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Mr Reagan has compiled the highlights of the Michigan voter fraud hearing on Wednesday and it is an incredible research resource for investigating the tsunami of voter fraud that occurred there, as well as a handy field guide to Midwestern accents that transports me to my Chicago childhood.

The Manchurian Candidate meets Fargo – not to be missed!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Alexandria.

    I have something that may be of help to the voting fraud in Michigan. I have contacted many people .. lawyers . News. Etc. Understandably I got no response. I can just imagine the letters they getting. Let me explain a bit.
    I was online election night. I clicked on a voting poll counter to update it and refresh my page since it froze. After it loaded I was looking at the bianary of the poll app along with the news site it was communicating with. . It has the counts.. updates… Numbers.. times.. polling stations the numbers came from.. the votes for all sections of the election that day from start to finish. Along with the communication in test form between the news reporters and I believe the pollers. One message said .. biden didn’t win yet. After they already announced it… She said there is 20k+ votes being dropped off around 11pm. ….. Now how did she know that? . The count in the box being dropped off? The time? It also shows a normal election count. Trump wayyyy ahead.. then the absentee count went sky rocketed into the hundreds of thous. And more then half went to biden . It is very interesting at the most. I think it needs at least be looked at.
    Who do I contact to send this to? All I can find is online social media addresses for everyone.. I’m not willing to do that. I didn’t get response.

      • Alexandria.

        I have something that may be of help to the voting fraud in Michigan. I have contacted many people .. lawyers . News. Etc. Understandably I got no response. I can just imagine the letters they getting. Let me explain a bit.
        I was online election night. I clicked on a voting poll counter to update it and refresh my page since it froze. After it loaded I was looking at the bianary of the poll app along with the news site it was communicating with. . It has the counts.. updates… Numbers.. times.. polling stations the numbers came from.. the votes for all sections of the election that day from start to finish. Along with the communication in test form between the news reporters and I believe the pollers. One message said .. biden didn’t win yet. After they already announced it… She said there is 20k+ votes being dropped off around 11pm. ….. Now how did she know that? . The count in the box being dropped off? The time? It also shows a normal election count. Trump wayyyy ahead.. then the absentee count went sky rocketed into the hundreds of thous. And more then half went to biden . It is very interesting at the most. I think it needs at least be looked at.
        Who do I contact to send this to? All I can find is online social media addresses for everyone.. I’m not willing to do that. I didn’t get response.

  • The evidence of voting “officials committing fraud” are outstanding. But will anything be done about it? The NWO believes its above the law. Then we have Bill Barr saying there is no fraud. This entire government and its agencies are ALL so corrupted its beyond belief.
    Thank you, Alexandra for doing what you do. God bless you.

  • Dear Alexandra,

    I have not had the time to watch it all the way through but is there a clear picture emerging that prevents the Secretaries of State from confirming the voting in States where it is known voting fraud took place?

    • Yes, because now they would be knowingly certifying a fraudulent election, which is a serious felony, carrying many years in prison.

      There are members of the Arizona State Legislature who may press charges against Arizona Governor Doug Ducey for certifying the election there, amid massive evidence of fraud. Like Georgia’s Governor Kemp, Ducey is a Republican!

      This is what is meant by “RINO” = Republican In Name Only.

      The GOP may not be able to recover from what is being exposed now of their own corruption.

      Ducey actually signed the certification while Giuliani was holding the hearings there – he may have been trying to get that in under the wire before the evidence became irrefutable, in order to avoid felony charges but to follow the Globalists’ instructions.

      • Dear Alexandra,

        Five years ago, a lady most dear to me was sent to a planet in a far off Galaxy to be taught how to support me in helping our world rid ourselves of Evil.

        That dear lady is yet to return, for ‘Evil’ has blocked her from doing so for over two years.

        I am currently in the middle of naming and shaming those whom have been traitors, colluding with our ‘MY6’ under the control of Rothschild.

        The point I am endeavouring to make is that it has been known for over1.2 million years that this time would come and that removing ‘Evil’ was not going to be a one-night wonder.

        I haven’t been given all the relevant data but from what I can see it is going to take many decades, at the very least.

        Even so, what purpose does a left-wing Communist/Marxist party serve in the new world?

        Except by totalitarian oppression, neither political states are able to function!

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