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Lt Gen Mike Flynn goes on the record about “QAnon”, in response to questioning by Seth Holehouse and he is quite irate at the stupidity of it. He even goes as far as to say that Q may as well be a PSYOP concocted by America-hating Libtards, like Ron Filipkowski, who he describes as “dirtball”.

Of Q followers, Flynn says, “We’re in big trouble with people who still believe in this crap.” As for the vaunted “Plan” that Q followers are always telling us to “Trust,” looking around at the Biden Regime, the war in Ukraine, the open borders, the precipitous state of the economy, he says, “The Plan sucks!”

Because “The Plan”, as far as he can tell is the World Economic Forum’s plan for programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies that control what you can and cannot buy, based on your “carbon footprint”, which is not a conspiracy theory, it is actually in the pilot phases, as we speak.

All of these Big Tech platforms, that have de-platformed millions of users over their truth-telling and/or non-Leftist political views are also developing payment systems and CBDCs. Facebook/Meta has Diem (formerly Libra), Twitter has Block (formerly Square), there’s Google Pay and Amazon Pay.

Let’s not forget that PayPal, Chase, VISA and Patreon started de-banking people over their non-Leftist politics years ago.

Flynn is very concerned about our rapid loss of rights over the past 3 years, saying, “There’s no White Hat cavalry that’s gonna [save us]…the main thing is to get involved. I’m involved at the local level. I joined my county Republican executive committee, I’m trying to make sure that I go to the meetings and if I see something that I don’t like, I’m gonna work to change it. I volunteered to be a poll greeter and a poll watcher…I feel like I have to put my words into action and that’s kinda what I’m doing.”

Local action is the antidote to hopium.

Back in the mid-1990s, I took the all Landmark Forum courses. One of the things we learned was that, in order to attain fulfillment, we had to “give up hope” and become “hopeless”.

This may sound oxymoronic but it is quite the opposite, due to a general misperception about what hope actually is.

Having hope is a state of imaginary satisfaction about something happening in the future that is not happening now. Corollary to this idea is that an addiction to the dopamine hits provided by hopium can interfere with taking the necessary actions to create the conditions for true fulfillment.

Commitment is also a largely misunderstood concept. It’s often characterized as a “ball-and-chain”, when it is actually the key to fulfillment, when properly applied.

Wanting something is very different from being committed to having it – which means ongoingly doing whatever it takes to have it.

Our lives are a reflection of our commitments, regardless of whether or not we have identified what our commitments are, because the conditions of our lives reflect our repeated actions, which are a form of commitment.

So it’s important to be clear about what we’re committed to having, rather than just wishing we had it.

By giving up hope, we stop sitting on our hands and we begin to ongoingly take the necessary steps to create those conditions that we’re committed to having in our lives.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Bonjour,
    Comment peux-on être certain que se soit bien les propos du général Flynn et non de la désinformation du DS..?

    • On ne peut pas être certain. Cependant, personnellement, je ne pense pas que Gen Flynn soit du côté du DS.

  • Never had a good feeling about these guys (or Patrick Byrne)…feels to me like other agendas are going on with them.

    Personally, I think Q did a great job of waking a lot of people up…I also think the Q op was influenced by 9/11 Truth, that clearly showed there’s an army of interested (corruption) researchers out there in the world.

    QAnon – The Greatest Communication Event in History (as per Martin Geddes), is a Military Intelligence backchannel designed to bypass the controlled mainstream media. It asks citizens (anons) worldwide to use their own discernment and to do their own research into the info or crumbs provided in order to bring about A Great Awakening.

    • it didn’t have to be Q to tell those things, because many of us already had at least some idea since before.

      They only speak well about the things that may profit them while ignoring things such about poison shot, evil deed of Israel and so on; and when they finally speak about it, too late, the damage has been done.
      It’s a business, you know?

      It is questionable whether Q has done more good than bad.

  • This entire situation is an enigma. On the one hand, Flynn praises ‘the digital soldiers’ yet casts dispersion on the very impetus that got them engaged. The QDrops on 8CH didn’t have much in the way of new revelations for myself, as I was already “Jones’d” back in ’96 from his Austin “ACTV” platform when 24″ TVs were still 100lbs, but it is a night & day difference in the post-Q world where folks are actually doing research work themselves.

    Lastly, there is entirely too much ‘cloak n dagger’ for anyone really to peg truth from fiction – we should be mindful Flynn is a General and by the looks of it all, we are knee deep in a new kind of war, in which HE himself is participating. I suppose the QPosts could have been attempting to preempt the soon-to-be common knowledge that ‘they’ have been long trying to murder us all, but I’m not clear how one protects a secret by revealing it. As such, if Q was indeed trying to lead us astray, it failed miserably at that goal – with the only REAL obfuscation on ‘who to trust’ – but by this point anyone reading the posts was already ‘trusting no one’.

