On Saturday, attorney and retired Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Raiklin posted this video montage to accompany the conversation that was recorded by his cellphone and by NPR Producer, Zoe Chace on May 15th, 2024, that I transcribed and wrote about a couple of days later, here.

I do not support anything that divides America and/or the populist movement that seeks to preserve our Constitutional form of government against the depredations of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet, a topic that I write about, daily.

I do not agree with some of the borderline-inciteful things that Ivan has propagated on InfoWars – but I completely concur with his recitation of the wrongs that have been committed – and with the righteous indignation that he articulates, here with such discipline and calm.

This beautifully-edited video set to Ivan’s dialogue with this journalist from NPR – a treasonous operation against the American People, in my opinion – and by extension, an entity inimical to all of humanity, regardless of whether Zoe Chace and her immediate co-workers yet understand this – is, once again, monumentally cathartic.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Not to dump on you AB, but to (as Melvin Udall said to Simon Bishop in “As Good As It Gets”) just to “…give you a little BOOST!”

  • Google will not let anyone see this page. There’s no way around this block (it comes with a warning message) and I had to use the search engine results hunter to get here. The corrupt deep state has its tentacle’s in everything. I have one thing to say to this, fight fight fight! Time to take out the trash.

  • I always tell people that you have the best news site online, which is why you have been treated so badly. I hope one day you will be rewarded.
    Right now it’s the propagandists who get rich. Things can’t change fast enough! I was thinking about Ivan’s project, and I believe if it happens, the arrested won’t agree that they deserve it. If their numbers are high, they will initiate some sort of counter attack. If Trump is sentenced to prison, the numbers of volunteers to participate in Ivan’s initiative will skyrocket. Things could get wild.

  • Can I just say that the people that come here are really, really smart. The fake news just said there are bomb threats against Hotels DNC people are staying in. The fake news is beginning to plant the seeds.


    Kim Clement’s prophecy is beginning to look very likely. This is becoming more crazy by day.

  • I like what I am hearing, however this man will be taken out, this list will be destroyed, and nothing will come of it. I will believe it when I see it. The NWO will not be stopped its coming to fruition like it or not. I am not a pro Globalist. I am a true Patriot Every time someone says this or that will happen it somehow never does. The deep state will win and then lose and the world will be a terrible place but our hope is in Christ he will make all things righteous, evil will be destroyed as we know it today. Pray this time I will be proven wrong!

  • Read The Last President – 1900 by Ingersoll Lockwood. It is a story written over 100 years ago about both Chicago and DC burning. The DNC is currently in Chicago and in DC they were putting up wooden fences every where. They have used metal before. But this time they are using flameable wooden fences. They don’t want anyone to know because all public cameras in DC are currently blacked out.

    Something strange is in the air.

    Read The Last President -1900 for free here:

