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My head has been spinning for a year, as I’ve tried to work out how a coordinated global fraud of such a vastness as COVID-19, involving so many different sectors and jurisdictions could’ve been pulled off.

Dr Lee Merritt joins Mike Adams to discuss the financial and regulatory forces that have been keeping most doctors from doing the right thing and morally pushing back against this patently genocidal agenda.

She explains, “There’s a pyramid, here. At the very top of the control pyramid, are the doctors who are chiefs of departments and administrative; the CEOs…of these hospitals that are taking the government money from the NIH…

“The role of Tony Fauci, here…he’s what we’d call the bagman. He takes the money that his bosses give him, like the Gates Foundation and whoever…and over his life at the NIH, Dr Fauci has distributed $800 billion, a half a trillion just for AIDS research, alone. So hospitals have become dependent on this stuff. I heard up to 80% of research institutions are NIH grants.

“So they’re bought. The people at the top are not going to speak out, because Dr Fauci has a long arm and can pull back your grant if you start speaking out against Remdesivir and for Hydroxychloroquine, for example.

“Then at the bottom of the pyramid are people who are in training and I hear from them all the time and they’re sad about what’s going on but they can’t speak out, because they can’t get through medical school and they can’t get through their residency if they don’t speak out. And I’d give them a moral pass right now.

“But in the middle are a bunch of doctors, like you say, they’ve got debts, they’ve come out of training…or they don’t want to lose their job, they’ve got a mortgage and kids and I get this…but look back at Germany. We don’t give those doctors a pass for not having jumped off the bus. We’re in a moral bus that’s about to go over the cliff. It’s time to get off.

“We’re killing people, at this point. By omission; we could’ve told them about Vitamin D, something very simple…They are killing by commission. They’re treating people inappropriately in the hospitals…

“I know a lot of people who are not physicians, who gave up their jobs and stood up morally, rather than go along with this and I’m just going to say that God will not hold us blameless: Physicians, it’s time to stand up. You cannot keep riding this bus.”

Dr Merritt is so smart and articulate and has many great insights to share, here and Mike Adams is at his best, as well.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I used to be pro vaccine until I did my research and now I won’t allow anyone injecting this experimental stuff into my body, unless they use a blow dart on me when I least expect it.

    I got other vaccines before, and I am not anti-vaccine. I have my right to not risk the new experimental vaccines that are now not even effective against the new strains. You may laugh at me, but it is you, the pro-vaccine people that are the lab rats here, and I hope you do your research as well.

    Unless you are elderly or at risk, you are putting your life in more danger by getting this vaccine.

    Every single doctor now too, Phds, medical researchers, Dr Michael Yeadon – the former Pfizer vice president and the head researcher, together with the very inventor of mRNA vaccines – RW Malone MD, and many other experts in the field such as Dr. David Ayoub, Dr. Robert Rowen, Dr. Richard Moskowitz have sponen out against them, and have been sileced, censored, banned, and even called conspiracy theorists. Experts in this very field are being called fools and being censored by non-experts and the media. It beggers belief.

    The government and the big pharma actually wants people to be healthy? One should first ban tobacco and alcohol which cause much more damage than this virus. And the other one would be out of money if everybody were all healthy.

    Google now even filters search results and you have to use other browsers such as DuckDuckGo to find this matterial on the Internet. But it’s there. Do your research, and hear both sides before you scream of top off your head how much of a holy grain this vaccine is.

    Oh, and this virus is of animal origin. You cannot eradicate it. You can only control human viruses with vaccines, such as chickenpox. The same reason every year you have a new strain of Flu. And a new vaccine for it.

  • Spiffy is such a troll (or idiot?). Hilariously pathetic when faced with overwhelming worldwide evidence to the contrary.

  • A discussion (in 2 parts) between Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Dr David Martin around the topic of patents submitted relating to gene therapy well before the Covid pandemic began. Astounding and utterly damning for the likes of Fauci, his associates and ‘big pharma’. By the way, I believe Fuellmich and his team are in the process of bringing a worldwide class action lawsuit against illegal fraudulent Covid measures.

    • To which I will add: – further testimony heard by the same committee. If you choose to watch this, I should warn you that it contains shocking information about the by now evident genocide perpetrated by the US ‘healthcare’ agencies. Please at least take the time to view it. If you then feel suitably enraged, which I did, inform friends and family to raise awareness.

  • Meanwhile in reality, this is fake news. Vaccines are proven to work, are safe for the vast majority of people, and only the Tinfoil Hat crowd falls for this nonsense. If everyone put half as much effort into getting vaccinated and masking, the world would be well on it’s way to defeating Covid. But that was too easy for all the pseudo-intellectual crackpots out there, who see a conspiracy behind every tree even when there’s no tree there at all. Then they go on about “rights to spread disease and death” and “freedom”, when you have NO such right at all. Thanks to people falling for crackpot nonsense on this site, others have died of Covid. And thanks to denying reality, more will die needlessly of Covd.

