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Spanish biostatistician Dr Ricardo Delgado from the La Quinta Columna research group reports on what he and his team have found in the vaxxines over the past year. Each statement Dr Delgado makes here is accompanied by illustrations and details of the published, peer-reviewed scientific papers that back up his claims.



Good afternoon, Everyone. My name is Ricardo Delgado and I am the founder and director of La Quinta Columna.

All of the vaxxines tested (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Moderna) contain nanotechnology exclusively. We have found nano-routers, which also emit MAC addresses that can be detected with Bluetooth wireless technology by just using your own mobile phone and the help of an app.

We have found nano-antennas and plasmonic antennas for the amplification of these signals.

We have also identified nano-rectennas, which act as rectifier bridges of alternating/direct current, codecs and certain logic gates for the encryption of these nano-communications emitted from the inoculated individual to a remote server.

The primary material for creating these micro-sculptural complexes is graphene oxide, the presence of which is decisive for the self-assembly of these structural complexes.

The main mechanism of the exfoliation of graphene oxide in the body, into quantum dots are natural biodegradation mediated by the enzyme myeloperoxidase and the Teslaphoresis mechanism, which are microwave electromagnetic fields emitted from mobile phone signals with different frequency ranges.

Graphene oxide injected into the body acquires magnetic properties in contact with hydrogen and living cells. This is why most injected people have exacerbated magnetism at the point of the inoculation and subsequently in the upper solar plexus and the skull.

Graphene oxide is detected in the body by our immune system as if it were a pathogen. Once injected, it has an affinity for the central nervous system – basically, the spinal cord and our brain, because of its higher electroconductivity. In the central nervous system, it causes the immobilization of limbs, strokes, paraplegia and alteration of the nervous system.

Graphene oxide has a blood clotting factor and increases thrombogenicity or thrombus proliferation. The ultimate consequence of thrombi is all kinds of cardiovascular accidents, such as embolisms, ischemias, strokes, aneurysms, etc.

Graphene oxide also has an affinity for electrical organs, such as our heart, especially when its cardiac activity increases and therefore, its electrical activity. At that moment, this graphene oxide targets the heart and inflames it, generating myocarditis or pericarditis.

In addition, graphene oxide has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation from our environment and multiply it with a transistor effect. Thus, it causes small discharges that cause arrhythmias in our cardiac system. This explains why so many athletes are suffering from arrhythmias when they have increased cardiac activity.

Consequences of these arrhythmias are fainting, blackouts or syncope linked – or not – to unexpected or sudden death. A large part of our vaxxinated population is suffering unexpected or sudden death when interacting near these microwave sources.

Graphene oxide also has the capacity to generate mutagenesis, chromosomal alteration and cancer, so that people who have recently suffered tumors or neoplasms after vaxxination will rapidly resurface a line of metastasis and those who are completely healthy will be at high risk of developing cancer.

Graphene oxide is extremely toxic and its toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs. Wherever it goes, it generates tissue inflammation, systemic or organ inflammation and a cascade of free radicals.

When the oxidative stress generated by this toxic substance inside the body breaks the equilibrium in the “redox balance” and exceeds a certain threshold above the antioxidant levels of our endogenous glutathione, our immune system collapses and favors the famous cytokine storm.

This graphene oxide, which is injected as a prime material in “vaccines” is eliminated from the body through our lungs but if it is irradiated while found in the lungs, the subsequent inflammation of the lung tissue causes bilateral pneumonia.

If the vaxxinated survive the initial doses of graphene oxide injected into their blood, it will be degraded in the body by the neutralizing antibodies that are responsible for its degradation.

Once the graphene and its toxicity are gone, so are the antibodies that neutralize the substance, which also trigger our immunoglobulins. This is why people are being forced to be re-vaxxinated every three months, in order to maintain the body’s levels of this toxic substance, by claiming that they no longer possess immunity.

In short, the non-existent, non-isolated, non-purified, non-cultivated SARS-CoV-2 presented to us in the official version and its variants, is in reality the graphene oxide introduced consciously and voluntarily in the flu vaccine of the 2019-2020 campaign. In other words, the disease, relabeled COVID-19 is simply a graphene-enhanced acute irradiation syndrome.