  • Aloha & Blessings to all – Thank you for having this platform. I always enjoy and appreciate reading other perspective observational comments and see others who are awake. Plus, more folks are awakening every day to the UnRighteousness aka evil that Humanity defines and that has ensued since Antiquity. We Humans are within a multi-faceted Battle not just in America but on this Planet. What we are seeing with a surface level political arena is nothing but two ‘stoolpigeons’ sides literally akin to an ‘actor movie role’ or even ‘Shakespearean play’ or even a sherlock movie playing out which is a cover for what is really going on. Much of what is unfolding is merely the end to the means that started in Antiquity circa, that so many have researched and wrote about in books that were never taught in K-12 indoctrinated learning systems and done by design. And only now are we finally coming out from underneath the spell Human Beings were put under; whereas we were all to an extent, ‘sleepers’, zombies even, who just went along with everything and never questioned anything and those who did were censored, shut down, blackmailed or even killed to keep them quiet from exposing, what now is surfacing quite rapidly; might I add. And no, nothing will ever make sense, if it’s not transparent or is missing huge parts and parcels to the overall scope of things. We who are awake, do some degree KNOW, but without all the pieces we can only speculate and conjecture how things will truly and realistically pan out. Plus in order to keep the hidden agendas going, the ‘watchers aka overlords aka gatekeepers along with any other namesake ‘groomed’ Human Beings from birth to be put in what I call ‘stoolpigeons’ gatekeeper even royal rolls to keep the agendas going and why nothing on the surface appears to get accomplished that as a ‘constituents’ one would notice when it comes to the ‘politicians aka gatekeepers’ to prevent from exposing anything of their narratives, including where all the tax $$ is going that is collected. Both sides have always been vying for a position at the table, which clearly has usurped everything put in place that provides FREEWILL/CHOICES to Human Beings to function as our own species without any EXTERNAL forces interfering. Those entities were very clever because they had a head start being privy to the ‘knowledge’ that wasn’t afforded to mainstream populace or lost through censorship, mockery and debauchery for starters. On one hand, we have to utilize discernment to sift through the rubbish and on the other hand we have to have discernment when it comes to those who were put in ‘positions’ to provide messages for us. Akin to what Yeshua aka Jesus and his plethora of hebrew namesakes were for Humanity when he was in a physical form. And akin to folks that are ‘messengers for such narratives, such as Ivan Raiklin or any ‘whistleblower’ for that matter. I often wonder if they aren’t all in a room, choosing a straw for who gets to go next into the storm and see how well ‘information’ is received. And then it’s up to us to discern and sift through it. Same goes for the crypto currency being jammed down our throats. I ask how really effective it is, if when ‘electricity and technology’ is taken offline, or another form of technology is ushered in similar to what Nikola Tesla re-discovered. This modern-day Battle is anything but a ‘traditional’ conventional’ war that is not just a surface planet war but one that ensues with an Extraterrestrial-alien element that is not so visible, so the majority of main street folks don’t think anything is going on except their own status-quo life bubble 4 year election that will automatically self- correct when November 6 2024 to January 2025 arrives, when the next ‘mafioso boss’ gets installed. And to boot, most folks have no clue of the depth at which all these narratives are entangled with each other. I would like to provide references, but I hesitate to provide actual links for algorithms or for reasons of being censored, so I’ll just type out the link information. The trick and even key for Human Beings is to first acknowledge there is indeed a ‘problem/issue’ and then at least we don’t have rampant delusions afoot and then become empowered with the knowledge our ancestors both hid from us and provided for us providing we didn’t mock, ridicule and censor it ourselves. It was always there in plain sight, and making no excuses, we also had a plethora of distractions, bells and whistles preventing us from becoming mature adults to recognize such things, and simultaneously fell prey to many addictive substances, and have been desensitized, where we can’t discern from Divine vs Evil along with not having a clue how much has been inverted and how close we are to another Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. Here is a quote from a Canadian woman named Janine who uses tarot cards as an instrument to get answers from the Cosmos-Universe-Spiritual aka woo element that has been censored & demoralized the most, came up with this sentiment – Evil preaches tolerance until it dominates and then it tries to silence the good…If we don’t fully boycott and don’t speak out and reject Unrighteous aka evil elements, we automatically agree akin to a TACIT AGREEMENT and one of the main reasons why so many folks ‘jumped full tilt into mob mentality, masked up during the cvid lunacy along with running lockstep choosing to get an experimental vax.x.x j.a.b.b. which is a form of ordained genocide as the previous genocides folks were nose blind to and no one individual is ‘man-enough’ to own up to their poor choices, blaming others still for their own-now insurmountable