I can’t say enough about how much I admire Dr David E Martin and his impressive erudition and his ability to articulate what is happening. He does not mince words when he calls Anthony Fauci a “mass-murdering psychopath…who is actively killing human beings.”

The world is only just now beginning to catch up with him and everything he told us a year ago in Plandemic II.

From 2003 to 2018, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the CDC, Bill Gates and others controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.

The manipulation of the coronavirus began in 1999 with University of North Carolina Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Ralph Baric. In 2002, there was a recognition that the coronavirus was seen as an exploitable mechanism for both good and ill. On April 25th, 2003, the CDC filed Patent #US7776521B1 on the coronavirus transmitted to humans.

Under 35 USC §101, nature is prohibited from being patented. Either SARS coronavirus was manufactured, therefore making a patent on it legal – or it was natural, therefore making a patent on it illegal. If it was manufactured, it was a violation of biological and chemical weapons, treaties and laws. If it was natural, filing a patent on it was illegal. In either outcome, both are illegal.

In the spring of 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the Patent Office to keep their application confidential and private. They actually filed patents not only on the virus, they also filed patents on its detection and a kit to measure it. Because of that CDC patent, they had the ability to control who was authorized and who was not authorized to make independent inquiries into coronavirus.

You cannot look at the virus, you cannot measure it, you cannot develop a test kit for it. By owning these patents, they had the means, they had the motive and most of all, they had the monetary gain from turning coronavirus from a pathogen to profit.

In 2013, Federal funding for research at places like Harvard, Emory, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill suddenly became impaired when the NIH decided that gain-of-function research on coronavirus should be suspended.

In 2014 and 2015, this research was off-shored via a US non-profit organization called the EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak, which reportedly received $123 million from US Federal Government agencies and $39 million from the Pentagon, alone and then subcontracted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

As we learned earlier this week, Daszak thanked Fauci in an email in 2020 for insisting the coronavirus was naturally-occurring when both men knew it was a product of their research funding.

In 2020, Daszak was cited as a COVID-19 Factchecker by Facebook – and incredibly, Daszak has now been put in charge by The Lancet of their task force to investigate the origins of COVID-19! 

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • 11 Sept 2021 update

    Executive Health Barrier protocol :

    For the prevention & treatment  of Respiratory infections : TB, Covid/Flu Bacterial , Fungal etc. via an effective Lugol’s Barrier

    Use : for comment and comparative studies of other protocols only.
    see http://www.vladimirzelenkomd.com
    Not intended as Medical advice.

    Start with the Skin absorption test :

    Rub Lugol’s Iodine BP on inner arm
    (5g/100 ml Iodine & 15g / 100ml Kalium ( Potassium) Iodide .

    This tests for allergies.
    Rare Thyroid storm plus Iodide cellular Saturation. Check for
    Your own Contraindications ?
    Aspirin ? Iodine ? antibiotics etc

    Absorption of the Yellow Iodine colour on skin..as a Potassium Iodide absorption marker.
    Below 6 hours .. too little Iodide.

    Aim for  absorption between 10 to 12 hours

    Iodine is poisonous in large doses .Used as a topical disinfectant and yellow skin- absorption marker for Kalium-Iodide which is the active colourless ingredient sought.
    Selenium x 30 days : to bind Iodine.


    BARRIER and PREVENTION : Protocol.

    1/4 teaspoon of Lugol’s Iodine in milk X max 5 days
    In milk or porridge to blunt the taste.

    After 5-6 days One must stop taking Lugol’s X 2-3 consecutive days , to prevent Thyroid suppression.

    Potassium / Kalium Iodide concentrates within the Respiratory Cilia and Intestinal Villi within a few minutes. (see Brownstein)
    Forming a Barrier , that no known pathogen breaches.

    Add Selenium  Complex , made by  Vital , = Oxidant & Iodine Binder.
    60 microgram
    15 mg

    MSM for the SULPHATE : essential for anti Inflammatory action.
    Raw Onions contain Sulphates.:

    Vit D³

    We add Vit A B.C D3 and E x 30 days

    Brazil adds L-Lysine 1000 mg 3x/day

    Ozone : ( Wassertec Tesla Tube mobile unit ) plus 10% peroxide nebulization.

    PREEMPTIVE and Rapid Rx
    Treatment of suspected Covid ,or respiratory disease. divided in two three day events. Early Rx is the Key

    Start at PaO² 95 % Oximeter reading
    Pulse above 90 / min ( if applicable)
    Temp 37 ° Celcius or more.
    ( No temperature, BP ,pulse lowering Rx being taken ? Anticoagulants ?

    Take baseline BP : Micro vessel coagulation tends to increase BP

    PCR – Covid tests are irrelevant.

