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WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced privileged Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas which will require the House to consider the Articles within two legislative days.

Impeachment is one of the House’s most solemn powers, second only to declarations of war. Congresswoman Greene’s arrival at the decision to introduce impeachment articles against the Secretary of Homeland Security is one made without regard for politics but with the full understanding that our own government has failed to uphold our laws and protect the American people, the very people the Secretary is sworn to protect.

“Just yesterday, two of my constituents from Dalton in Whitfield County, Georgia were killed in a high-speed head-on collision at the hands of human traffickers smuggling illegal aliens into our country,” stated Greene. “A husband and wife are gone forever. Their family will never get to say goodbye. Two lives were taken from us that never should have been and never would have been if Secretary Mayorkas had done his job and secured our Southern border. Americans are getting murdered just going to see their family because of government officials turning a blind eye.”

“Every week in America, the same amount of Americans die that were killed in Israel by Hamas terrorists all because of Secretary Mayorkas’s bitter refusal to secure our Southern border, which he could easily do today. The utter disregard for American life displayed by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas can no longer be ignored. The time for more hearings and phases is over.”

Since assuming office, Secretary Mayorkas has aided and abetted the complete invasion of our country by deliberately flooding our nation with drugs, terrorists, and illegal aliens.

He stated under oath that we have operational control of our borders; under oath, he stated that no one has ever achieved operational control of the border. He lied to the American people, he lied under oath, and he has blatantly violated his oath of office.

Under Mayorkas’s watch, he has allowed approximately 8 million illegal border encounters, a record amount of fentanyl seized at the border, totaling approximately 52,900 pounds, more than 280 people on terrorist watchlists caught while attempting to cross the border at ports of entry, approximately 1.8 million known “gotaways” who have evaded U.S. authorities, approximately 1,424 deaths of illegals at the Southern border (853 dead illegals – the most ever in a 12-month period—died trying to cross the Southern border in 2022), and an approximate 870% increase in border encounters in just one sector of the Northern border.

During his reign, the annual number of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) referred to HHS custody after crossing illegally has more than tripled over the past two years. There have been approximately 400,000 unaccompanied illegal children encountered at the Southern border, with at least 85,000 of these children being missing, and his policies have forced tens of thousands of illegal children into slave labor.

Secretary Mayorkas has repeatedly pulled over 50% of border agents from guarding the border wall and moved them to processing, caring for, and transferring illegals, leaving huge gaps for cartels and smugglers to exploit.

The Secretary provided copious amounts of baby formula to illegal aliens at one of the largest processing centers in the country, all while American mothers and infants were intensely suffering from severe shortages. He flooded a hospital’s maternity unit with illegal aliens, so much so, that American mothers were forced to delay inductions.

Mayorkas canceled border wall construction contracts that would have secured our nation’s border, violated the law by directing DHS to “mass-parole” illegal aliens into the U.S. when federal law specifically prohibits this, encouraged asylum fraud, abused the credible fear standard, and exercised mass catch and release policies.

Not only has Secretary Mayorkas enabled child exploitation, sex and drug trafficking, and fentanyl overdoses, but he has also done everything in his power to put Americans last. His policies, directives, and statements have created a national security crisis and have endangered the lives of American citizens.

As a result of intentionally failing to secure our homeland and putting the lives of every American in danger from his very first day in office, Alejandro Mayorkas is unfit to hold the office of Secretary of Homeland Security and must be impeached.

Read Congresswoman Greene’s Articles of Impeachment here.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • Just one question in my mind: Has even one of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s multiple “Articles of Impeachment” beginning on Crooked Joe Biden’s first day “In Office” ever amounted to being worth more than the price of the paper that it has been written on? No. These are mere Distractions from, as Kamala Harris has often stated, the “Root Problem” of this country.
    Believe me, as a Texan I hate Illegal Aliens worse than any of you, but these “Articles of Impeachment only serve to show that we remain powerless against the all-powerful Obama/Biden Administration.
    Rather than a continuation of these useless pieces of paper, it has become readily apparent to me that the answer to all of this country’s woes is the answer found in 1776 and by saying “Enough!”

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