woes and deteriorating health, are still pointing fingers, in denial that this experimental va.x.x.x j.a..b.b. is the trigger. Most folks are still either lodged in gullibility and/or cognizant dissonance. If they don’t do it, they think/believe no one else is capable of doing such a thing [Pollyanna syndrome]. Plus there are many ‘hybrid offspring’ who are from Antiquity lineages that believe they are ‘rulers’ over Human Beings who are in those stoolpigeon gatekeeper roles that were in place to ensure the cvid lunacy went off without a hitch akin to mafioso antics. And simultaneously there is a ‘rogue’ element akin to a ‘longtimefeud such as the hatfield and mccoy syndrome in place as well; that after so long, no one has any clue what started the feud in the 1st place. And Human Beings seem to be stuck in the crosshairs. So here is reference links that help provide insights into what I have pointed out, to the many facets, including the stuff we don’t see visibly, such as what Janie Duvall and Timothy Alberino unpack in the utube video interview presentation with this copied excerpt [In this revolutionary book, ‪@TimothyAlberino‬ retraces the pages and reveals the secrets of the greatest story ever told, the one in which we are all inescapably embroiled. From the galactic rebellion in the pre-Adamic past to the creation of mankind on Planet Earth; the fall of the watchers in the pre-Flood world to the machinations of hellish forces in modern times; the unveiling of the alien presence to the final battle at Armageddon; Alberino unpacks the synchronicity of these events with scholarly precision and leaves you breathless on the brink of a posthuman apocalypse.] …….Another venue to look into are from the extensive research that went into Zecharia Sitchin’s 7 books titled The Earth Chronicles who does indeed make references to the Bible as well. What he puts in these books in most cases is hard to deny based on all the cross references, artifacts, diagrams, and evidence. I would suggest starting with book 7 and read backwards. Another one is Michael Franzese rumble channel provides EXPERIENTAIL insight into the ‘mafioso mentality’ where he can clearly see nancy pelosi’s behavior mimics marcus brutus [copied excerpt – Is Nancy Pelosi’s political career influenced by her family’s dark past? In this eye-opening video, I dive into the shocking ties between Pelosi’s father and the mob, uncovering the roots of her ruthless tactics. I explore how Pelosi’s recent betrayal of Joe Biden mirrors classic mob behavior and draws a striking parallel to Marcus Brutus’s infamous betrayal of Caesar. Are these just coincidences, or is there a deeper connection? What could possibly lead her to go behind the back of someone she claimed was a longtime friend? Watch now to find out the truth behind Pelosi’s actions and the hidden influence of organized crime in politics]…… Another Rumble channel is Jean-ClaudeBeyond Mystic that provides many interviews, which also has a lineup of various ‘spiritual aka woo’ Human Beings who in my perspective are sharing their insights and are, ‘on target’ in most cases – start with episodes on page 2 and 3 from the main link. As with all these references they are only the tip of alternative sources that will lead you into other ones. Here are some other good ones – utube squirrel tribe – Dee’s Inspiration Station both on utube and rumble- LtAndWeKnow on Rumble and hear how the ‘player mob’ is coming after Jordan Peterson and how he is facing it head on – utube – 2738 Reaction to Supreme Court of Canada Ruling and Mandated Re-Eduction – utube with Jordan Peterson –
    The best way to navigate these tumultuousness, turbulent, unsettling times is to keep abreast but not consumed, definitely speak out and not remain crickets akin to a tacit agreement and do the best in sharing as much ‘hidden’ information as possible. Because the more every Human Being is aware of the depths of Unrighteousness aka evil doings, that oversee all elements of HUMAN TRAFFICKING where HHS is the overlord of CPS with the procurement of Organ and Blood Harvesting to the tune of $6-$7 BILLION of tax and printed $$ to ensure this element keeps in place which is the glue for everything else deviant including the alphabet folks and Transgender mental disturbance……[see -The Awake Nation 8.12.2024 US Government Pimping Your Kids [rumble who interview J.J. Carroll at the 1:32:21 mark, who shares about facets of HHS] ……none of this won’t come to a screeching halt if folks are not Conscious aka awareness, hiding from it, or shielding themselves from it to the point of being nose blind and tone deaf, believing any pirate criminal in the political arena who is portraying themselves to be the Messiah aka Messenger is going to combat what they are part and parcel to!!! Same goes for celebrities and any leaders regardless of their titles. The only way to stop/halt all of what is unfolding before our very eyes, is up to each and every one of us, to do our part and parcel and awake as many Human Beings as possible before IRobot 2004 movie comes to fruition; with Will Smith whose character Del Spooner, no one believed until they were in the throes of it, where the robots went batso for similar reasons….And for us in real time, the concept is there, not with the case of robots so much, still a possibility though but with Humanity and as Timothy Alberino with Janie Duvall, does by bringing forth two questions [time mark 48:25] 1. What does it mean to be a human being? and [48:31] 2. Is our humanity worth preserving? Timothy provides his insight to these two questions so I would suggest to at least tune into this titled link I noted above.