    Lugols 1/2 to One teaspoon x 5 days

    Immediately stop the inflammatory cascade and reduce blood clotting risk . Plus Preempt secondary infections. This is the KEYSTONE

    Maintain Anti-Inflammation and anti microvessel coagulation, secondary infection , suppression throughout treatment. :

    2 x Disprins in water X 4-6 hours X three days.
    (Buffered Salicylate 300mg )
    ( Check use of other anticoagulants )
    Stay away from Paracetamol. it has no anti- inflammatory or anti-coagulant action .

    MSM : double the dose = Sulphates needed for anti inflammatory action

    Add 3 antibiotics X 3 days. to prevent secondary infections , that kill.

    400mg Metronidazole
    100 mg DoxyCycline

    Metronidazole or DoxyCycline

    Add Ace2 Inhibitor. Anti hypertensive
    Enalapril 10 mg. 2x / day
    if indicated x 3 days or more

    Blocks ACE2 sites ; the Inflammatory Cascade needs ACE2 to progress

    Add 24 hour OZONE : Wassertec Tesla Tube moble unit &/or Nebulize with Peroxide 10 % – 20%

    Evaluate after 3 days.
    Continue Ozone and 10% peroxide nebulizing. Continuously maintain anti-inflammatory – anticoagulant Rx Disprin treatment

    Rapid response is Key.
    If not better , repeat the 3 day Antibiotic Regime with another 3 antibiotic x 3 day  combination  plus :
    ( secondary infections vary from region to region )

    Add Ivermectin 1% 

    Rub on skin 2ml/ 50 kg x 3 days. 
    If very ill : add 1ml per /50 kg under the tongue with first Rub on ( Loading dose.) 2 ml / 50 kg

    Increase / double MSM intake (phosphate is needed for antinflammatory action with Disprin )

    Ozone x 24 hours and Peroxide 10% – 20% nebulizing as needed. These two and Lugol’s , break up mucus plugs.

    SORT OUT and normalize  / stabilize underlying Pre/ diabetes , Cardiac and other problems etc.

    The vast majority of patients experiencing difficulty and complications are :

    Overweight , underlying diseases
    Pre/ Diabetic
    plus have a shortage of
    Vit D3 and Kalium Iodide
    ( Potassium Iodide)
    with Zink and Sulphate deficiency ?

    Iodide , Vit D3 ,Zink and Sulphate are essential for combating disease.

    It is the  Secondary Infection, and the Inflammation Cascade that kills. 

    Covid , to date , has no endo or exotoxin and does not kill.

    Add  Ivermectin 1 % in severly ill or during the second three day treatment , should a patient not be better.
    Ivermectin is not an antibiotic, use
    as an addition to prophylactic /pathogen treatment  &  preventing secondary infections X 3 days : add

    Ivermectin 1%. ::  rubbed onto skin  ( 2 ml per 50kg ) x 3 days for a week. Mon Wed Friday ,with under the tongue 1 ml/ 50 kg loading dose.

    Reported 1-3 days cure of Covid and secondary infections, plus a Great anti parasitic Treatment
    ( few side effects x 4 million plus patients treated in Africa , by Merck ?with anti inflammatory action at higher concentration.)

    STAY AWAY FROM STEROIDS  during first week of treatment.

    Always keep a lookout for a Fungal secondary infection ,which can rapidly turn lethal.

    Rx increase Lugol’s Iodine Ivermectin Ozone, Sulphate ,Antibiotics ,anti fugal and Peroxide 10-20% nebulization. maintain anti- inflammatory/ coagulation treatment : Disprin

    4  IMPORTANT  : One Week later.

    INFLAMMATORY CASCADE , ALLERGIC HERXHEIMER REACTION of secondary pathogen breakup debri and toxins THAT KILL : about 7 days after effective treatment.

    Covid is a yearly occuring , rapidly mutating Flu-like infection. Does not kill  :
    It like Flu : Produces no endo or exo toxin to date. Essentially harmless.

    It is the body’s exposure to foreign genetic materials , that TRIGGERS an Inflammatory Cascade , that meaders on to micro vessel coagulation , mutiple organ failure, and secondary infections , that kill ,

    especially in patients with Pre/diabetes and underlying illnesses , with Low Potassium Iodide , Vit D3 , Sulphate and Zink plus low L – Lysine aminoacid

    Rapidly and Continuously Stopping the Inflammatory Cascade and micro vessel coagulation plus secondary infection is the KeyStone to Success PLUS look out and preempt :

    NB NB  Herxheimer type Allergic reaction and Increased Inflammatory Cascade is seen about ONE WEEK after starting effective treatment.

    ADD RAPIDLY :: ( Chetty Protocol)

    Urgent HIGH 80 mg Prednisone/ day x One week . ( Usually required after the 7 th day of effective treatment )

    then taper off  during following week 40 mg / day . then  20 mg / day . then 10 mg / day  then 10 mg every second day to exit Steroid .Rx.