    Once a public figure comes clean on the whole ‘Joe Biden doppelganger isn’t actually Joe Biden’, I’ll be inclined to stop treating EVERYTHING as part of a larger PsyOp for some unknown goal by an unknown orchestrator. Anyone scrubbing the Ashley Babbit footage ( see review by “WoozNews” will readily confirm THAT was 100% a scripted production ( and AGAIN by WHOM? FOR WHOM? and WHY? To GAIN WHAT?

    The best we can do at this point is assume NO ONE will save us and divest ourselves of the Satanic Machinery that surrounds to such a large extent that we are only barely becoming aware we were born, raised, and maintained a shit-filled toilet bowl of culture, having little in the way of the Divine expressed at large.

    Point being here is: there’s zero way for us to know if Flynn is head faking, a misdirecting, compromised clown, or deadly serious & if deadly serious why did Trump not address the PsyOp that got a bunch of peeps in deep-sh*t on 1/6 – if only by proximity.

    To assume we have it figured out is to assure we don’t.

    Cheers & GodBless!

  • Thank you Alexandra. God didn’t send us to come here just to spread hope. “It all works out in the end”, “It’s all good”, “Oh don’t be negative. God’s got it”.

    No. God sent us. The answer, the golden thread always comes from God within, however one gets there, deep below the surface of the mind. Negotiating the times ahead will be moment, tuned and alert like the animals, listening. watching, feeling. alert, centered and aware, ready to respond, seeing what is there and knowing what you are looking at. To have good days is going to be from the preparation, the strength and stability of a strong body, mind, spirit life, work and destiny oriented relationships.

    Thank you for letting me share here sometimes Alex. Here’s a New Message quote and I’ll put the link to the doc at the end.

    “You must have faith in Knowledge primarily—Knowledge within yourself and Knowledge within others—because that is what is truly powerful. Everything else may be thrown into question, confusion and doubt. But you must come back to what is essential and what is eternal, to what comes from God directly.

    This is the Great Faith. This is the power and the presence of Knowledge. This is the great thread of truth in your life. Build your strength here, and the future will not seem so overwhelming. It will not seem so threatening. You can face uncertainty with greater strength and determination. You have the power to change your circumstances in advance of great change and in the face of great change.

    This represents a shift in your allegiance. It is the necessary change within yourself. This will give you equanimity, strength and courage because Knowledge is not afraid. This will free you from being bound by the opinions and the behavior of others. It will free you from the immense discouragement and disappointment that you will feel and that will exist all around you as people’s faith in all other things begins to fail. This will free you from the paralyzing grip of fear and will enable you to take great and dramatic action while others are frozen, unable to respond.

    This is the Great Faith. This is why that which is ineffable and mysterious represents your greatest hope and promise. All human effort guided by Knowledge, all human invention guided by Knowledge and all human ingenuity guided by Knowledge has power, direction and real promise.

    There’s no “hopium” in those deer and birds. No.

    “You must have faith in Knowledge primarily—Knowledge within yourself and Knowledge within others—because that is what is truly powerful. Everything else may be thrown into question, confusion and doubt. But you must come back to what is essential and what is eternal, to what comes from God directly.

    This is the Great Faith. This is the power and the presence of Knowledge. This is the great thread of truth in your life. Build your strength here, and the future will not seem so overwhelming. It will not seem so threatening. You can face uncertainty with greater strength and determination. You have the power to change your circumstances in advance of great change and in the face of great change.

    This represents a shift in your allegiance. It is the necessary change within yourself. This will give you equanimity, strength and courage because Knowledge is not afraid. This will free you from being bound by the opinions and the behavior of others. It will free you from the immense discouragement and disappointment that you will feel and that will exist all around you as people’s faith in all other things begins to fail. This will free you from the paralyzing grip of fear and will enable you to take great and dramatic action while others are frozen, unable to respond.

    This is the Great Faith. This is why that which is ineffable and mysterious represents your greatest hope and promise. All human effort guided by Knowledge, all human invention guided by Knowledge and all human ingenuity guided by Knowledge has power, direction and real promise.”
    Thanks again Alex,
    Blessings and Godspeed,

      • Thank you, Alio+McDavis, for dropping this link here. I know it very well, along with the New Message from God. I found it many years ago after searching for decades, particularly for this New Message from God. This Message is the Golden Grail and brings you to the meaning of your life, and there will be many that come here also seeking as I did. God Bless you Alio.

      • Thank you Alio for this message! I listen to these podcasts to see where we as a group of beings are in awareness of the events that are happening in this matrix world we are in. I am interested to see where the current events are unfolding. We who have come here as light workers to help with the energies and assist with those who are ready to awaken. The dark energies are frantic right now due to the light that is coming in from all here and our Star brothers and sisters. We remain strong to continue the work we have come here to do. Blessings to you and others.