    • More vaccinees will get ill and die of ADE if it’s not already happening. Did I read 70% of cases in UK were vaccinees? Jabs fail to stop transmission and fail to prevent fatalities, also in the majority in vaccinees. Okay so it reduced symptoms, maybe, since most people would get only mild symptoms anyway naturally. It’s all about your absolute risk when you look at it considering the recovery rate is 99.75%. There is nothing tinfoil in that, just the facts, ma’am.

  • The problem is that our education system has taught people WHAT to think instead of HOW to think. They look for someone to tell them what to do and use no common sense nor do they do any research before they stick crap into their body. Even when you present facts to people they refuse to believe the facts. Common sense has been bred out of people. Those of us that still have common sense see what is happening and it will be us that are left behind and most of the obedient will be gone. That is not the outcome the globalists want though. The reason they want EVERYONE to be vaccinated is so they have no control group. If we are all vaccinated then there is no way to prove that the vaccine is killing people.

  • masks are not air sealed.exhaled air goes out through the paranasal holes and fresh air is inhaled through pores in the mask.So no chance of oxygen defficiency.

    • the mask effectively increases your tidal volume. you end up rebreathing more exhaled air that is lower in oxygen because you just breathed it out and it is trapped in your leaky mask; it doesn’t get a chance to dissipate before you inhale again.

      • Trapped in your leaky mask. Really?? If you mask leaks so badly, you’re not re-breathing the exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2), so you just shot down your own statement. Facts are such hard things to accept sometime…..

  • Ivermectin kills Covid in 1week and stop spread by a carrier in 2days so this alone could stop the crisis across the Planet in 3 months as it’s cheap , kills Covid and can be made easily. This was a scam that they ignored the best treatment in order to force the world population to be forced to take vaccinations. Crime against humanity and Health Officials along with politicians and big pharma involved in this Criminal Health Conspiracy need to be imprisoned with no chance of parole.

  • The Nuremberg Trials left us clear guidance on human experimentation.
    The International Criminal Court is our modern outgrowth of Nuremberg.
    Doctors are getting too much of a free pass.
    Grow some balls of find another industry to work for.

  • I really appreciate your service and this information. My hats are off to both of you for standing up and coming forth and exposing this atrocity. I am a Veteran myself and after the anthrax have suffered physically for years without explanation. It is still an uphill battle for me as I never had fatigue or health issues before the anthrax. It is horrible for doctors to be put in this situation when you know that this is hurting people. I do understand and I have had pressure from my family to get vaccinated and I remember what happened to me after the anthrax and your right it was experimental. It was signed by Bill Clinton for emergency use and I am sure he didn’t think that it would do this much damage. I congratulate both of you for standing up and announcing wrongdoing. God Bless and continue his work.

  • When I tried to tell people about the psychological damage masks do to children, it was like beating my head against a brick wall. The glazed eyes and total lack of comprehension made me feel like I was in the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The fact that their developing brains are being deprived of oxygen, and so their brains are developing differently seems to have no impact whatsoever. In my humble opinion, masking a child is a SERIOUS form of CHILD ABUSE.
    That is all.

  • That is an interesting comment, I didn’t remember being on this site before.

    Do your own research. Trust a person from middle America, Idaho, they will tell the truth.

  • At 4:12 she says: If you get the vaccine and you have to go get ressuscitedafterwards that should be a tipoff!
    WAHAHA! Right on.

  • Wonderful, I’ve been totally impressed with Dr. Merritt’s deep knowledge and her amazing clarity of analysis ever since the first time I saw of her, there’s so much packed in a single interview I need to listen more than once to get most of it, thank you for this.

    • Yes, I’ve always had the same excellent impression of Dr Merritt since I posted a talk she gave some 5 or 6 years ago.

  • Great information explaining everything in a clear concise way. Thank you so much Dr. Merritt. I will never take the evil jab. I don’t take any shots for anything. Even my dog never got booster shots. No thanks, not worth the risk.

    • You’re right to receive the information Dr. Lee Merritt has put out in this article. You’re also right not to take the evil jab – I’m not getting that evil jab also. Why? For one thing, it isn’t a vaccine at all; all vaccines don’t change the human DNA, period. What does change it comes from mNRA and spike proteins that cause severe side effects and even deaths.
      In fact, SB, the FDA only approved this in emergencies, not on healthy people. This was an experiment, which violates the Nuremberg Code, in that true consent was never given. Those people who were in this experiment were lied to by the CDC; thus, no consent. How many suffered severe side effects? How many actually died from this experiment? That’s the question.

  • The deadly covid is in the shot, thats why they are pushing everyone for months to take it. It’s in the shot. Don’t take it, question what’s in the those shots.

  • I keep hearing stock up on Ivermectin. How on earth are we supposed to do that when our doctors won’t prescribe it? Does anyone know where we can honestly order that from a website? It’s very frustrating hearing to stock up on things that we cannot get a hold of.