    Add High Antihistamine 

    ADD Rx Disprin two 300mg X 4  times a day X 3 days.
    Double the MSM Sulphate intake

    ADD  :  ACE inhibitor ,eg Enalapril 10mg 2x/d X 3 days,

    High treatment concentration of Ivermectin 1%..
    lvermectin has an intracellular anti inflammatory effect at high concentration.

    Double MSM Sulphate intake

    Add High 5 ml / day Lugols Barrier x 5 days 

    ADD Ozone x 24 hours
    plus /or :  Nebulize Peroxide 10-20%

    Brazil adds L-Lysine 1000 mg 4x/ day

    Patients tend to do well and improve x first 6 days of effective treatment..

    then rapidly deteriorate  as the Inflammatory cascade and Herxheimer  allergic reaction kicks in ; caused by debri foreign genetic material and Toxin release from the secondary infection pathogen’s breakup. ( 7 days later )

    This needs  urgent preemptive and sustained treatment yo save a patient , with Steroids, Sulphate , Ace2 inhibitor, antihistamines, Lugols , Ozone and peroxide nebulization and Disprin / anticoagulants , Zink , Selenium plus
    L- Lysine


    Barrier Protocol  :   Lugols

    Treat early and preempt secondary Infections. and stop the Inflammatory Cascade and micro vessel coagulation

    Antibiotics 3×3 x3 days
    Ozone. with Peroxide Nebulizing. Sulphate. Zink / Selenium Vit D3
    L- Lysine

    Treat early and Preempt the Inflammatory Cascade and secondary infections

    Peroxide 10% Nebulizing
    Ace2 inhibitor
    MSM Sulphate , Zink, Selenium ,L-Lysine
    Most patients do not get infected whilst on Lugol’s Barrier only.

    The ill mostly recover after the first 3 day preventative Antibiotic, Lugols treatment with  Disprin , nebulizing peroxide and Ozone and MSM Sulphates
    plus L- Lysine

    Evaluate after 3 days…
    repeat with different 3 antibiotic Combo..ADD HIGH IVERMECTIN.
    to treat..no prophalaxis Rx.

    PREEMPT and treat early :

    INFLAMMATORY CASCADE/ HERXHEIMER / Allergy. Occurs about One week after effective treatment.

    This kills the patient if not preempting micro vessel coagulation and toxins

    Chasing a rapidly mutating virus,  via a vaccine, is not based on any Science , Logic or Medicine.

    You always remain behind a wave , like a rookie surfer !

    The Simple answer is to prevent and diminish all respiratory infections from entering the host. SIMPLE

    Create a Lugol’s / Potassium Iodide BARRIER : deny all pathogens, however deadly , access to their Host.  SIMPLE and Effective.

    A virus without a Host, remains dead.

    A virulent. rapidly spreading . deadly pathogen..??  Covid tests. irrelevant

    No problem.: Simply Deny  Access to the Body. ..Inexpensive .near 100% effective.. easy to use.

    No ” vaccines” or experimental  BioWeapons , Gene Therapy needed.

    No Masks.

    No Lockdowns

    No tests

    No ” Social Distancing ”

    No media frenzy and propaganda needed

    A deadly variant floating around…?? according to the ” news ” 

    Relax : Barrier Rx = deny access. Nebulize with peroxide etc. Disprin

    Go to the beach. The safest and healthiest location , with the whole family and friends. Sunbathing , breath in the ionized ocean breeze.
    Clean your nose and mouth with Ocean salt water. Hugg and kiss . If at Risk ? use the Barrier Protocol.
    Prevent and deny : the true and still to be invented ” variants ” access. Simple , effective , inexpensive.

    Footnote : Although not used . NOTE
    See , other similar effective Protocols.

    Dr Brownstein and
    Dr Vladimir Zelenko’s Protocol

    HydroxyCloroQuine SULPHATE Works ? Increases Zink and Sulphate levels =effective anti- inflammatory ?

    HCQ PHOSPHATE less effective ??
    Increase of Zink..no Sulphate ??

    Brazil getting good results by adding
    L – Lysine to treatment 1000 mg 3x/day

    19 000  patients seen since ,
    20  March 2020 to 11 Sept 2021 and counting , with Zero Covid losses or complications using the Executive Health Barrier Protocol

  • Send these maniacal criminal sociopaths to Nuremberg 2.0 and have them sentenced to death. Nothing else would be considered justice IMO. Lets start by arresting them NOW before more people die from their genocidal tendencies.

  • Here is how we got here:

    We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.

    In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros.

    We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the wold of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

    “The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world:

    That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year.

    The result would be a population with an AVERAGE IQ OF 90 that is so dumb to grasp anything but intelligent enough to work.