        • The machine world collectives do not handle unexpected change well and there have been some unexpected changes. It doesn’t take that many. A million little unexpected changes in a million little people is a big problem. A million is not that much.

  • I guess awakening from false hope on Q is a part of the process for finding out more about truth.

    We can hope on something though got to make sure that we aren’t turning ourselves into another blind sheep crowd.

    Trust in our common sense.

  • Never Paid attention to anything mentioned by Q ,
    I just can’t listen to an Entity that goes by 1 letter such as Q ,
    Especially since the word Question starts with Q , I would Question everything if I listened to Q.
    I would rather keep my sanity and do my research far away from Q.

  • As I am a former Hopium and Heroin addict in full Recovery, I’m going to “Trust in the Plan” as long as “The Plan” is mine, and rest assured that my Plan is not for everybody. I place no Faith in “White Hats”, “Q”, “Donald Trump”, or in any other Savior or Deity be they physical or Spiritual. I was once in love with my wife and Life-mate and since I lacked the mortal ability to save her life, I trusted in God to do what I couldn’t. Big mistake. The only part of our union that wasn’t allowed to die through my desperation was my love for her, and the end result of my Trust and Faith is the pitiable fact that I am still in love with the only woman who has ever loved me regardless of the fact that she died in my arms 25 years ago.
    Be careful who you pray to, and be even more careful who you trust in.
    Being eternally in love with someone more fortunate than myself is not a fate that most would pray for. One is the Lonliest Number that I ever knew, and there is no Number 2. As I have inferred, “The Plan” that I trust in isn’t the Plan for most of Planet Earth’s “little lovelies”; this Plan, like Love itself, takes plenty of Dedication and Self-Sacrifice.
    Be careful what you wish for. There can be only One.

  • AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA OR AIM4TRUTH warned us about FLYNN about 3 years ago.. Do some Research everyone.. There will ALWAYS be CONTROLLED OPPOSITION Remember the quote: “I will lead every Revolution Against Me”…

    • Never followed the “Flynn” narrative, however I am aware of American Intelligence when they were aiming for truth. Prior to the 2016 election Douglas Gabriel released two beautiful, well spoken, detailed & informative video, aimed to bring the American public of the nefarious acts surrounding our governments involvement of WW1, but especially WW2. Douglas Gabriel in these video’s that were each, one and a half hour long, went into details of President Roosevelt’s deception to the public, so to draw us into that war on behalf of England and the Communist that took over the Russian Monarchy. They continued exposing Britian for their “Hold” on our government.
      About one year after those videos were published and President Trump was under distress, so too was American Intelligence swerving out of their lane and became undependable. Their “new” narrative, I hear, is blaming some kind of “Rhodonite” Cartel.

  • If General Flynn is a Christian , why is he using Gods name in vain – blasphemy is a very serious sin again the one who gave him breath.

    • True.
      Why does so-called “truth” need a hypocrisy in order to be recognized?
      I thought truth is something that can should be naturally recognized by good action of people, well, at least that’s what it says in Bible.
      I can understand the meaning even I’m not a Christian, and I expect better from Christians.

  • analyzes Q drops and I don’t understand why Michael Flynn calls it BS. I listen to truth wherever it comes from. Rumors are going around that Michael Flynn and Clay Clark and the Tht Time to Free America tour is a money laundering operation. Do I want to believe that?

  • We also need to drop out of NATO, and the UN. All our allies in Europe that chose to continue be controlled by their central banks, and teaches liberal socialistic bull will become AUTOMATICALLY our enemies just like what we did with Cuba.

    • There are hints we are. On December 22nd, 2022, the United Nations Environment Program took a vote with 188 governments at the Biodiversity Conference in Montreal Canada. Only 2 votes were “No” The United States & Vatican, due to the fact that attached to a typical United Nations stunt, was the Bioweapon clot shot for all, in order to get their personal Debt erased.

  • Correction to General Flynn: al Qaida is a CIA funded false flag operation. 9/11 was a Bush/MOSA operation as the Muslim mules on two airliners managed to collapse 3 towers on their footprints.
    1- reject socialism, and communism LEGALLY from all schools and media.
    2- Nationalize the Federal Reserve, and cancel all the USA debts to them.
    3- put our military on our ficking borders.
    4-Take all monies from political campaigns.
    5- Bring all manufacturers back to America.
    Without having free discussions in the public spheres moderated by hones media focused on FREE SPEECH, we are doomed.
    5- Make the word environmental or earth a gateway to destruction of Christianity.
    6- Find mostly manly men to be the teachers of the new generation.
    7- All the woke people must be made fun off until they take out their nose rings and purple hair. That task can easily be accomplished by the comedians WHO MUST BE DICTATED TO BY GUARDIANS OF THE CULTURE AND MORAL BOUNDRIES.

