I read Cathy O’Brien’s ‘TRANCE Formation of America’ the year it came out, in 1995 and I’ve read it twice since, because it is such a treasure trove of inside information about the mindset and the identities of the criminals running our government.

Originally, this book was the written version of her testimony before Congress about the Satanic, Trauma-Based Mind Control that she had endured, as a subject of a sub-project of the CIA’s MKULTRA program – a testimony which was immediately Classified for reasons of “National Security”.

Her lawyer advised her to immediately publish this testimony in book form, in order to give her some leverage over her “perpe-TRAITORS”, as she referred to them.

The book is very rough reading, it’s like an endless snuff movie in book form, with cameo appearances by familiar US Government figures, like George HW Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Ronald Reagan and the late Senator Robert Byrd, who she claimed was one of her primary handlers/owners. Her description of the nasty aromas she encountered while servicing the late Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud (aka “Bandar Bush”) have forever scarred my brain.

The multi-generational, incestuous, sexual depravity that has emerged about the Biden Crime Family suggests to me that they may be unrecovered victims of Monarch Mind Control.

‘TRANCE Formation of America’ discussed these criminals’ plans for a global genocide and how the means for achieving this would be through Mass Mind Control. Cathy turned out to be 100% correct. I credit reading her book for never buying into the COVID PSYOP for one second.

In 1995, the details of her book seemed completely surreal, outrageous and hard to believe. However, much of what she revealed nearly 20 years ago has since become common knowledge among a growing number of truth seekers, especially in the wake of the COVID Hoax and Genocide.

Although an estimated 32 million people have so far been killed by the Death Shot worldwide, the COVID Hoax was, above all a global mind control experiment, to coerce people into masking-up and submitting to forced-vaccination, on extremely suspicious grounds. People around the world were induced by ruthless propaganda to override their own common sense and to volunteer to let their governments kill them.

I used to speak to Cathy and her late husband Mark Phillips on the phone regularly, between 1999-2000, when I was researching for my first book. She would tell me that the people running our world were so completely “shallow”, that it beggared belief.

It has taken an enormous amount of spiritual strength for Cathy to, not just recover from the unfathomable abuse that she endured, but to maintain a state of grace and a connection to God ever since she re-integrated the fragments of her systematically-dissociated mind.

She’s more recently published a short ebook, based on the steps she took to get her mind back, which she created for sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Satanic Ritual Abuse and MKULTRA programming, entitled ‘PTSD: Time to Heal’.

Cathy O’Brien is one of the great heroes of our time. She joins Sarah Westall’s podcast with a message of hope.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Alexandra

    Please get word out on your Babylon movie on everything you send out

    Gotta make money for your next movie!


    • Bigtime promotion will start next week. Still sorting out issues with the current transaction processor, which does not recognize postal codes in Australia, New Zealand and Japan (likely elsewhere, as well). So I’ll wait to go ape on this after the processor is switched, sometime within the next 24 hours, I imagine.

  • Met Sue Ford and her daughter Kelly. Met her daughter Kelly on a 30 minute family and friend visit with Sue where Kelly was institutionalized in North Carolina. Not a fake. Not by a long shot.

    Met other people besides Sue who say they are SRA and “peogrammed” used in government programs. My experience is that MK ultra program individuals are highly suspicious of other people who indicate they have been programmed or have been even remotely or close to any potential programming for fear of potential triggering or reprogramming. (So not surprised to see finger pointing….)

    Generally they have a fear of potentially being triggered into programming where a DID personality or alter comes up, only to later realize (when their front person is back in charge) they are not completely free. That someone triggered them. That they have no idea what may have just happened. That they still have programming that needs to be undone. And that they are desperate to be healed.

    My experience is that often with SRA /MK Ultra persons is that it is likely that the government / oligarchical interest in the asset (because remember they are considered slaves and property by their puppet masters and may be sold to black nobility and leased to government) is unlikely to let up, and that they will endeavor to control them somehow. Usually by fear. Control their voice, how much light they shed on the subject, blackmail them into obedience by threatening their family. Frustrating their efforts to speak the truth. Gaslighting… Even electronic warfare or electromagnetic warfare. Voice to skull stuff. “Frequency weapons” making them sick, electronic warfare ( issues with servers, computers, files suddenly corrupted, frustrating their work) Until… they no longer serve a purpose to the puppet masters. Anything to get them to comply. Cathy is not wrong.

