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Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it and she joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of miscarriages in connection with their exposure to vaccinated people.

“This is a very high number of people, this is nothing to be ignored. It’s something that needs to be looked into…We don’t know the etiology of this, we’re not getting any help from our governments, our international agencies or the World Health Organization or the CDC.”

She says the vaccine roll-out has nothing to do with a virus. She sees how throughout the world, everybody is saying the same thing, “They don’t really feel as if their president or prime minister is in charge, they say there’s another [corporate] group running the show. They know something’s not right.

“Just look at the big picture. The data doesn’t make sense. The death rate was the same as all the previous five years. Why are we doing this? Why are using something experimental? Why is the benefit maybe a partial immunity for 2 months – maybe. And the risks are astronomical. Nobody in their right mind, no good doctor, no good scientist could recommend this. So why are they?

“Because the endgame is getting these jabs inside of you, so they can introduce this kind of technology inside of you. Also, to thin out the herd, get rid of the weak ones. And whoever’s left over will have this technology – it’s really Artificial Intelligence – that can be used for good or bad. And right now, it looks like they’re going to use it for bad: to control you, to surveil you, to make you not even think the things you ant to think anymore. And please do your due diligence and know that it’s not just me saying this or Alex saying this. This is real. There are so many references. I have a lot of references; over 200 about these things.

“Please look at what’s going on, because if we consent to these things; we consent to more and more of this technology, to these digital passports, accept these experimental things inside of us, one day, it’ll be too late, we won’t be able to act on it. We won’t be able to think enough to act on it.”

Dr Madej has inside information about the nature of the vaccines from a recruitment session she went through outside of Atlanta in 2014, in what was supposedly a Business Owners’ meeting. “We had to be bused into the location, our cellphones were jammed…and we were locked in the building until the meeting was done. And this was a lot of Big Tech people, CNN, etc… and in there, they talked about how they were going to change and modify the behavior of the people of Georgia, using their smart device, a ‘health app’ on there and somehow getting – they didn’t tell us how – a substance in our body that would be used as biosensors.

“The idea is, they felt that people here are ‘too racist’ and they’re not amenable to different cultures and they took it upon themselves to change people.

“This is how I know about all these substances inside these injections…They said these substances would analyze your data, your thoughts, your emotions, they knew if you were lying, by a voice inflection app, also, they knew if you were lying by a polygraph test, with your sweat glands, they can do that. Also, your blood sugar level, your electrolytes, your breathing, also, if you’re having sex, they were interested in that; if you’re drinking alcohol, if you’re taking drugs. They can know everything about you. Literally. They said they could do it.

“So they were going to analyze this data and then, they had an algorithm that a computer would be in charge of. And every time you lied, even a little white lie about where you were, the smart phone would know it immediately by these parameters and give you an instant repercussion and then also, over say 1-3 months, all the lies would be added up, and then you would be considered either a good human or a bad human and the computer would allot you a social credit system or cryptocurrency.”

She says Atlanta is one of a dozen pilot cities in the US where this will be unveiled but it’s now in a testing phase in West Africa. “Bill Gates talks about how this will be used for predictive policing, like the Minority Report with Tom Cruise. He actually says it in the advertisement for this research. He says that it’s used for surveillance. He says that if you do not get this injection, that you will be locked-out of the system, whatever that means. They also say that this will assign you your digital ID. This is not SciFi anymore. These people in Africa are experiencing it, right now as we speak.

“I have this knowledge from meetings I attended. I also attended World Congress meetings with scientists from around the world. They’re all on board, as well. They talked about how they can manipulate our genomics through this CRISPR technology transfection, which they are using in these injections…

“We also know that they’re introducing nanotechnology with these injections. Everybody needs to listen to this…They’re using something called a nano-lipid particle that wraps around the code, which…tricks your body into accepting the code, it suppresses your immune system…and when that happens…you’re accepting a code in your body, now you will be instructed to make and now you’ll spit our parts of these proteins. What will they do? We don’t really know. The idea is for you to make antibodies…

“We have to understand the aftereffects of the nanotechnology. It doesn’t leave your body. It stays in your body. And guess what? It has multiple uses, by chance. And one of the uses of this nanotechnology is to use it as a biosensor.