    • Hi Julie
      Go to. first link and follow the instructions by using text messages to get Ivermectin. They have the prescriptions sent directly to your local pharmacy. I found out about from the second link at the bottom which is an excellent resource to use for Covid19. They have a link there on getting Ivermectin from several doctors services.

    • visit america’s frontline doctors website – there is a ton of info and a portal to a Dr that will prescribe either ivermectin or hcq.

    • You can get Ivermectin for horses at Tractor Supply. Some Tractor Supply stores do not keep it in stock. Our store has it in stock. I bought 2 tubes for about $3.00 each. I treated myself using one. Check with your local tractor supply. You can take high doses of Ivermectin with no risks.

  • Dr. Merritt’s concerns are visions from within a Plato’s cave. Both she, and Mr. Adams discuss at great length the effects, barely discussing the CAUSE.
    In my estimation the vaccines, lockdowns and the Great Reset make a fine backdrop to entertain their audience with, but the brilliant light dancing in front of all of them (Merritt, Adams, and their audience,) eludes them all, and scares them.

    Dr. Merritt too her credit did give us a passing mention of the CAUSE of our concerns though! When she mentioned briefly the ‘conflicts of interest,’ over self/s – petty self interest, and the over-arching control that money and the weilders of it has over us all. Money has marginalized a majority of us, is a TRUE statement. Often times most of us, act contrary too their own real interest (survival), out of petty self-interest. Selling themselves cheaply, for the scraps thrown too them, never realizing that their selling their right to survival, for a bowl of red potage. These would be the bribes of the loans, grants, and a plethora of other financial chains that bind us all to the System.

    The effects of these facts should be “Self Evident.”

    So what is the CAUSE ? simply put; what we call money is a FRAUD, just as most of human race is as well.

    With fake money, we have been paid nothing, which we mortgaged our lives, future’s, and survival , paying with nothing, but a promise to perform, meaning (contracted) to our thralldom.

    Out of petty self-interest.

    Now our self appointed masters are calling their margins in, and demand our performance.

    It has been stated elsewhere; “A government big enough to give us everything we want, is big enough to take it all away.”

    Welcome to the New World Order, bought and paid for with NOTHING…

  • Family member took the jab. Is there anything I can do to help or is it too late? Thank you both so much for the info! So many took the jab and now I have to figure out what to say why I’m avoiding them. Your toxic to healthy people I guess.

  • I have nearly 200 links proving that any of the covid vaccines available have caused serious illnesses, seizures, blindness, paralyzation, blood clots, death and a host of other illnesses. Never, ever allow these monsters to inject their poisons into your body which is a gift of God.

  • The Han Chinese are an absolute scourge on the planet. The Manchu knew this. The Han are the ‘primitives, peasant, low IQ’ that mowed down thousands in Tiananmen Square, and now those who gave that order, drove those tanks are in the CCP! The CCP has NOW TRAINED their population to distrust each other, to not make a move to help if someone faints, is injured (they just walk by and ignore them)..and have created these monster humans that are immigrating to America. And NO, they DO NOT have an IQ that is 6 points higher than everyone else…Pure propaganda… Do you want that psychotic, no conscience element running roughshod over the entire world? I think not! Time to acknoweledge the FACT that certain groups are antithetical to the worlds well-being and survival…and do something about it!!

  • Do some RESEARCH INTO RITUALS…and you will see that masks, 6 feet apart, hand sanitizing..are all in the Satanic Rituals on this very sad planet…

  • I recently listened to the following podcast:

    In the podcast, William Schnoebelen claims that the COVID vaccine is designed to transform us into the beast/chimera when the mRNA in the vaccine attaches to our DNA. The Beast literally supplants the Creator in our bodies. The Sign of the Beast may be the vaccine passport that indicates that we have been injected with the Beast and that the Beast now stands in our bodies which, according to 1 Corinthians 6, are the temples of the Holy Spirit.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    Everyone who is injected with the Beast becomes the Man of Perdition because they are one with the Beast. The Bible talks about how the fallen angels had children with human woman who became the Nephilim. Schnoebelen implies that satan and/or the fallen angels are trying to do that again by joining our DNA with their mRNA. If the vaccine is creating chimeras, then the government is facilitating the creation of the anti-messiah/Man of Perdition by coercing its citizens to become one with the beast.

    • Have you anything to contribute to the discourse other than your “Invisible-Man-In-The-Sky” fantasies? These are harrowing times we’re living, and serious business to say the least. Save that pablum for Sunday school and leave the discourse to the adults in the room, if you will.

  • Most Doctors in my small East Texas town abandoned their practices before the Plandemic so it makes me believe they knew something and possibly have involvement!!

  • Come, let us go down and change their understanding of what is said. I don’t like this movie, I want to leave, but to where? LOL even the fact checkers work for the chemical gods… Bless you all.

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