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by Dr Ana Mihalcea

In this episode, Melissa McAtee and I correlate her findings of fluorescence in the C19 shots during the manufacturing process and my research of the glowing filaments, mesogens that create an glow the faces of the C19 injected and now are seen via shedding in the C19 uninjected. Melissa shares never released Pfizer internal documents.

Melissa McAtee – also known as Melissa Strickler – was a former manufacturing quality auditor for Pfizer. On October 6, 2021, Project Veritas highlighted Melissa McAtee, a former Pfizer employee who leaked company emails that alleged the use of cell lines derived from human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • the point here is the so called medicine is worse for your health than the disease causing man made pathogen . the medical community in conjunction with the drug industry is colluding to cover-up what is going on under the skin . you are a medical experiment to them a big ass lab rat , so just stop , drop and detox remember whats left of your life is precious besides you can donate your toxic residue sleeve later on when you kick the habit of breathing for the benefit of science .

  • It became obvious very early on in the Covid panic operation that the government was cookin the books. There were whistle blowers galore being shunned by club member media and threatened by the club owner medical establishment. Since then these same club members are circling their wagons. Indulge me to review the human faces behind the CDC & FDC facades:

    Thomas Frieden, Obama’s Director CDC 2009-17, another community organizer, political activist, Amagahaga for NYC mental health initiative, senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, a global medical combat non-profit, long time participant in World Economic Forum (WEF). Anyone think he will stand up to expose his buds in the club?

    Robert Redfield, Trump’s CDC director 2018-21, this old Army doctor didn’t seem to fit the CDC very well likely because he was not a club member, but another club member by the name of Scott Gotleib Trumps warp speed ace in the hole over at the FDA approved the now famous gene therapy operating system which Trump and Fauci marketed as a “vaccine”. Redfield is compromised, but Gotleib will never betray his club because they’ve got even bigger fish to fry.

    Peter Marks another Trump ace in the hole, the gatekeeper at FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research where he approved “Operation Warp Speed”, conducted mRNA gene therapy seminars, claims he laid the groundwork for Covid 19 experimental injections, “After standing up Operation Warp Speed (in The White House), Marks returned to his full-time role overseeing the FDA’s approval process.”

    Rochelle Paula Walensky, Biden’s appointed CDC Director 2021-23, having been in a string of medical bureaucracy positions, like Anthony Fauci she is not a practiced MD, she’s a medical establishment scientist/bureaucrat and like Frieden a fellow club member and cannot be counted on to blow any whistles.

    Mandy Krauthamer Cohen, Biden’s 2023 appointee to Director of CDC. Anybody think this fellow club member will rat on fellow club members? Besides she’s busy working on CDC propaganda videos to be broadcast on fellow club members nooze medias.

    Brilliant British speaker activist Katie Hopkins groans that nothing we say matters to the establishment. Wonder why? Katie Hopkins lament here:

    These club owners don’t seem too worried about those of us who are onto their schemes because we have no temporal power and they have their hands on the levers of temporal power to advance their agenda. Of course anything we have to say is politically incorrect and will eventually be dried up by them, provided they stay in power. If anyone thinks removing them is as easy as voting for a president, think again—their fellow club members are imbedded EVERYWHERE YOU FIND CONTROL LEVERS.

    They are HIVE MINDED, convinced they are divinely destined to rule so they pursue law, medicine, entertainment and money management occupations in swarms to dominate the disgustingly intellectually lazy classes. It’s very effective, can you blame them?

  • Mihalcea is a TOTAL FRAUD, fearmongering with zero knowledge of real science… WHy is this Trump propaganda channel posting constantly that moron, is beyond me….

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