“So ‘biosensor’ means it’s accumulating data. Really, what this is saying is we’re actually having the start of Artificial Intelligence, in a way, being injected into the human body and by definition, that would be the advent of something called transhumanism…

“I’m embarrassed of my profession, I’m embarrassed of how science is gone. This does not make any sense. This is not good science and people need to wake up that something’s terribly wrong in our world. All the checks and balances have gone away. The governments aren’t running like they normally do, because it’s the Emergency Act and under that, there’s clock and dagger, right? We can’t understand, really what’s going on, we’re not allowed to look inside the ingredients…

“Look at what Bill Gates is doing right now to the people of West Africa. He’s testing these kinds of injections on them…with the nanotechnology, he’s actually looking at their biometrics, their bisensors, giving them a digital ID and then using surveillance and predictive policing on them. Everybody needs to look that up. He’s doing this, as we speak.

“And in this article, they actually say, once they have it perfected in Africa, they will then unveil it to all developed countries. That means us. So do you want this kind of technology to be used as predictive policing? Giving you a digital ID? They’re working with MasterCard for cryptocurrency. This is not SciFi, we’re doing it in realtime, now. So we need to speak up before it comes to our country…

“So, I say that this is the endgame of all games. This is do or die, right now. It’s about Human 1.0. Do you value being a human? Do you value having freedom of thought and to love? If you do, then you stand up now, you say ‘No!’ You say ‘No!’ and take our human rights back. We gave them away. And we stand together, because we are powerful beings. We are made in the likeness of God. We actually have energy and light within us. We don’t need their technology. We are magnificent beings. And stick together, because we have power in that…

“And just look at the Heartmath Institute, there’s science on the energy of our heart. We actually make electromagnetic energy, we’re energetic beings. It goes six feet out from our bodies. In strong people, it goes out even miles. Imagine that. Imagine enough of us getting into that love. Not with fear, not in panic, getting into the love; that high-frequency, standing up. We take our planet back. It’s ours. We already have the paradise here. We can make it the paradise we always wanted it to be…We need to start meeting together once a week…this is not about a virus, Guys…

“I’m a believer in Jesus Christ and I think there are a lot of truths in the Bible and I do think we’re seeing a Good vs Evil war kind of thing happening, here. A spiritual war, 100%…

“We have time to stop this, we absolutely do. If we band together, we unite our voices, we speak out, we educate our brothers and sisters around the world, we say ‘no’ to these draconian measures, as say ‘no’ to a passport, we say ‘no one gives us our freedom, we have our freedom, it’s God-given to us.'”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It’s now July of 2022 and just days ago Dr. Madej was nearly killed in a plane crash. It’s a miracle these evil elite haven’t taken her out by now.

  • You have to kill them and violently and totally eradicate their governments primarily by guerilla warfare and yactics.

  • I find it odd that there aren’t many comments about this. Surely you’re not censored that bad. This article should be at the top of your list so more people can see this. I watched Dr Madej about a year ago and I saw in her video that she was as sincere as someone can get. She started to cry when she got to the Transhumanism part. I know she’s telling the truth. I still can’t get over the secrecy of these meetings through the years and word never got out. Who are these people that joined and what’s in it for them Now we know why the hospitals didn’t treat Covid patients well and won’t give Ivermectin and are letting hundreds of their employees just leave if they don’t want to get vaccinated because they’re in on it.

  • Also I find in odd that activation of 5g is about to happen and Cern is back up working. There are no coincidences.

  • I’m so glad I found this. I knew a little bit on how she went to the meetings. Why hasn’t a whistleblower come out a long time ago? There has to be more than Dr. Madej that made a moral decision. What I want to know is what’s in it for the people that go along with it. How are they hiding all these meetings. This is full blown Twilight Zone! God help us. That’s why I think the time for Tribulation is here. I really think it won’t be long.

  • You know it comes down to this, satans people hear satans lies and GODs people hear the truth.The people who are spiritually dead cling to this world it is all they have and when it sinks because the holy spirit allow it to sink they go to hell with it.GOD does not send anyone to hell the people choose the world and their flesh and they are destroyed because that is what this world is designed to do to humanity

    They are also planning on using ufos technology to cover up the rapture






    • The end game is to take as many souls to Hell as possible. This is a war against Jesus, the Father, and the saints of God.