  • Alexandra,

    The Founders’/Framers’ constitutional
    republic died upon Abe Lincoln’s
    theft of office via House of Rothschild.

    “Christians” had prodded him to go to war,
    helping Rothschild banking cabal to keep
    power—specifically : that NASTY, blood-
    thirsty, misnamed “Friends”/Quackers.

    Quaker-connected Beecher-Stowe,
    upon first meeting Abe Lincoln, was
    told by him :

    “So you’re the little
    woman who wrote
    the book that
    started this great

    Fathom the meanings/conspiracies
    contained therein. John Brown is
    thought of, today, by many
    to be H E R O I C—a psychopath as
    hero ?


    • The Civil War was a Trade war. The South was Moonlighting/Cotton Trading with England & France, which was against Article VI. “No State without consent of the United States Congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter any conference, agreement, alliance or treaty with any king, prince or state……..”

      Treasury Greenback dollar bills, issued by President Lincoln in 1862 & gold & silver coined at the U.S. Mint, free of charge. He rejected private bankers to lend money to the U.S. government. Lincolns defiance of Lionel Rothschild & his uncle James resulted in his assassination.

      • Jay,

        -won’t get into the weeds with you,
        except to correct your first 3 words
        with these :

        — Lincoln’s War Against Self-Determination —

        Slavery had been PEACEFULLY dismantled across
        the entire West—excepting in Marxian Lincoln’s
        anti-constitutional America (( find and study, “Red
        Republicans . . .” )).

        Word-Search :

        “ History of Rothschild bank and [ America’s ] wars ”; e.g., :

        “ A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an ‘International Banking Syndicate’ decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, ‘The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed.’ ”
        —paragraph is from DuckDuckGo dot com. ) :


        • It is true that Lincoln could not truly escape the Rothschilds when it came to money. However, as reelection neared Lincoln had control over Congress & American Banking system. He enacted National Banking Acts of 1863 & 1864 that allowed private bankers to issue cheap credit to build industry, that were not reliant on Southern plantation systems.
          With a combination of banking, tariff, education, agriculture enacted under President Lincoln the United States began the greatest period of industrial development ever seen.
          The South’s allies had America’s borders surrounded with more than 50,000 foreign troops ready for invasion in Canada, New York & Mexico. While Lincoln submitted help from the only European Monarchy left not indebted to London/Rothschild, Tsar Alexandra II of Russia. The Russian Fleet arrived in New York Harbor September 24th, 1863 & San Pablo Bay in California a few weeks later.
          (Russia would never be forgiven, hence the staged Russian Revolution that brought in Communism & murdered millions of Russians)

          • Furthermore, “Self Determination” had to be within the boundaries of The Articles of the Confederation, which clearly stated in its “Preamble” that the States are (and still are) a “Perpetual Union”

  • I once was a Q hoper. After sometime it occurred “trust the plan” was ridiculous. As we’re to trust the plan the Globalists’ continued undaunted. Then we were told this was necessary to weed out all the bad guys. It would seem with technology this would already be known where all the weed roots extended. “Q” for quit this nonsense.

    • I also kind of was.
      At least it spoke some part of truth… which anybody else, can also do
      It didn’t take me too long to realize that it was a controlled opposition bulls*** mixed with half truth.
      Q completely ignored about poor countries being bombed while continuing to worship Israel and Trump
      I counted on it, not because I cared about politics but because I cared about humanity.

  • Q is a psyop made to sell hopeium, and passify the American public. WEF, Karl Schawb, Noah Harriri, are plotting the destruction of Christianity and the Western culture, yet very few people knows them, and the Khazarian media is covering for them.

    • You’re right about Q being psyop though why do you limit the target of destruction to the West and Christian?
      This is about the global destruction.

  • Dear Alexandra,

    I have gained so much from your many articles through the years….as well as interviews with Dark Journalist. Please see this comment I posted to another Flynn family-related conversation. It is taken from the insights of whistleblower Jessie Czebotar. Veronica has dedicated herself towards greater understanding and sharing of the truths Jessie has brought forth – Nina

    Many may not know of the work of Veronica Swift.
    Here are two of her blog links:

    Also, one can read her free book “An Illuminati Primer” here:

  • Even DeSantis used to say “If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chances of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero,” though he’s now acting like he’s against vax.
    Flynn denounced DeSantis for it, which seems right.
    But the problem is Flynn has lead Q crap crowd in past.

    Don’t trust anyone until they stop talking crap and start doing something useful, not even Flynn or DeSantis.

  • Thanks guys!! Now I hear the real analysis of the Devolution and Q-Anon. I know I am not the brightest light bulb in the park but this really helps. I usually don’t listen to you guys because it is a lot of just “Rah! Rah! Back the Man. Which I do not back anyone that is in anyway pro vaccine.

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