The Biden Regime was installed nearly 800 days ago but the House Republicans have yet to make any criminal referrals or really do anything, besides fundraise from their cross examination of Federal bureaucrats. Some, like the video creator known as Ultra Maga Party have had enough.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Hey Chris,
    He’s not yelling at the Repukicans who obviously want to hold off on impeachment until the election year so they can lose to Gavin Newsom (per the script); he’s yelling at YOU AND ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS WAITING FOR A “LEADER” TO DO THE HARD WORK OF PUTTING AN ORGANIZATION TOGETHER to create a political alternative party capable of WINNING Federal and state elections LIKE IT’S NO BIG DEAL. That will require a party run on the basis of CONSENSUS (or at least 7/8s thereof), SORTITION (used to choose candidates when consensus can not be reached) AND RESCISSION to rid ourselves of divisive laws which lack consensus (7/8s) support.

    (One example where consensus is currently lacking, would be laws regarding abortion: there are many solutions that people offended by baby killing – most of whom seem to have no objection to the U.S. military killing babies worldwide – could employ to reduce the number of abortions (besides throwing people in jail), such as paying women to get tubal ligation surgery; all that stands in the way of such solutions are laws which will be easily rescinded by representatives elected on the basis of “consensus governing” principles.)

  • didn’t people notice that it makes NO DIFFERENCE between dem’s and rep’s???? The SAME GOV, the same cabal, all under the same ‘law’ in face of all the farce called congress, senate, etc. There is NO HONEST party serving the American people. for a LONG time.

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