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by Pierre Kory MD

In the first 4 posts of this series on shedding, I reviewed the regulatory and scientific evidence identifying the risks and reality of transmission of Covid mRNA nanoparticle components and spike protein products from the vaccinated to developing fetuses, breast-milk fed infants, and others in their vicinity.

The posts beyond Part 4 focus almost solely on providing clinical evidence with descriptions of situations where patients reported symptoms after close exposures with vaccinated family members, friends, or contacts.

In Part 5, I reviewed the case presentations of two women I successfully treated for abnormal menses after they had a close exposure to recently vaccinated practitioners. In addition, I reviewed a study which found a strong correlation between adult mRNA vaccination rates and excess mortality among unvaccinated children across the U.S and Europe. That paper’s finding is truly disturbing to contemplate.

In Part 6, I presented case notes and communications of a small cohort of patients in our Leading Edge Clinic that detail symptoms developing after exposure to vaccinated contacts.

In this post, I include two brief descriptions of illness developing after a certain type of sexual activity as well as a unique case of a highly sensitive person who was forced to separate from her husband due to an inability to share a bed after he got secretly vaccinated.

I have put this post behind a paywall due to its sensitive (and somewhat sensational) nature, however in Parts 8 and 9, I will include dozens of descriptions of shedding events subsequently submitted to me by subscribers either via personal email or as a comment under prior posts in this series.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “first 4 posts” – is set private (can’t view it)
    “The posts beyond Part 4 focus almost solely on providing clinical evidence with descriptions of situations where patients reported symptoms after close exposures with vaccinated family members, friends, or contacts.” – How does he know that symptoms aren’t caused from something else?
    Has he actually observed the shedding through microscope?
    Sounds like he is “speculating” without having actual evidence of “Shedding”.
    I hope he is not another Malone.

  • It’s always good to know some new scary facts. So we the unjabbed can be contaminated by simply breathing a jabbed person’s breath during a casual conversation. It’s the new definition of “social disease”, manufactured by a small group of well funded diabolical scientist freaks and psycopaths for certain depopulation.

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