followed proper procedure. They said that their team had conducted preliminary research but that now the matter is in the hands of the Peruvian authorities and scientists to follow what they determine to be the “right path.”

Jaime Maussan claims that perhaps in an effort to evade the responsibilities associated with this extraordinary find, that his several requests to coordinate his investigation with members of the Peruvian government had previously been ignored.

Similarly to the lack of any mention of GaiaTV in this news report, there is no mention on Gaia’s website of any strife with the Peruvian authorities.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Very,very interesting. Not having an English translation I have address your summary, Alex.

    How did Gaia get the mummies out of Peru without proper permissions? I’d assume that archeological finds such as this come under national treasure laws and as such would be closely watched, more closely than seems to be indicated by the archeologist’s statements. My understanding from the Gaia video release, was that Gaia funded the expedition and participation was primarily theirs with Maussan performing in an advisory capacity–at least that’s how the find was presented. So, why blame Maussan and not mention Gaia who is center stage? Vendetta? That’s strange and somewhat fishy. Consideration of the “why”, “how” and “what” should include the Peruvian archeology community’s attitudes toward new information. Perhaps they are simply P-O’ed because they were not consulted directly about a find that makes such claims about origin. Archeologists build reputations and livelihoods on theory. They do not like those theories disturbed by out-of-the-box theory or information. In fact, unless finds follow the agreed upon narrative, hooking into the 6,000-yr-box Carmen Boulter talks about, it’s typically met with a wall of vehement denial. Egyptologists provide a good example. They and the Egyptian government deny, deny, deny. When new information comes to light to modify the old closely held theories the authorities refuse dig permits. It’s clear in these cases that personal and State reputations as well as the “box narrative” would be disturbed. The archeology community is really not about truth but rather about protecting the narrative and their revenue stream. Michael Cremo’s book ‘Forbidden Archeology’ is a thoroughly sourced historical compilation of the community’s support of closed attitudes.

    All that said, it does sound as if Gaia skipped some steps. Sounds like they did not go through the proper government channels that likely put the mummies in the national treasure category, dealt with locals instead and disregarded Peruvian law. Otherwise, why would the archeological community know nothing about the mummies being removed until after? OR, they are just P-Oed and out for their pound of flesh? Guess we’ll find out, eventually.

    • The mummies stayed in Peru, it was the samples that were shipped offshore, without the proper permissions, although Maussan claims that repeated attempts to obtain the permissions were ignored. We don’t know if this is accurate or not. It’s Maussan’s word.

      Yes, very fishy about Peruvian officials’ side-stepping Gaia and any contretemps with US authorities – if our assumptions are correct that this was a Gaia expedition with Maussan consulting, which is how it was seemingly presented. Either Gaia misrepresented their role in this investigation (which I recall included at least 2 Russian scientists as well) or the Peruvians may fear reprisals from the US (?) The former would seem to make more sense.

      • Ah! The mummies were not removed just the DNA samples. I see. I didn’t get that from the video. So, that makes me ask where are the mummies now? As well, that means that the Russian scientists who reviewed the x-rays of the skeletons were not in Peru. The x-rays were sent to them? This entire thing is beginning to look like mis-direction on Gaia’s part as well as just glazing over things for purposes of revenue stream propaganda. I’d forgotten about the Russians until you mentioned it. Then, that makes two major powers’ citizens being involved but only Mexico getting the publicity ax. Hmmm, something is stinky about ALL of this.

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