Therefore, the first and basically the only artificial wave had our elderly and nursing homes as its target population, whose flu vaccination rate is very close to 100%. Our elderly were previously vaccinated with this substance and then irradiated with the famous cell phone antennas,which suspiciously, 8 out of 10 are placed near nursing homes.

They justified the genocide of our elderly as a pretext to tell the entire world population that we were facing a new coronavirus, so that under the fear of this alleged “contagion”, they could proceed to inoculate the entire world population with graphene oxide. The aim is to eliminate a large part of the population and use the behavioral modulation properties of graphene oxide in the field of neural science and artificial intelligence for the remaining population.

Graphene oxide has a special affinity for neurons. Once installed in neurons, it generates an artificial neural network that gradually replaces the natural neural network. When the size of the graphene oxide nanoparticles is less than 35 nanometers, they easily pass through our blood-brain barrier (a membrane that protects our brain from possible damage coming from the outside) and gain access to our own neural network.

On the one hand, graphene oxide manages to break neuronal synapses, so that our brain can be mapped and literally collect information, such as memories, local thoughts, sensations, emotions or feelings. You will now understand why, during this pandemic, legislation such as the “NeuroRights Act” has been passed in certain countries.

Moreover, this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using for this purpose, the implementation of the new 4G, 4Gplus and 5G technology. All vaxxinated people send their data to an external server controlled by Artificial Intelligence (probably financed by Mr Elon Musk).

This synthesis of information is provided as a synopsis of more than 20,000 hours of research, working with a multidisciplinary group of scientists and is based on the scientific discoveries of Dr Pablo Campra’s final technical report, which provides unequivocally conclusive evidence of the presence of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in samples of the vaxxine produced by AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen.

This research also emerges from scientific analysis of the material and observational evidence. Weunderstand that they have taken advantage of the general ignorance and lack of knowledge of the medical and health communities regarding matters such as nanotechnology to carry out this sinister plan of what they call Agenda 2030.

You can learn more about this valuable information at, where you will find all the evidence and scientific articles stated here. Since the “vaccination process” is global, we are facing the disappearance of the human species as we know it within a few months. They call it post- or transhumanism or simply the Human 2.0 process.

In that new stage, the automaton survivor will be deprived of autonomous thought autonomy and freewill; a slave species entirely dependent on these technocratic oligarchies.

La Quinta Columna is made up of millions of people around the world, who seek to maintain the essence of human beings, respect for humanity and their dignity as a unique species. La Quinta Columna has uncovered this crime against humanity, against its life and against its very nature.

Please share this vital information with all those around you.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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    • This video appears to be blocked either at the IP by some ISPs in some jurisdictions or by so-called “Anti-Virus” software. I can’t tell which, because I am having no problems. I received complaints from Australia, California and Washington State.

  • Blessings for conducting this seminal research that would be completely unnecessary if Pharma simply provided their various mRna ingredient lists under the law of informed consent and in the spirit of medical transparency.
    Another if: IF we had an honest governmental testing such idolised quackery, your study wouldn’t be needed.

    You’ve well served the public in conducing this study..

    That Pharma receives ‘LEGAL” indemnification, protection against lawsuits stemming from quackzine deaths and injuries, on top of these outrages and others, only intensifies the outrage.

    My questions pertains to the process that your team of scientists used in coming to your findings and conclusions. Has your research been peer-reviewed? Are there other scientific studies that you cite as supporting evidence?

    As a friend responded when I shared your article with him: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, like coming from more than one source, more than two even. Maybe it’s all true? I just need more evidence than their word and some pictures.”

    Thanks for your response, JEM

    • The peer reviewed process is rigged, and paid for. Accept the information they provide in the video or don’t. Rockefeller quakery created the entire bull crap medical system, including the peer reviewed process. Their first premise is inaccurate. Everything built on top of it is wrong.
      Mankind was designed to self heal. We have never needed any of their toxic chemicals to live. The interference of the medical system has caused the suffering of sickness in the world.

  • Blessings for conducting this seminal research that would be completely unnecessary if Pharma simply provided their various mRna ingredient lists under the law of informed consent and in the spirit of medical transparency.
    Another if: IF we had an honest governmental testing such idolised quackery, your study wouldn’t be needed.

