In case you were wondering…

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • The moment when the so-called “awaken” Trump supporters turned into sheeples who believe the silliest lie.

  • The first pic of T’s ear in public two weeks later doesn’t show any scars. See point #23 here.

    The criminals in high places simply respond to how many people are latching onto the truth (Trumps ear is fine two weeks later from a 2cm ear wound) and put out modified videos to gaslight their minds so they’ll fall back in line wanting to vote for the “victim”, when they themselves are the real victims.

    Reason #24 which the substack author failed to mention is the biggest tell – Trump merely grabbed for his ear, while his head and body did not reflexively move away from the simultaneous 1) sound of a bullet next to his head 2) the pain of an ear piercing. If it was real and not theater, T must have been deaf and numb in that ear.

    • ANIMATRON. That’s why they hosed down the roof: no blood.

      Regarding the video: Did you see the NO BLOOD ON HIS SHIRT after he got up from behind the podium ?

      Prosthetic ear or maybe they operated on it cuz previously it was so obviously not damaged.

      Every time there is a fake crime you will see fake forensics. It’s getting pretty predictable.

      I’m calling:


      I’m guessing the gematria of “Bullsh!t” must be “6”.

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