  • I have been telling people this for a long while now, but rarely do they listen because I provide links which they say is not proof.
    This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at to find out who they are…
    The Plandemic:
    “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
    2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
    3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”

    “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”
    So now the “vaxxed” mRNA injected individuals are the true super spreaders:
    They are NOT Vaccines – they are BIOWEAPONS to infect ALL people – the VAXXED are the spreaders!
    VACCINE – A KILL-Shot! Whistleblowers, Doctors/nurses. See VIDEOS

    “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.”
    — Former Pfizer VP
    If you value your life, do not get the experimental gene-therapy RNA treatment offered by Pzifer, Moderna or AstraZeneca. If you have ONE article to read, it’s this one:
    The Zelenko Protocol: (
    Top Health Experts Accuse CDC Grossly Exaggerating Outdoor Covid-19 Transmission Rate:
    Seychelles’ mistake is a wake up call for the world – the Vaxxed have become the Super Spreaders:
    COVID-19 may be the greatest crime against humanity in history:
    Manipulative magnetic nanomedicine: the future of COVID-19 pandemic/endemic therapy:
    Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine:

  • Matthew 24:15
    “So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place” – CSB
    There can be many abomination of desolation.
    But “The abomination that causes desolation” of our time is the injection station. It kills by the 1000+ each day per station. Watch out for injection station to be set up in the holy place of some Christian or Jewish precinct, in some church sanctuary or Jewish synagogue.

    • (1 Corinthians 15:46) “Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.”
      First is natural – Last is spiritual.
      Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel, the inheritance of Jesus Christ and chosen ones are born again Christians. Spiritual Babylon = ALL nations have now drunk from the cup of fornication and all nations have become spiritual Babylon. Jeremiah 51:7 Rev 14:8 18:3.
      Apostle Paul tells us these things over and over again. We know that God will not dwell in a temple (heart) made with hands. This was never about a virus, but always about the Vaccine which is not a vaccine but rather a ‘transfection’ inasmuch as they insert a virus into the RNA/messenger of DNA which can never be undone causing the ‘vaxxed’ to become the super spreaders.
      We also know that the temple (heart) that Satan wants to dwell in is the hearts of men and those who have allowed themselves to be injected are now ‘made with hands’. The last coming implant IN the right hand, which will likely come after the translation of the body of the church, will promise to cure all diseases and prolong life. Hence, the ONE grievous sore.
      Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” The sorceries mentioned here is far more than just drug addiction and the like. It involves the TV “Programming” which brainwashes and indoctrinates the mind(s) of those who refuse to search for the truth and that truth is found only in one place – the King James Bible for ALL we need to know about how we have been living in the NWO since the 40’s lies within its pages. The ‘merchants’ mentioned are, in fact, the major corporations who have taken control of all that goes on in this fallen world. The Act of 1871 made DC a Corporation, of, for and by corporations which was the beginning of the time when the people lost their voice in OUR government. Read the book: “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot to see just how they have infiltrated OUR government and have completely removed the voice of the people and have nearly taken away all of our God-given rights. TVs, and computers/smartphones are known in the occult world as ‘black mirrors’ for spirit(s) can inhabit and move freely through them; they are the “Ghost in the Machine”; a title of an album by the rock band the Police in the 60’s. How did they know to title their album with such a title? It was by ‘inspiration’ of devils. Those of us who are saved by grace get our inspiration from the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 29:16 we learn how Satan/Gog turns everything Jesus does ‘upside down’. Jesus pray the prayer of intercession, asking the Father to allow those given to Jesus to become ‘ONE’ with the trinity. In Isaiah 14:12-14 we learn how Satan has a five point plan to usurp the ‘church’ and his intention to become “like the Most High [God]”; all knowing. The technology we have today has allowed Satan and his minions to become ‘all knowing. The MAN of sin, the Son of Perdition (damnation) will be revealed on all black mirrors which are, in fact, the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)’ for they both speak and live. Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Those two horns (powers) are the opposite of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, inasmuch as the MAN of sin will be possessed by Satan who, at long last, will be able to rule the world with his “Hive Mind” via technology causing the heathen to become “ONE” with him. In 1 Corinthian 15:46 we learn this: “First that which is natural – Last that which is spiritual”. Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Natural Babylon, Shinar, Iraq. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel and the Chosen Ones are Christians. Spiritual Babylon is ALL nations because of their ‘fornication’. When God spoke in the O.T. of the Israelites fornicating as a nation, it was their sin to go to other nations for their needs, whatever those needs may have been. Today, ALL nations have become Babylon inasmuch as they all rely upon each other for their needs, whatever they may be, and for all becoming one like another via entertainment, technology, major corporations, military, central banks etc. Why are ‘they’ so adamant that those of the poorest nations all own and use smartphones? It is because smartphones are the ‘image of the beast (kingdom)” upon which the MAN of sin will be revealed. He will be the complete opposite (upside down) of Jesus Christ. He will be extremely handsome and charismatic, almost supernatural in appearance, pulling people to him. In Isaiah 53 we learn that Jesus was not ‘comely’ nor did He have any ‘beauty’ of body or face. He was reviled and rejected. If you want to read the truth about how Satan/GOG and his horde of imposters began their march against humanity beginning in 1917 with the creation of their wealth and how they have caused all wars beginning with WW1 it all lies within the pages of Ezekiel 38 and 39. I have studied a LOT of documents to prove whom these people are: Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
      I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time.