    • 💯 You may or not know that I worked for the alternative news network, AMP for 3.5 years and the three most popular presenters, who brought in 90% of the views/traffic to the site (James Grundvig, Josh Reid and myself) were those fired first, after the merger/acquisition last October. How does that make sense? What did the new partners actually “acquire”? It just looked like they had torpedoed the whole operation.

      I’d been promised a 5-day/week show and a pay raise after this merger/acquisition was finalized and therefore, worked for practucally no money for years under this delusion. Then, in my first meeting with the new CEO, I was fired in the craziest way. I was told that they *weren’t* firing me but that I had to go get my own sponsors (I had none) and then give them 20% of my sponsors’ payments, in order to remain employed by them. So it was a way to fire me without actually firing me. This was after being told that I would be given “Golden Handcuffs”, due my imminent pay raise, with the merger, which apparently, was all about turning AMP into a vehicle for ⭐⭐⭐, who was put on the Board of Directors and all the companies’ resources were re-directed to him.

      Other things are finally starting to come out in the investigative journalism of Scott McMahan, which I only just learned about last week and I still need to read through: https://biggertruth.substack.com/p/the-story-behind-the-story

      After the new CEO fired everybody, she was, in turn fired – and then, so was the subsequent CEO! It really looks like the targeted destruction of that comoany and of what we had been doing.

      More things about it are now coming out from other sources.

      Several months ago, Tore Maras said she had 10s of thousands of hours of J6 cellphone footage sent to her by her followers – more than the Government has, she claims.

      She says she has footage of Ann Vandersteel saying all of the exact same things that Ray Epps was infamously filmed saying: “We have to go INTO the Capitol!”

      She says she has footage of the initial breach of the fencing at the Capitol stairs, which allowed the crowd to swarm up the stairs, toward and into the building.

      The video shows that the people who started the breach were: Ann Vandersteel, Elijah Shaffer (who BTW is actually Australian) and Savanah Hernandez (who is BTW Filipino+Pacific Islander, not Latin American). None of these “breachers” were jailed, yet others, like the grandmothers who did nothing violent were jailed for a long time.

      Things that make you go 🤔.

    • Whoa, what? I thought General Flynn was a good guy who unfairly got removed early in Trump’s Presidency?

      Trump has always said positive things about Flynn.

      If Flynn isn’t a good guy… where can I find the information that lays it all out?

      • Yeah, tough, right? Notice how Flynn was not in the running for VP and was essentially absent from the RNC Convention. IDK…

  • This video is 17 minutes long. The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. This means Ivan Raiklin could be part of the Q movement!


  • balls and brains a most dangerous combination coupled with his fearlessness no doubt tested and forged in his green beret training . he needs friends in high places sum white hatters to catch his flak and cover his ground game . GOD speed trooper IVAN RAIKLIN.

  • Sounds like more Q AnonSense to me!

    This BEGS more Questions than it ever answers… Chiefly, if they’ve had/have all of this evidence, and a “List” since 2017 (when Trump was just beginning his term as President), or now with what’s going on in our failed government, THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY WAITING FOR, ENGRAVED INVITATIONS? WHY, PRAY TELL, HAVEN’T THEY USED ANY OF IT? AND at any time in the SEVEN YEARS since? And will they bother to use any of it before September 18, 2024, you know, when the Deep State plans to sentence Trump to Rikers Island for some time?

    I call 🐃-💩! …Or worse.

    • @Joe, I am feeling the same about the entire Q movement. Years and years of nothing. It is a community that gets a little high, and excitement out of anything that gives a hit of hopium, or anything that references a Q post. Stacks and stacks of evidence. Yet absolutely nothing tangible has ever been produced. All this talk of “the precipice”, a defining moment that they believe is when the patriots are taking over. But it could very well be the final Act of America and it’s people being conquered. They will be the useful idiots going around to tell everyone that this Martial Law and lockdown of the streets is good!

      Mentally, I am feeling so fatigued. Been having difficulty coming to grips that if the Q movement is a psy-op, then Trump isn’t real either. Trump has made many references to Q posts over the years and he has also drawn “Air Qs” at the end in some of his rallies. This journey, the last few years, have been very exhausting and draining. I am saddened by how many local businesses have closed and the number of people who are struggling in my area. It is not right, it is inexcusable. The American Dream is dimming, becoming a distant pipe dream. My kids and the next generation won’t be able enjoy a quality life like I have. It is no longer affordable and within reach.

