In 2007, Dr. Judy Wood filed several law suits against the contractors hired by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for science fraud in their investigations of 9/11. She has also filed Requests For Corrections (RFC) based on the Data Quality Act, and Qui Tam whistle-blower cases.
One of her legal cases made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in October of 2009. She has been actively pursuing 9/11 Truth with her lawyer, despite the lack of support she has received from Dr. Steven Jones and other members of the 9/11 Truth community. The legal documents from her court cases can be viewed HERE.
Dr. Judy Wood has collected an overwhelming amount of evidence which suggests that a Directed Energy Weapon of some kind was used to powderize (‘dustify’) the primary steel and concrete portions of the WTC buildings, while burning and bending aluminum, yet leaving paper and many other materials unharmed. These characteristics are matched by those of “The Hutchison Effect” and are the result of electro-magnetic field effects and energy interference. John Hutchison has filed an affidavit in Dr. Wood’s court case, to legally testify to the numerous similarities between The Hutchison Effect and the evidence from the 9/11 attacks.
Dr. Judy Wood has degrees in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering), a Master’s Degree in Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics) and a Ph.D. Materials Engineering Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. She has taught courses in Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials and Strength of Materials Testing.
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