  • Eileen- there is a God (Jesus) I know Him personally. He talks to me all the time. He warns me of danger, tells me funny things, lets me know outcomes in advance and shows awesome things. He is real.

    • Yes, Jesus Christ, is, in fact, more real than any living thing on this earth. Life in this fallen world is temporary while life is eternal in the Kingdom of God. Who is our mother? It is ‘spiritual’ – it is New Jerusalem also known as New Zion and it is NOT the physical land of Israel because the born again Christians are the spiritual Children of Israel, the spiritual Jews, and the spiritual Land of Israel. Apostle Paul tells us these things over and over again. God Bless you always.

      • Hey Barney, look up the following:”I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” Hey Barney, ever thought of paying a visit to PSYCHO THE RAPIST?

  • I’m in let me know when there will be meetings. We so need to stop this it’s gone today. As long as we consent we lose our rights. Your research about the extension beyond our body with love is the same information I read. Therefore I trust in you.

  • The real forbidden knowledge is the dome with the hole in the top where the “lantern” sits. David LaPoint exposed the shape of the dome is actually the shape of the magnetic poles, both North and South Poles. What Madej is telling us is obviously the beginning of the police state and martial law imposed by the Mystery School Cult minions… just like what the Atlanteans were doing to humanity thousands of years ago… You see, this is the forbidden knowledge.
    The Primer Field Theory was suppressed by the Cult because it is forbidden for the profane to learn about physical reality until they have been enslaved and broken. I have broken their cast and expose what they declair to be forbidden knowledge.
    The brainchip hivemind which now enslaves the Cult minions is explained on my “Rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel” site
    Your site could become famous exposing to the profane what is forbidden. I suggest you realize that the brainchip hivemind will also be in control of the brainchipped-zombies who apocolypse from the microwave-tower prison-grid.
    Families will be destroyed and then communities if the brainchip-hivemind is not neutralized. Watch and read posts by JamesRoss on

    • Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
      I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time.

    • The Mystery School Cult created by Homo capensis, the ancient satan-race, is behind creating religions and secret-societies.
      They are the bad apples contaminating the barrow of Freemasons and Eastern-stars. look into my videos and copy them for later resources

  • Ok, so many of us know the problems well at this point. We need Solutions. We must create entirely different types of local Food Systems and Communities to support and sustain those fighting these political battles . “Regeneration Nation” is a Sustainable Community Design that puts American Land back in the hands of average American people. It is essentially Private Ownership in a “Country” Subdivision where the HOA protects Individual/ Constitutional Rights, and also includes the benefits of Partnering with multiple Micro-Farms per community (to create Produce Shares for Lot Owners) right along with providing Community Recreation, etc. Please check this out at We could and CAN restore America together from the inside out- this is a proposed solution that needs many people joining together NOW, not when they shut us out of the grocery stores. Food System Development is ESSENTIAL to sustaining individuals and community.