      The Q community keep telling each other “We are watching a movie” and “I need more popcorn!” There is nothing entertaining about what is going on. I am not going to do mental gymnastics anymore. I was one who did many mental gymnastics about Trump and the vaccine. I will put all my faith in God and to anyone who reads this, thanks and God Bless.

      • God Bless you! Yes, indeed, that is where we all need to place all of our Faith!

        But the Lord would not have us ignorant, so continuing to be informed is a good thing.

        I called it “Q ANon-nonsense” because I believe it is. Trump and Vance are both funded by Peter Thiel; you know, the evil Palantir guy? And as much as I respect some of what Elon Musk is doing, he also wants to put chips in our brains and he just signed a multi-billion dollar contract to put spy satellites in space for the same Spooks that SpaceX is already in bed with. And its 25/7 Stupid on the Demo(ni)cRat “Progressive(ly)” more evil side. So…

        This is the age of Lies!

        We both know who “The Father of Lies” is. So I keep telling friends, “Evil is relentless, but God is Constant! So we need to be constant and consistent in our opposition to all of this feckless evil.” And when asked, “But what can WE do? The answer is really simple: Just say, “NO!” As in “I WILL NOT COMPLY!” My old favorite word was, “Bull$#it” because almost everything is now, and especially everything the MSM and politicians, and all the other Talking Heads has to say, is pure Bull$#it!

        So I re-prove everything for myself. This site, “Forbidden Knowledge”, is always a good starting point. But just as Scripture tells us to “Test” everything said about Scripture AGAINST SCRIPTURE, to discern the actual truth, we must do likewise with everything now, ESPECIALLY ALL MEDIA.

        But Faith in the Lord is always Our Best Response: And “responding” rather than “reacting” is always the right choice.

        Regardless, be of Good Cheer: They lose in the end, because the Lord has already Won, and for all of us who are Faithful to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

        (And let’s see how that gets “Moderated”!)

        God Bless!

  • Hey guys, I just had this thought. This is really messed up. Bare with me because this could very well be where things are going.

    As we all know the DNC is happening this week, Monday to Thursday, in Chicago. Today while catching up on the latest forbidden knowledge I came across the interesting comments and theories under this story:

    With those comments in mind, next I have read about the US currently moving 1/3 of it’s entire Navy fleet closer to Israel in preparation for a possible attack by Iran. Also the media is reporting that Kamala has so much momentum and is now passing Trump in their polls.

    What if something happens that leads to a new war in the Middle East with US military assets already deployed? What if it just so happen leads to a rally behind Kamala and she will give a unifying, inspirational speech at the United Center that is written to unite the entire country with her? The media will all clamor that Kamala is so… PRESIDENTIAL!!!

    Biden will do the honorable thing by stepping down and Kamala will be promoted to President to give her a head start on the issues, such as war, she will be facing. After all the media polls clearly show that if the election was held today Kamala would defeat Trump. With that data out there, Trump should follow Biden and do the honorable thing by stepping aside. How can we expect Kamala to focus on winning a war AND a campaign. Its not fair! She is currently President and it is very clear that she will remain President. Trump and his supporters will be shamed to no end. People in the middle who were going to support Trump will now flip because he is being selfish.

    Hopefully this doesn’t happen and we can have an election closer to normal.

    • Yep.

      For some reason, the comment section of that particular post was swarmed with bot comments, many of which I chose not to publish, although I think some of the remaining comments may be from bots.

      I do not allow hateful and inciteful language on my website, not because I don’t believe in Free Speech but because that content becomes associated with me – not with the commenter (in the USA, still).

      In the UK, they’ve changed that and they are arresting people for retweeting content that they didn’t actually post, themselves.

    • @Ben, Yeah the fake news has been talking non-stop on Kamala leading in their polls. After the DNC, she is going to gain more in those fake news polls. My area leans republican and I know a few democrat supporters, not many, who will be flipping this election. They are feeling the economic pain, and know Trump would be better for the economy. I do not believe in their polls.

      There is a guy named @TonySeruga on Twitter X that does data analytics and has mobile data from carriers. According to his analysis there is nearly 100,000 members of Anti-fa landed in Chicago. I would not want to in Chicago. It is going to be a very long 4 days for residents.

