NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg: China is trying to get it both ways. China is propping up the Russian war economy. They are sharing a lot of technologies, microelectronics, which are key for Russia to build missiles, weapons they use against Ukraine.

But at the same time, China tries to maintain normal economic relationships with European NATO allies.

Questioner: So you think there should be sanctions, perhaps?

NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg: At some stage, we should consider some kind of economic cost if China doesn’t change their behavior. Because now, China is the main supporter of Russia’s war effort, war aggression against Ukraine, the biggest war in Europe since the Second World War.

And at the same time, they’re trying to have a normal relationship with European allies. And this cannot work in the long run.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Stoltenberg cannot find China on map.

    Who built China economy, anyway?

    Deja vu.

    Here is Reichsbank director Schacht saying goodbye to Owen Young at Paris train station after Young Treaty of 1929, which bailed for second time German economy. Young was CEO of General Electric and set up IG Farben. Then, Standard Oil of NJ provided crucial technologies and financing to oil starved Germans. Young’s arrangement required Germans to invest in military. Money were laundered via unmarked building in Basel called Bank of International Settlements. It did during the entire WW2. Ford was sending trucks to Stalin directly from NJ, and made trucks for Wehrmacht at own Koln factory at the same time.äsident-hjalmar-schacht-verabschiedet-sich-auf-news-photo/545737017

    Here is Wall Street rep. Schacht behind Hitler during navy boat ceremony almost two years after seizing power. At this time, due to worldwide Great Depression in full force, German militarization proved being crucial Wall Street investment. German unemployment was liquidated, and had to be supplemented with slave labor instead.ésents-pour-le-lancement-du-nouveau-paquebot-scharnhorst-news-photo/843622540

    Here is Schacht, this time around as German envoy, at the White House with FDR. Time is just over 3 months after Hitler seized power.

    Here is Wall Street rep. Schacht celebrating taking over of France. Hitler is in left section, first row, first on right. Schacht is seig hailing behind him in second row, 5th from right. At the time, he already arranged financing of KL Aushwitz and nearby IG Farben factories. Slaves were rented by SS per diem, and delivered by Deutsche Bahn at the rate of 3 DM per head, flat rate.

  • ed sez,

    Being a student of the history of Red China, my CONCERN is for the message she sends to the world, by putting Chairman Mao’s face on her currency—the F A C E of a seminal RAPIST / PSYCHOPATH / TORTURER (( Mao had had torture-sheds built across China, where he could secretly watch those he didn’t like — or had politically opposed — being horribly tortured to death )) / and, to explain HIS insanity : a G O D L E S S immoralist ( redundancy ? ), having had committed MASS-MURDER of about 30-million-plus of his own people (( compatriots Lenin and Stalin and Pol Pot played mass-murder-in-the-millions, too, in the name of EQUALITY—and the Democrat Party in Washington D.C. claims Communist-MARXISM “hasn’t been applied by the right people,” yet )).
    And the West likes doing business there, because PROFITS defeat/override
    ( Christian ) MORALITY in VULTURE capitalists/capitalism—as Thomas Jefferson had warned, about merchants’ BAD / Traitorous / Immoral behavior (( read Lenin’s
    prediction in postscript )).

    Thank communists in the ADL, SPLC, and ACLU—for having removed PRAYER
    from schools and the Ten ‘Hints’ (( today ! )) from the Public Square—and had advanced ( ubiquitous ) PORN while protecting satanic-ritual B A B Y C I D E S
    (( about 65-million sacrifices to date )).



    “The Capitalists will
    sell us the rope with
    which we will hang
    them.” -Vladimir Lenin

    And, so, American capitalists have built/armed Red China, after conferring Most-Favored-Trade status on her in the early Nineties.

    Closeted Communist Obama had had a VERY strange UN-VETTED ( by the FBI ) HISTORY—so, nothing to see there ?; and there has been nothing to see concerning the one-hundred-plus-mysterious-deaths HISTORY of Bill and Hillary Clinton !

    Can anyone say,
    “ conspiracy ” ? !

    Can anyone say,
    “ treason ” ? !

    Can anyone say,
    “ MORONIC Conservatives ” ? ! :

  • Alexandra,

    White Western capitalists built China’s
    W A R-Making capabilities.

    Who’ll sanction White U.S. Business-
    men – particularly those White Pseudo-
    Jews among them – for having treason-
    ously built China’s domestic and military
    infrastructures since 1993–when those
    TRAITORS gave China “Most Favored
    Trade” status, then TRAITOROUSLY
    moving U.S. manufacturing to there, and
    impoverishing large populations of
    fellow-citizen-workers across America ?

    Thomas Jefferson
    had warned against
    trusting those
    greedy merchants,
    for as he had stated :

    “Merchants have no country . . . “—since
    their greed drives an allegiance to acqui-
    sition of wealth, AGAINST any care for
    PATRIOTISM toward Constitutional
    America and its protective rule-of-law
    Christian MORALITY.

    And American citizens have had
    no Democracy nor Democratic
    REPUBLIC—but has been Minority-Ruled from the time Abe Lincoln had warred
    against the Founders’/Framers’ Self-Government, and installed CENTRALIZED /
    Marxian-like / authoritarian rule in Washington D.C. :

    No Democracy nor Democratic Republic Here :

    And read General Sherman’s
    purpose in decimating the South
    —his traitorous, stinging, E V I L-
    drenched words of HATRED for
    self-government and states’
    rights : )) :



    Vivek Would not be in America,
    but for Marxian Senator Ted
    Kennedy’s Bold LIES about his
    1965 Immigration bill :

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