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Part 2 of this interview is only 12 minutes long and it is completely explosive! Karen accuses Dr Robert Malone of “sabotage” for suggesting that the FDA approval of the vaxx in the summer of 2021 “didn’t happen”. She does not trust him.

On a brighter note, Karen says there is hope for those who contracted COVID and who received the vaxx.

“The anti-parasitic agents, like ivermectin and hydroxychlroquine work to slow down the replication of these parasites in the body and then, there is the use of electromagnetic frequencies to disable the spike protein.

“Because the spike protein is not a biological agent, it is this AI parasite and so, there are studies that show there are certain frequencies can also disable it.

“At the end of the day, though, COVID-19 is not about a virus. COVID-19 is about the inoculation of human beings with Artificial Intelligence. And the only way to stop it completely is for people to stop running from the truth and start facing the truth and to organize a movement, which I will do myself to stop this.

“Because every COVID-19 Emergency Use power and all the funding must stop. COVID-19 is a war on humanity. If you are supporting funding of it or any kind of powers, you are supporting the demise of humanity.

“All products for COVID-19; it’s in the patents, it’s on the World Health Organization – so not just the vaxxines but all the tests, all the treatments, all can be inoculated with this parasite. So every COVID-19 product needs to be banned, recalled and if anyone is using it, it should be considered an act of crime, of attempted murder, because that is what it is.

“Lastly, we need to make a movement to take down the technology. 5G and Starlink have nothing to do with helping humanity. If you go to CloudMinds’ SEC filing, they clearly state that their new 5G species; its functionality, its ability to communicate and its ability to spread is based on 5G technology.

“CloudMinds is an AI technology company based out of China whose endgame operations are for Chinese military operation use. They are a threat to national security and they need the 5G towers that we’ve put up all across this country for our convenience. No. It’s not for our convenience. It’s for our extermination.

“And you asked why they’re not just killing us…It’s because what they intend for us is far worse than death. Humans are the host to spawn this new Artificial Intelligent species. And it’s not just one species. The technology has CRISPR-Cas9.

“As Catherine Whitehead from Carnegie-Mellon said, they need to do the mRNA gene editing inside the cells, inside the animals. The ‘animals’ are humans. So they’re not killing us. They’re experimenting on us and they’re using us as the host to – as the patent said – ‘spawn’ these new species that they’re creating.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • She talked down Robert Malone. He may not be her “cup of tea” but he is fighting these global predators as hard as you are. We must maintain a united front against the enemy that threatens our humanity or we are lost. Please keep that in mind.

  • She sounds knowledgeable. What’s of concern to me is the wonky ads that Stew has on this page. That and he’s selling us Gold, of all things. Not very credible to me, makes me also wonder how credible the info his channel gives us is.

    And she says, “…there is the use of electromagnetic frequencies to disable the spike protein.” So why not tell us the frequencies?!!!!!!!! She provides all kinds of specific info then is vague with us about a very useful specific solution. Suspicious.

  • I’ve been also saying that it’s not about virus, but stories about getting severe symptom are popping up everywhere on social network.
    I suspect there is a botnet attempting to scare people as to suppose there’s so-called “virus”.

    I have never seen anybody around me getting serious symptom (including myself unmasked all the time going around crowded area every day); except people are getting sick more often after injection.

    I also find coincidence with those people that they tend to eat unhealthy junk foods such as instant noodle, fatty meats, sugaries, and no exercise; they often have other health issues.

  • I have been saying from the beginning that it wasn’t a “virus”, while admitting there was some sort of bio-weapon, likely protected by lipid coating so that it could be spread by various technical means, for example in chemtrails. These guesses were a result of being perceptive and an educational background that allows me to make good guesses. But nothing like documentation…

    This woman has read the patents.

    God bless her.

    Thank her, for her invaluable work and service.

    I do!

    She’s done the work.

    She’s great.

    (Btw, I also had that super creepy feeling about Robert Malone, like horror show…instinctively repelled. )

  • That s IMPORTANT, the CloudMinds Inc. is incorporated in the state of Cayman Islands!!? That’s exactly where Oxitec tested the first GMO mosquitos and where the strange birth effects with changed shape of the human head, took place. The OX513A technology spreads males which kill of the females while carrying the red LUCIFERASE (for their detection) and the LETHAL gene doing the kill job!!!!

