“Toasted cars” was a term coined by materials scientist, Dr Judy Wood to describe bizarre phenomena at Ground Zero, for which she felt that normal words were inadequate.
Dr Wood’s 2010 book, ‘Where Did the Towers Go?’ proposed that the many anomalies observed in the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers were evidence of Directed Energy Weapons.
🧡❤️💜🤍💙💚💛🧡 Scott Adams had Kennedy’s voice condition and is fine like thousands of other! It s treatable and has worked 15-20 years or more! https://www.bitchute.com/video/e7EAVDJY3LU/
Melting Metals Without Heat
By manipulating molecular bonding energies
with governed resonant pulses of strong magnetic fields
we can control phase transitions in the states of matter.
When exposed to strong magnetic fields – pulsing at 300 Hz
most metals will melt in seconds at 39ºC
using <5% of the energy required by conventional means.
Controlled Phase Transition of Metals
US Patent # 7,524,385 Terry McGrath, Longmont, Colorado
A process for electromagnetic (EM) energy-induced solid to liquid phase transitions
in metals is disclosed. The method utilizes coherent EM fields to transform solid materials such as silicon and aluminum without significant detectable heat generation.
The transformed material reverts to a solid form after the EM field is removed
within a period of time dependent on the material and the irradiation conditions.
Summary of the Invention
The present invention is an electromagnetic (EM) processing method
for rapidly transforming metals with a minimal amount of energy lost as heat.
The transition is achieved by directing coherent magnetic fields
such that metal bonding is disrupted. High temperatures are not required
and the EM field energy can be tuned to effect a phase change
in a wide range of metals, including alloys and combinations of metals.
Many metal transitions can be achieved at or below 50ºC
with little or no generation of heat in the process.
Right! Thanks Mike for finding the patent! These are the documents that need to be exposed to the public. US Patent # 7,524,385 https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/7524385
Also it really makes you think about the patents that aren’t deemed available for public consumption! Combine a few of these patents together and you’ve got a weapons platform.
Really. The patent process was a way for DARPA & the Defence Departments throughout history to sus out weapons applications across all patents before they are public-ally available or allowed to have a patent. Started since the beginning of the double barrelled cannon.
US Patent # 7,524,385 Terry McGrath was submitted for approval in 2006. 911 was in 2001. What patent precedes his that would explain its use in a timely fashion?