    I never met Cathy. Never read her book. I Listened to her. She is sentient and coherent. I do find the over romanticizing of her white knight Mark something that would be used in a programming narrative. I don’t think Cathy is a fake. But I do think she thinks she is just fine and completely healed. Which actually makes me think she still may be programmed and that she may have alters coming forward or who are in charge, and that she may be “under control” of a handler. And that Mark may have been that person for awhile. Or at the very least someone who may have been used to keep her locked in a programmed state where she believes she is safe… While their hero is also programmed. This can be referred to as “cross programming.”. I would rather hope that she is healed and that I am overly cynical. But discernment says otherwise.

    As to what could be harmful in what she says?

    She is essentially a spokesperson for this whole MK Ultra program. She is the one that testified before Congress. So if she speaks and says, “things are looking good, people are waking up and questioning things”. That is true. But the tone is “everything is going to be just fine. Things are so much better now.” That was her subliminal messaging to us…. “Don’t worry… things are so much better now.” (But they aren’t… there is a huge moral decay everywhere that wasn’t nearly as prolific 40 – 80 years ago that has infected nearly every facet of society). Basically, the tone she is using asks us to not stay vigilant.

    One thing I liked about what she said was that “mark taught me – for every negative thought to come up with 3 positive solutions”. Or something similar… Which again was very helpful advice. And so maybe she is healing past her trauma. But she also said “I am not allowed to complain,” (Sound like programming? Or something a handler would say?). Now… She did recommend getting involved in local governments and to take things back. To question the narrative. This too is a plus. But she did not warn of getting prepared to fight a potential mass power / internet outage, food supply shortage , to network at the community level, to set up emergency communication networks in case of rioting / looting, have an emergency evacuation plan,, or alternative barter / income revenues. To have extra to hand out if possible. To support local police and veterans and attorneys in their effort to fight this issue…. Or even “get right with God.” Which is what a lot of SRA abuse survivors (their awake front personality ) would say. Where was the solution for the eminent threats? The spiritual threat? Hmmm…

    But all the other SRA / MK ultra survivor folks I have met who are awake (because most aren’t aware that they have been or are used in that way) and who are seeking their healing would say…

    “be vigilant. Be prepared. Wake people up. It is real. It is coming and soon. There are so many people who were like me: Who have been tortured. Who are DID and are hiding in plain sight and who have a job to do to usher in this new world order. Those who are awake must expose this. Repent. Ask Jesus for forgiveness, deliverance and healing. And change. Together we must repent and change as a society.”

    I love your website and efforts in trying to wake people up and share as much truth as possible. Thank you Alexandra.

    • I totally agree with your analysis of the potential danger. Cathy is essentially the “godmother” of the elite mind control subject matter and if someone were to control her they could give instant credibility to anyone who seems to support her or be endorsed by her. If Cathy appeared to be in alignment with any group or individual it would make it much more likely that people would trust them. Some drama has been playing out on twitter between the woman claiming to be Cathy’s daughter Kelly and a woman named “emma” who runs something called “the imagination podcast” that features dozens of interviews with sra survivors. Kelly pointed out that Emma has a background as a master hypnotist and is also a practitioner of NLP, which Cathy said herself is a technique used by handlers. When Kelly asked Emma some questions about this Emma attacked her quite aggressively and whole bunch of drama occurred that I witnessed. It was very interesting to see Emma’s reaction to Kelly questioning her and it kind of made it look like something nefarious might be going on with Emma and her podcast…like she might seem to be cozying up to SRA survivors as their champion but is actually reprogramming them and manipulating them for other reasons. It’s been fascinating to watch it play out.

  • I remember seeing 1 or 2 videos of Cathy O’ Brien giving speeches years ago. I could have sworn she had blue eyes.

  • I read Trance Formation of America a few years back…it took me months to read because of the horrific torture that was done to Cathy…I was sicken and had to take time to process what I was reading. Her life, her book opened my eyes to these demons who pretend to be human…Thanks for posting Alexandra!
    I’m still not a Trumper because of his stance with Israel or any of the hand picked puppets for American politics…F#%k them all!

  • Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor were ‘Presidential Models’ because they were assigned to Presidents and high profile politicians including celebrities.

  • Has anyone seen the condition of President Trump’s ear since a bullet hit it? Was there not a hole or a piece of cartilage missing? It is my understanding that the cartilage will take a considerable time to heal in a young man. so there should still be a hole and he would need medical intervention, surgery for it to eventually heal…

  • I read Cathy’s book the year it came out and I’ve NEVER been SO angry, while reading a book, in my life. I gave at least 20 copies to friends because everybody needs this information to be able to navigate what’s going on right now…

    • I think Sarah is a decent, good person but the amount of ads she has is very off-putting and I skip past them.

      Due to the ad boycott and AI f@ckery against anything that isn’t Satanic, independent creators are forced to do stuff like that. I don’t and I can’t sustain what I’m doing. Something’s got to give.

  • Alexandra – as a career journalist of several decades, I think you can accept and appreciate this comment:

    The video above doesn’t have a date stamp.

    Without listening closely to an unknown amount of the video, I don’t know if it’s 3 years old.
    ( Edit:at 14:50, she *just now* mentions the Butler event!).

    The media stream is polluted, manipulated and subverted(Smith-Mundt 2012)…but basic journalism Who,What,When,Where
    is at least partly why many ppl have “soft minds” and become LIV( low information voters).

    • What? What edit are you talking about? What do you mean by “timestamp”? This was posted 5 days ago on several video-sharing sites where Sarah posts her videos.

      Are you saying that this Sarah Westall video is 3 years old? I’ve just been emailing back and forth with Sarah, just now.

      No. Sarah would not do that. Calm down. It is totally crazy out there but not like that.

      • As an Example:

        …clif high starts all his videos by stating the Day, Month and Year.

        I don’t need to tell you the “Internet is a Firehose”…

        Without a sense of Before and After, a minimal “linear” chronology…a lot of this stuff just isn’t useful.

        Does that help clarify?

  • Question: Between Trump and RFK Jr…who would stop the forced vaccines and corporate fascism better…I think RFK Jr would …how about you?

    • Research how RFK jr feels about people who deny climate change which should give you a honest answer about what/who’s side he’s on!!! He’s just another one of the puppets before our eye’s!

  • Unfortunately, too many people are too far gone for salvation. Their minds are simply closed to any incoming information that does not come from those who are controlling them.

  • There is a woman that goes by the name Kelly Cox O’brien on twitter that claims to be Cathy’s biological daughter…https://x.com/WrightandRight

    For what it’s worth i’ve been following her profile closely for a few months and it’s very compelling. She doesn’t seem to want very much attention but she gives a lot of insight into both Cathy and mkultra survivors in general and claims to be one herself.

    She claims that Cathy is currently back under mind control and got accessed by “handlers” shortly after Mark died. She claims someone nefarious is running Cathy’s social media accounts and they are using her as part of some hidden agenda. I guess only time will tell how accurate her claims are but I think it’s something to keep an eye on because she is not the only one saying something is wrong.

    • I’ve never seen them together.

      Kelly was taken away and institutionalized/programmed for many, many years in West Virginia (if I recall), according to Cathy’s first 2 books. She was programmed against her mother.

      The proof is in the pudding. Is there anything that Cathy says here that is harmful?

      • The account that claims to be Kelly is not critical of Cathy at all…she comes off like a daughter trying to save her Mother from abuse. She seems very respectful and insightful in many ways and is asking for a DNA test to prove her claims. She says that the attractive young woman that became Mark and Cathy’s “assistant” that I believe appears in the movie “Trance”, is one of the handlers and that Mark never liked her but as his health was failing they needed the help. She posts a lot of documents and answers a lot of questions on her “X” account and doesn’t seem to really want a ton of attention…which is interesting to me because she doesn’t appear to be looking for anyone to believe her other than to possibly help her reunite with her Mother. Her claim is that once a person has been programmed in MKULTRA they are forever susceptible to future programming…which kind of makes sense to me. If Cathy were ever to be captured into one of these programs again, I think it would be after losing someone like Mark who was caring for her for so long. I hope she’s ok but the traumatic mind control game is so murky it’s always hard to tell what’s happening…especially lately, during the ultimate information war.


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