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In what may be one of his final InfoWars broadcasts, Alex Jones breaks down the ongoing attacks on Infowars which have culminated in current CRO trying to shutdown the company.

Fellow lawfare survivors, like Steve Bannon, General Flynn, Roger Stone and many others are rallying to Infowars’ defense.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Well, seems similar situation with some of V shills getting censored on some of popular platforms, and their followers (mostly sheep) getting emotional about it… without realizing that they actually deserved to be censored (?)
    Nah, no one deserves to be censored though it’s important for people to stay a bit more factual.

  • What to Do About the DOJ – Newt Gingrich

    Gingrich steps up to the podium at nineteen minuets into this video to politely explain our present dilemma. I am not a Gingrich fan, but I respect his wisdom. He systematically ticks off milestone after milestone of America’s road to perdition.

  • Mind you, Deep State proceeded on a Saturday to minimize news exposure. When do bankruptcy court officers work on a Saturday?

    Something cooking.

  • Jones is applying for the underdog position, like Trump.

    Jones is a shill for the scumbags.

    Either he will collect some more money, or he will probably move to Switzerland.

    This shows that, if it is honest, that the morphing of the scumbag factory, is effecting the internet media as well…..

    Will this Push Musk’s X to Top position, so Carlson, can become the Talking Head for this group of fighters, who are just another psy-ops.

    WE Live in a Psy-ops World…..OBEY.

    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, only psy-ops on the menu.

    Ofcourse you can also have LabMeat or Insect Protein, no doubt these are GMO as well.

    Will Alex Jones Candy, disappear?

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