    The European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed.” – – Thomas P.M. Barnett, director of the Israeli military consultancy ‘Wikistrat’ in his book ‘The Pentagon’s New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century’, 2004



    • Odd thing is it wasn’t the White Man who was the oppressor. The Slave Trade was mainly operated by Arabs, whom disguise themselves as jews. Perhaps because many are half breeds. But it was also the Black African Queen, whom willfully Sold them for a Price. Here is something to think about: Thomas Jefferson in 1808 made it Illegal for Importation of African Slave Trade. Perhaps that’s why they imported the Irish as slaves in the guise of “Servitude”

      • “Arabs who disguise themselves as Jews” Were the largest slave traders in US history, the DeWolfs Arabs? No, but I think you already know that. Shalom.

  • Somebody is not telling the truth. The reports of what percentage of Human DNA is known vs. unknown are almost direct opposites. See the CRISPR video in article link and compare to Dr. Martin’s detailed explanations. https://interestingengineering.com/sequenced-entire-human-genome-dna?_source=newsletter&_campaign=B7mvp53oa5oqW&_uid=KQe1jOpRaJ&_h=09eb8fbfdd1a46fad7146471e29ef6a635bb2f6b&_nt=8o6Q1W&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-06-06-2021

    • Genetic Engineering and CRISPER may be more “agenda driven” and full of dangers than proven science.

      The linked article uses many phrases that raise more questions than absolutes. Phrases such as; “But if this latest claim is confirmed as true”, “Assuming this is for real”, “However, assuming the findings are correct” or ” because, (if confirmed)”, do not necessarily promote certainty.
      The Popular Mechanics article itself states, “There’s one little snag, although it was also a snag for the 2000 announcement of the first draft of the genome. Both projects studied cells that had just 23 chromosomes instead of the full 46.”

      Dr. Martin did state that he did not deny that there may be elements of truth and science in the DNA model. He just sees things very differently…. “The elegance and complexity of life”.

  • This is a war being waged on humanity by the darkest of forces only the individual will be able to overcome this…

  • I’m vexed. Based on the information here, should I commit suicide now, or wait weeks, months, years, for the gruesome death you predict?

  • Interesting interview.
    Dr. Martin has eloquently explained the details of the of the system lords’ malicious agenda and the importance of adult responsibility to be the best versions of ourselves.

    We need to be clear that there is a war upon Humans and individual mastery of ourselves.

    Children are learning to comply and conform from adults, who are setting the worst examples by blindly obeying without questioning, investigating, examining and analyzing the sources, facts, and processes, which lead to the truth.

    In other words, the adults are conditioned not to think and the children are being conditioned by example.

    The important questions to ask are: ” When have the system lords ever told the truth?” How have the system lords benefited the general public?’ “Are the system lords consistent at lying and covering lies, or telling the truth?

    Why do the system lords punish truth tellers, and reward liars?

    Why are the common folks complacent with any experimentation or production or any weapon of mass destruction especially bio-weapons anywhere?

    • Yes, those are all important questions that everyone should be asking, not just some of us.
      The transcript of this video raises several more questions, like this one.
      “In the spring of 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the Patent Office to keep their application confidential and private. They actually filed patents not only on the virus, they also filed patents on its detection and a kit to measure it. Because of that CDC patent, they had the ability to control who was authorized and who was not authorized to make independent inquiries into coronavirus.”

      How can anyone petition to have a patent kept confidential and private? Isn’t the main purpose of a patent to publish it publicly?
      That is like filing a public notice in the public records, then petitioning for it to be kept private. It is totally contradictory and incongruous.
      Why they would do that is now obvious, but the how was it possible is the question.
      The same applies to their patents on its detection and a kit to measure it. Those are all highly questionable and suspicious. Especially when we see who filed those patents.

  • People invariably speak about “the coronavirus” when referring to “covid-19”, which no one has ever proven exists because, in a nutshell, NONE of the coronaviruses have ever been isolated, and there are many. Please refer to Dr. Andy Kaufman, MD on this matter because to go on talking about “the coronavirus” is absurd. andrewkaufmanmd.com

    Many thanks.

  • Only been following his work since the start of this medical debacle but I highly admire his work. He has a website called activatehumanity.com which is a great place for all kinds of information etc and is a community of positivity. Even though this particular website is only a few weeks old it has become a great platform for free speach , expression and learning, I couldn’t recommend it enough. I just thought I would show my support and hopefully make some individuals aware of the website and give some hope that there are like minded folk out there who are willing to ask questions without the fear of persecution and create possible friendships to boot. Gosh I sound like a salesman, that is not my intention, if I like something, I like something and maybe you will too, still a bit sales like, I will shut up now :). As always you be the judge, its up to you!

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