      @Alexandra Bruce, I am sorry to hear. You are a lovely lady doing great reporting. Thanks for creating this content. I do love places that have a comments section. I remember when almost every news website had one. The UK is falling apart. The system created by the people and for the people is turning on the people. The same is happening in Ireland and the Irish look like to be putting up a good fight. It should not be this way. I have no idea how those Police sleep at night.

    • Ben,
      Fortunately, reality is not comprised of speculative “what if’s”. And, your entire post is exactly that.
      Quote, “Trump should follow Biden and do the honorable thing by stepping aside.”
      Trump should step aside and allow Harris to be President?
      By-pass voting all together? That’s not very “democratic”, now is it.
      Quote, “How can we expect Kamala to focus on winning a war AND a campaign. It’s not fair!”
      WOW. Oh, May I play, too? Here’s one: How can she focus on avoiding word salads for lunch?
      Media poles are over-sampled propaganda. Harris is NOT ahead in any REAL poles and has zero chance of winning this election.
      She needs to be gone.

      • Hey @Mark Vette you have completely missed the point of @Ben’s post. I don’t believe @Ben is a Kamala supporter and wishes that there would be no 2024 presidential election. He came across different bits of information and saw a possible scenario that the far-left globalists can take advantage of. Remember, there are secret societies behind the far-left that believe “out of chaos comes order” and to “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

        The point is the DNC is ripe for some type of false flag crisis or at the very least, total chaos. The crisis is manufactured by the global elite and their owned media runs the propaganda that will push the sheeple normies to accept their pre-planned solution.

        We know Kamala isn’t as good or half polished as Hillary Clinton. We know everyone is fed up with the burden of illegal aliens that they call migrants. We know the economy is really bad and people are hurting. We know the polls are a lie.

        Finally, we know if we have a fair election that Trump would win by a landslide. The global elite know this as well. The absolute best scenario for the global elite is to not have an election at all, and to continue hold power. Are we wrong here? The next best scenario is to cheat like they did in 2020, but that will be more difficult this time around. The absolute worst scenario for the global elite is a fair election.

        Think about it and try playing devil’s advocate by asking yourself “If I was the global elite and I wanted to maintain power, what could be done?” The global elite manufacture both the crisis and solution, I kid you not.

        • Hey Beagles (where do the bots get these names?)

          CommieLa would CLEARLY make a better martyr than a CEO, just the ticket to have an excuse to “light that baby up!”, like they did with the FAKED George Floyd “murder”. (NB: it’s impossible to say “I can’t breathe”, unless you are able to breathe; go ahead, try it yourself.)

          A (not actually that good of a) stock picker named Greg Diamond (who is BIG on studying cycles) recently picked SEPT 9TH as a day that something BIG is going to happen to affect stocks, so maybe that’s the day.

          Ps. AB, at the top of my wish list is getting notified if and when somebody responds to any of my comments here on FKTV. TYIA.

          • You mean pay thousands of dollars to notify you, so you can come on here and dump me? lol

      • AMP was sold for $2.2 million; so who got the money and why can’t they just start another alt news deal? I looked up those 3 stars…signs point to an MFer who is likely an agent provocateur. Looks like EVERYBODY even remotely connected to the MIC is not a friend.

        I don’t know if you actually watched all of (was it) Rafi’s WoozNews J6 videos, but it was absolutely a honey pot deal (with DJT the bait), entrapping as many “rebels” as possible;they were probably disappointed in the meager turnout. This really looks like a survival test: “think for yourself or be escorted from the gene pool”.

        DT is another Robert E Lee: a Yankee double agent leading the Rebels to glorious DEFEAT; the best ones remain heros of the defeated FOREVER!

        Here’s all you need to know Trump is an UNMITIGATED LIAR (in red and white): he stated (I think it was during his RNC speech) that, after the “bullet” clipped his ear, he put his hand to his ear and when he looked at his hand “IT WAS FULL OF BLOOD”! Well if you look at the video of the event (and slow it down – like I did – so you can get a good look at his hand), you will see that his lily white hand is SPOTLESSLY CLEAN… NOT A DROP OF BLOOD.




        We need our own MONEY.

        To get our own money
        We need our own political party
        Based on (7/8s) Consensus nominees and laws, rules and regulations (and using sortition and rescission in lieu of consensus; ANYBODY WOULD BE BETTER THAN A YANKEE ZIONIST – which Congress is full of (save MAYBE Thomas Massie) – and NO LAWS RULES AND REGULATIONS would be better than this nascent 4th Reich.

