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by Greg Reese in Collaboration with Celia Farber

It appears as if German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, who recognized the COVID crimes against humanity as early as 2020, has been set up. Fuellmich was spearheading a project known as the “Second Nuremberg”, and co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee. His Committee consulted about a hundred and fifty scientists and experts from around the world, as well as former employees of the World Health Organization, and their findings showed them that the COVID measures were the first steps in a plan to destroy regional economies in order to make populations dependent upon global supply chains, and were intended to reduce the population and install a world government under the United Nations.

The Corona Committee received a lot of donations which they believed were not safe due to the recent history of bank accounts being seized by complicit governments. One million Euros in gold was purchased and put in holding. To fund operations, both Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer took out secured loans. Reiner’s loan was for seven-hundred-thousand euros and was to be repaid with the proceeds from selling his home. All documented and agreed upon by the committee.

Members of the Corona Committee met with a law firm in August of 2022, and filed criminal charges against Fuellmich. Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Fuellmich embezzled seven-hundred-thousand euros, the loan that he officially took out. They claimed he was a violent anti-Semite and that if he were given the opportunity to comment before criminal proceedings began, they would not file the complaint.

Two warrants were issued for his arrest, from Germany and from the E.U., without Reiner’s knowledge. Without an international arrest warrant, German and Mexican authorities illegally abducted Fuellmich at the German embassy in Mexico. He was then flown to the Frankfurt Airport where he was arrested and put in jail. International law experts are calling his arrest an illegal kidnapping.

According to documented company plans, Fuellmich’s loan was to be repaid after the sale of his property. But the very same people that filed the complaint against Fuellmich, sabotaged this agreement. The contracts stated that the profits of the Fuellmich property was to be transferred to a Fuellmich account so that he could repay the loan. But the notary, who is sworn to be neutral and independent, instructed the buyers to transfer the one-point-one-five-eight million euros into Marcel Templin’s account. Which made it impossible for Reiner to repay the loan.

The loans were transparently agreed upon in written contracts. There was no secrecy and the company was aware of the loans at all times. The evidence that proves this has been officially submitted to the court, who has chosen to ignore it and has muzzled the defense and ordered they not be allowed to mention it.

The evidence shows that Hoffmann, Templin, and the notary, illegally obtained access to the profits of Fuellmich’s property. And not only is the court ignoring this evidence, they have summoned these same people as witnesses against Fuellmich.

The complaint states, “Fuellmich has also made himself liable to prosecution for embezzlement by purchasing the gold bars without the consent of the shareholders, obscuring their existence and possessing them for himself.” But the purchase of the gold bars is also documented. They are in holding and can only be accessed with the signatures of both Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer. This is shown in company documents which were never given to the public prosecutor. But they have been submitted by the defense, and are being ignored by the court.

Furthermore, while the court froze Fuellmich’s accounts, they failed to freeze the one-point-one-five-eight million euros in Marcel Templin’s account. Which is presumably still there, and appears to be the payoff for this internal coup.

The trial is happening now in Gottingen, Germany and the plaintiff’s sloppy accusations are beginning to fall apart. One reporter at the trial said: “The case was totally destroyed, and one could only sit there in amazement.” A journalist from BittelTV said that, “Reiner will not only be released but also compensated. The people who did this to him in my opinion will be charged themselves.”

It is beginning to appear as if justice may finally be served.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • In the interest of the evidence provided here, it is ‘clear to me’ that Fullmich was ‘set up’. Any honourable person would see this. He deserves ‘justice’.

  • I do wish for his wellbeing, so should be credited on exposing fraud on C19….though to be exact about what he’s saying is that ~ C19 is scam, but other V may exist (He’s saying that virus is everywhere but no one dies from it (How strange is that when no one ever spotted virus? I mean, come on man).
    The corrupt authority likely arrested him knowing it’s a half-baked truth, in center of the spot (though I could be wrong)

  • The covid salvo of WW3 was the ” first blood ” strike to ” shock and awe ” the prisoners into submission to one world government the response to this global tyranny from the brave who knew that they could make a difference in the world was met with a German ruthlessness and efficiency that would make Hilter blush . His escape from the Gulagastan didn’t work very well the pirate police parties have agreements to share the duty / loot when they coral their intended prey . No since complaining about abuse of justice with the irony that he is a lawyer and must have realized that that shit don’t live here no more .

  • Thankyou Mr Fullmeich !
    For everything you have done to uncover the treachery !
    God bless you and Pray to keep you safe !

  • We prayed for Reiner this morning. I tried to post on my Facebook page but got a notice that only Canadian news can be shared.
    But God is Greater than those coming against the truth.
    We will keep praying.

  • Hoffman Timplin & Fischer ought to face prosecution for suppling MISINFORMATION about Fuellmich they are as guilty of being as they have accused him. We ETHICAL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD TOTALLY SUPPORT Reiner may god protect him.

    Hopefully an ethical lawyer will bring these “lying “turds” to common law justice.

  • I followed Reiner from right after he started investigating the plandemic in July 2020. He then started where he was investigating the cabal and collected more evidence on their crimes than probably anyone else on this planet. I knew they’d go after him and am surprised he is still alive. I pray that he gets out of prison but he’s a marked man and the cabal are very very evil people. I heard an interviewing ask him once if he was afraid for his life and he said “yes, at times I do”.
    He is a true hero to humanity that is for sure.

    • You still don’t get it, or choose not to get it. Germany, like virtually any other nation, is a colony of the genocidal barbarian US empire (steered by a bunch of psychopaths), following its orders —

      Why do you think we have GLOBAL chemtrail sprayings?

      Why do you think criminal pseudoscientific Covid measures were implemented GLOBALLY?

      All these nations do what the criminal US regime tells them to do…

      “America is the greatest exporter of violence the world has ever known. So wear your patriotism on your sleeve and be proud. You are a depraved citizen of the world’s worst killer nation.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US government official, in 2015

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