It recently emerged from former Fox Financial News pundit, Ed Butowsky that he’d befriended his colleague Ellen Ratner, a Fox News analyst, whose brother was the late Michael Ratner, the lawyer of Julian Assange.

Butowsky says that in the Fall of 2016, Ellen Ratner told him that she’d just returned from Europe to attend a dedication ceremony for her deceased brother and while in London, she visited Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Ratner told Butowsky that Assange said he’d paid Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron for the DNC emails that were published by WikiLeaks in July 2016. Assange asked Ratner to relay this information to Seth’s parents, in order to help explain the motive and to hopefully help solve the murder of their son. She asked him to contact Seth’s parents with this information on her behalf.

A video has now been discovered which supports Ed Butowsky’s story. It was posted by Florida’s Embry-Riddle University on their channel from a November 9, 2016 taping there, on the day following the November 8th US presidential election. It features Fox News’ analyst, Ellen Ratner (a Democrat) and Republican pundit, John LeBoutillier.

In this video, Ratner says, “By the way, I just spent three hours with Julian Assange on Saturday at the Ecuadorian Embassy. One of the the things he did say was that the leaks were not from the Russians, they were [from] an internal source from the Hillary campaign or from somebody who knew Hillary, an enemy.

“He does not think [the emails] are from Russians and he said Russia got credit for something WikiLeaks should have gotten credit for!” (Laughter).

When this event was filmed, the Russian Collusion narrative hadn’t yet gotten fully off the ground and Ratner’s info hadn’t yet become a matter that could terminate her life.

Currently, Ratner is not commenting on her meeting with Assange, the contents of their conversation of which would upend the treasonous plot to frame Donald Trump for “Russian Collusion”.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Let’s see Ratner….that’s a Roman Catholic name, no….. a German Lutheran. no….Russian Orthodox, no…..

    Another Lie, another none story….LMAO

    Soy Vey

  • My guess is that US Intel did not do this hit for the DNC for deniability purposes. Like Vegas and Sept 11th, it was either Mossad or Saudi. But a hit it was.

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