    You’ve well served the public in conducing this study..

    That Pharma receives ‘LEGAL” indemnification, protection lawsuits against quackzine deaths and injuries, on top of, this only intensifies the outrage.

    My questions pertains to the process that your team of scientists used in coming to your findings and conclusions. Has your research been peer-reviewed? Are there other scientific studies that you cite as supporting evidence?

    As a friend responded when I shared your article with him: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, like coming from more than one source, more than two even. Maybe it’s all true? I just need more evidence than their word and some pictures.”

    Thanks for your response, JEM

    • Their work is published in Spanish on their site:

      Some of their material is translated and published on

  • Huge TY to QC, Alexandra and whoever did the transcribing. I’ve been talking about the prior season’s ‘flu’ jab right since the very start, so I was pleased to see this information in this article as further verification.

  • The graphene oxide in the flu vaccine of 2019-2020 makes total sense. Man they are really good at planning and executing evil

    • Indeed, a very early study out of Denmark showed an extremely strong correlation with the prior season’s ‘flu’ jab. The Danish wanted to understand WHY so many in the 80-plus age group were dying from “covid.” They found that there was an 80% correlation with those who had received the 2019-20 ‘flu’ jab. Of course, this study was withdrawn and vanished from sight very quickly – but I’d already nabbed it. I also believe there is some possibility it may have been in various other jabs prior to the “outbreak” of “covid.” Most of those I know who take zero pharma drugs and zero jabs sailed right through it.

  • I’m so sickened and disgusted by the wannabe overlords. This and the depth of their corruption and need to be taught rather than disempowering propaganda.
    Heavenly Father, deliver US from evil🙏

  • What about the shedding? I was exposed to a poison. Also my mom got the deadliest Pfizer vaccine. My symptoms are mimicking hers. Please pray. I’m healthy. At least I was until Sept 15th…

    • It was previously thought as shedding, but now more likely is cell break down than what was previously called “spike protein”.

      There are many other possibilities that are causing your symptom such as pollution, chemical poisoning from air, water, foods, and emf radiation poisoning, chemitrail, allergy and such.
      The problem is that it’s difficult to know from which cause that suggest you continuing on doing your detox protocol.

      • Very true – there are ALSO energetic realities occurring on our planet right now to prepare many for the next level of the game, so to speak. Some of the symptoms from that can overlap symptoms from some of the other things you mentioned also. Everyone should be detoxing (but take it slowly if you don’t regularly do this, because if you are VERY toxic and go too fast, you can get REALLY sick – called a Herxheimer reaction, in which case you need antioxidants – especially vitamin C and molybdenum. Graphene is in water, air (chemtrails) and foods. So detoxing and EMF protection and grounding are VERY important for everyone. Make sure you research detoxing or preferably find a naturopathic or integrative practitioner to work with – shifting metals can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing, and you can do more harm than good. Research and take it gently at least to start with, and build it up.

    • Please have your ferritin and b-12 levels checked, virus can tank those levels, don’t look at lab reference range, seek out optimal range, symptoms can include neurological, Restless legs, air hunger, exercise intolerance, heart palpitations, hair loss, anxiety, etc.

  • Watch Dr James Gi or dan o speaking at West Point to know the extent capability and utter evil of RF WEAPONS. Total beast system. Dr Robert Duncan an original inventor became a WB stating they r tested on public via c hem tra ils. Then go to loo k out fa cha rlie on yt 4 recordings and documentation.

  • Hello, the last 2 emails you have sent me I was unable to open the video file. Only a white screen. I love your work and would very much like to watch this one. Glitch in the matrix?

    • Do you live in Canada, EU or UK? Sometimes, I’ve found that the governments there will block certain videos at the IP level.

      “Anti-Virus” software is also being used to block certain videos, so if you have that installed, try turning it off.

      I’ve received similar complaints from people in California, in which case the culprit is more likely the “Anti-Virus” program.

  • Kinda Gives New Meaning To Game Over !!!
    Game Done !!!
    Welcome To The Beast System Where The UnVaccinated Keep A Low Profile.

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