        I’ve got the plan, just need a lil help; call or text 586-422-5526.

    • Hey Ben, you are not the only one who has a theory of a false flag event happening during Chicago for the purpose of political gain. I have came across this comment while sipping on coffee:

      The optics for the Democrats this week cannot possibly be worse. Despite all their desperate propaganda on prime time news, they are set to hold their DNC in the worst possible location with reportedly over 80,000 protestors flocking in. To top it all off they have chosen one of the most cringe and unlikable candidates.

      This indicates two possibilities. Either the White Hats are forcing their hand in all of this, or the Democrats have reached the point in which they simply do not care to make their theft of the 2024 election look legitimate and on the books.

      Either way, the Democrats are in a no win situation. They have reached levels of desperation that puts them squarely in the most dangerous game territory. Remember Anons, an animal is most dangerous when they are a breath away from death. They will fight like hell in their last moments and cause as much damage as they can as they shuffle off this mortal coil.

      The odds of a false flag event in the coming days are at an all time high.
      Source Sauce: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txojAAll/of-all-the-cities-the-democrats-

      I believe the more we can get ahead of the false flag, the more sheep we can awaken. I am disappointed in alternative media not bringing this possibility up. We know the deep state has some trick up their sleeve for this week. How will our movement ever get ahead if we remain reactive, instead of proactive?

    • They are putting wooden fences up in DC in preparation for some type of unknown event. A worker there said it is for an Inauguration type of event. What are they planning to announce in the DNC that will lead to an event in DC soon after?

  • Ranklin seems like a modern Joshuah to me, but I have no personal knowledge of him, therefore I have no more or no less trust in him than any other human.

    To all those who know not the Lord, know this—he is not anybody’s sugar daddy! He has no special favorites among mankind. That concept was settled in the first century! Rather: He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly (as plainly instructed) with your God? – Micah 6:8

    I have already recommended BIG INTEL by J Michael Waller which exposes such as James Comey and the entire cabal of outlaws with their hands on the levers of power. Which I already knew about Comey by reading his own words, his own profession of faith in liberal theology that embraces collectivism, which on a fundamentally voluntary basis can be good and just. But Comey’s error is that he doesn’t understand the difference between voluntary and involuntary collectivism, the latter of which is Marxist and he sheepishly comes down on the side of the latter.

    It should have been obvious to everyone when Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton, that something was terribly amiss in the US Justice Department. Passing summary judgment upon Clinton was not the job of the FBI Director! I knew he did NOT act without the permission of the Attorney General, so both were guilty usurpers of the authority of the court! The AG undeniably then did nothing to right this wrong! Hence they conspired to subvert justice.

    I expected Trump to jump in, but he waffled. Like he did when it became clear to me that AG Grandpa Sessions was complicit. Double minded Trump was no match for ‘the church’ of Satan inside the US Justice Department! I’m calling it a church, because therein is a unified theological opinion akin to Comey’s opinion. Trump should have fired all of them, but he lacked both discernment and support for taking bold decisive action! We are now living with the consequences!

    Hopefully, Trump had his come to Jesus moment in Butler, PA. Pray that he did, for “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like a river of water; He turns it wherever He wills. – Proverbs 21:1

    • Dear FTM,
      Sorry to have to break this to you, but “no blood on his hand” means “no bullet clipped his ear” means “whole thing was faked” (except maybe the local police response) means “we are living with exactly the results the YANKEE ZIONISTS (including Trump) WANTED us to be living with”.

      We’re on our own kids: if anybody wants to help me get this ship turned around, I’m at

  • lol, this guy is so full of himself. so cocky and arrogant. big talk and like always, nothing happens.

    its hilarious how he loses his cool and tells the interviewer off. he so masculine. what a tough guy.

    what a joke.

    • Peckerwood, I’m sure he’d show you how tough he is if you’d want to meet him in a dark alley. You up for it or are you just all hot air?

      • With his military background “we” are forced to assume that he is a YANKEE ZIONIST DOUBLE AGENT, until he PROVES by his ACTIONS that he isn’t.

        Et tu, Doc+Hollywood…

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