  • Stew is JUST reporting! So thank you for that. The rest should be left to the brain capacity of the reader… There is biology, made by the Creator=GOD, there is SYNTHETIC biology trying to mimick GOD and actually erase him, and there is material science which is essential part of it. Our bodies DIDN’T HAVE HUGE MAGNETIC properties, like they do have now, after the injections. To assemble PLGA-MPEG type of ‘clots’ after 0.5ml of injection, is totally questionable. It makes sense we are dealing with biosynthetic parasitic growth in form of these clots, but to assemble them from just non-SPike materials makes absolutely no sense. Last but not least, we are dealing with SYNTHETIC mmRNA, NOT natural. Does that also doesn’t exist Mrs. KIngston?? Please read my substack:
    andall the rest. ANd please leave comments, FOR FREE. I can’t leave anything on yours, without paying for it:(

  • I feel like Stu and a lot of his guests are suspect lately. Whatever happened to the guy saying they put snake venom in everything? And Stu’s documentary on CPS was really weird too…I feel like he could be some kind of OP.

    • I was a bit put off by the snake venom discussion, but I do not believe that this is a Psy op site. I did stop following for a while, a good while, until this particular discussion caught my attention today.

      I think what is happening is explained by Stu not himself having a background in science, not having a knowledge base or methodology from which to evaluate proposed theories. He may be too quick to believe that a guest is really on to something, not knowing how to check the data, not understanding that even good data can imply other conclusions than the one his guest proposes.

      In other words, I think Stu is honest.

      And perhaps like most of us, in over his head, scientifically speaking…that is why I only made guesses along these lines. I couldn’t have backed my conclusions by pointing to research that’s been done, the patents issued.

      In the end, we aren’t here to “believe whatever Stu may believe” at any one time.

      We are here for information. Then it’s up to us to evaluate its plausibility and also to discern the credibility of the guests, not relying on another’s viewpoint.

      I appreciate what Stu has been doing, bravely and I believe honestly, for so long.

      I am able to forgive him if perhaps he himself has been misled on the odd occasion…at least he got those narratives out in the open for examination.

      This can’t be an easy job, for any journalist, nor a simple call.

      We have all been seeking the truth of this covid scenario for so long, in our own gathering of ideas.

      I think his latest guest has nailed it.

      That said, I am only human….

      • It is very possible that Big pHARMa is literally playing Russian roulette with the jab; some vials contain a placebo, some contain shellfish conotoxins, some contain *different types* of biosynthetic nanotechnology.. so that EVERYONE is confused about what is in the jab while Big Pharma experiments on the world’s population in preparation for The Mark of the Beast. The jab is a precursor to the Mark IMHO.
        My opinion: no matter the formulation in the vial, odds are it should be considered death in a bottle. I will NEVER acquiesce to genetic modification that re-classifies me as post-human.

        What is the mRNA genetic code? Could the ARTIFICIAL DNA sequence actually be fallen angel DNA?
        Daniel 2:43
        And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, *they shall MINGLE THEMSELVES with the SEED (DNA) of men:* but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay

        10 toes represent the 10 Kings of the earth in Revelation; and they will be fallen angels who mix their seed with men AGAIN – just as it was in the days of Noah, genetic corruption of God’s creation.

        Noah’s flood was about STOPPING GENETIC CORRUPTION. Watch the movie NOAH.. early in the movie a dog WITH SCALES instead of hair appears – In the Book of Jasher, the fallen angels mix the DNA of 200 species of plants, animals, and humans (Island of Dr. Moreau type stuff)

        What does the Covid19 Vaccine do? Lady Gaga told us: *Lady Gaga “birthing a new race” “RE-BIRTH” “A race within a race of Humanity”* “Alien sex humanoid HYBRID woman” In the egg for *3 days* She calls her fans MONSTERS In her video she whispers *”The SAME DNA”* “Born this way”

        Imagine ~3 Billion brains (the human brain is more powerful than ANY SUPERCOMPUTER -we only use 5-10% now) connected with each other in a BORG-style hive mind and joined with AI.. the largest living computer in history – the BEAST described in the Bible that will be connected to the internet of things & eventually control EVERYTHING-satellites, humans, military, etc.( just like the machine world leader Artificial Intelligence in “The Matrix” trilogy.) You were warned in multiple ways!!
        AI is a technological life form.. a technological type of SPIRIT copycatting YHWH God.
        The IMAGE of the beast will be a physical representation (robotic or clone or HYBRID with an Elon Musk brain implant connecting to internet & AI) that can be seen & heard, copycatting Jesus.
        The Georgia Guidestones were a copycat of the 10 commandments – they were broken just like the original 10 commandment tablets were broken by Moses.

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