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Michael Tsarion has been quiet for the past decade but he’s back with this extremely interesting talk in his ‘Unslaved’ podcast.

In this segment, he talks about the current crisis in cultural education how the nuances of the works of the great thinkers and artists in Western Culture, like Heidegger, Hegel, Freud, Jung, Goethe, Steiner, Montessori, Reggio, Cervantes, Rilke, Wordsworth, Blake, Caravaggio, Gibran, Beethoven, Mozart, Segovia, among others are being completely grossly oversimplified – if represented, at all. He predicts that unless something is done, that within 5 years, these thinkers will cease to be cited in public school education, at all.

Tsarion also makes an important distinction between “culture” and “civilization”, with the former relating to the works of great thinkers and the latter referring to the technology, the systems and institutions of our civilization. The esteem that we have for our civilization has eclipsed how we value our culture, which Tsarion views as a trend that is completely reductionist, malignant and backwards.

He says that a child is nothing “Without the legacy of those who’ve died and [who] had his welfare at heart – and until a child is inspired by that legacy, you are not dealing with a whole human being, at all. You have to introduce him to the family of ideas; that’s what culture is.

“Civilization is just the accoutrements – the toaster, the heater…the engines…the technology can increase and increase, increase, while the culture shrinks and shrinks and shrinks. What we have, in the West is a culture that has misunderstood this. They think the civilization is where it’s at…[but] adding more shiny things isn’t helping us one damned bit…as we don’t teach our children correctly, that dynamic I’ve just explained is going to increase. So, in the end, we’ll have all the civilization and the accoutrements – and no culture [transhumanism, anyone?]…

“Never think that it’s going to be a desert and it’s going to be a wilderness. No. In the place of something spiritual, if it’s not nurtured – wow, watch out, because it becomes demon-possessed. Take a look around and tell me I’m wrong.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Human Inertia is so huge that reversing the practical (pragmatic) bias of modern life is a massive problem that rare individuals cannot overcome the social institutions, especially schools and universities.

  • Yes, for the children! Terrific! However, we must stop the vaccine attack on the children to have a generation left to culture…

    • Is it not so that education of children ist the same as a vaccine attack by inpressing and injecting the norms and values of the old generation?

  • First when parents become brought up by their children, the new human being appears.
    Until now, the old tells the new what is right or wrong, good or bad. (Survival)
    Only when this changes, so by the new is telling the old what is right, an collcetivity appears by intelligence. (living life in love)

    This moment the old intellectuals repeat the same old story, where the intensitiy of war now is present inside any person and between all persons. The old story is: personal gender fight.

    Moreover, what is the new human being?
    This is the basic question.
    For me is this found in gender harmony…………

  • It is true,…civilization is just the accoutrements. The culture is nearly lost at this point. People are attracted to the shiny things. The clear evidence is shown by how they rush to buy the new model cars,…bigger engines, bigger trucks, wasting fuel without a care in the world. I often get angry as I see how people act…I feel helpless. This is a fantastic video in that it does inspire me to teach my daughter how to look beyond this shallow civilization we live in now. I will have her read some of the authors that he mentioned. Thank you.

  • Wow!! Probably one of the most lucid breakdowns of present western society I’ve been exposed to…riveting, insightful, bold, blatant, confronting, fuckin’ golden!

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