    • It is God alone who controls the kingdom of men (Daniel 4:17). We are now living in the seven trumpets which are judgments so it is far too late now to do much of anything about restoring what we have given away to the puppet masters who have created this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt and fiat based economic system.

  • She joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of miscarriages in connection with their exposure to vaccinated people.

    So where exactly can I read more about this, as there is nothing on this page that goes into any detail about miscarriages

    • No… Gates and Fauci are simply frontmen for the Mystery School Cult that William Cooper exposed in 1993 in his Mystery Babylon Radio Series. They are replaceable just like Alex Jones, yes, he is just like them but controlled opposition.
      The first revelation is to realize that the Tower-Of-Babel has been rebuilt by the masons, so they are now guided by A.I. through the microwave-grid into their brainchips.

      • Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
        I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time.

  • Dr. Carrie Medej article is spot on with everything surrounding this so called “vaxx” bio weapon. If we go back to when Bill Gates was pushing so hard for pandemic drills, solliciting our elected D.C. criminals with all his planneddemic propaganda, “We must prepare for the next global outbreak! Out of nowhere we have the China virus and in record time not one but for vaxxes to be jabbed with! NOT THIS GUY… untested, unproven, approved for emergency use only… with all of America consumed in fear, the economic downturn, foreclosures, job or businesses lost.. and the military CORRUPT election in America’s History! the MSM spins out wannabe Biden addresses the American people with I want every American to get the JAB! By the way everyone have I introduced you to my President Harris? Uh..hello She is not the president.. NO that’s okay Joe, keep that vaxx ! You see Trevor Goodger-Hill, God Almighty and his Son Jesus created man in their own image and kind! Yahweh, God the Father, is the One universal mind, All knowing, All Powerful, All Creative, and All Present! Being Absolute, Univeral Mind is present everywhere, at the same time and at every point! Those of us believers who cant be trusted, We know that God created the entire universe and everything in it, We know that Jesus, his precious Son is the lamb of God and was sacrificed, burried and resurrected on the third day to save mankind from his curse of death brought on by sin and the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity and is Almighty God! The Universal Mind is a part of our minds and that Gods knowledge and wisdom is gifted to us through the Holy Spirit, that wisdom tells US “cant be trusted believers” that the vaxx is part of the sinister plan to depopulate HIS world and it is that of the Luciferon Societys collective agent’s tactical weapons against Gods people and world. Us believers also know that Satan is the great deceiver, master of lies, he speaks the same way as you! So you are either a child of the wicked one or just a lost soul in which I pity you. I’m not sure why you deny God’s existence for Ive always known and felt him and urge you to repent your denying him, accept Christ as Lord and Saviour so that you as well can avoid the second death!
    Stay safe my brothers and sisters and avoid the Jab! It’s killing people. Avoid the vaxxed, I’ve read they are shedding the spike proteins.

    • This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at to find out who they are…
      The Plandemic:
      “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
      2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
      3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”

      “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”

  • If you haven’t seen it go find and watch the Jensen Project ,a 2010 movie about what nano bots can do, Hollywood makes movies about warnings . Time to wake up!

  • For Dr, Madij: My intuition is close to yours…This virtual transhuman realtiy is all about transmission from cyborg to govt, surveilance agencies and from cyborg to cyborg,
    CB Leiber of Harvard (Pilgrims Society generation member) who was arrested at the beginning of the pandemic was a “the” nanotech specialist. He said that the synthetic cells are so close to the organic cells that it “blurs the line”.

    I am thinking that the synthetic transmitter “changes the cells operation” then which cells multiply as if they are getting original RNA/DNA instructions. I am thinking that this is so close to the MORPHIC FIELD (blurring the line between synthetic and natural) , that one person’s body cells of the vaccinated are, in turn communicating thru the morphic field to the unvaccinated, giving them the instructions from the vaccinated who have the new operating system and instructions.

  • Someone looked at Pfizer’s concoction under an electron microscope, and theirs contain actual microchips!! Marked with Microsoft on them!

    • I can’t find anything on this, do you have any more info you could pass along? Thanks for sharing!

      • THE SINGULARITY: Time Magazine Article from November 2011 titled: 2045, the Year Man (the Elite) Becomes Immortal…Welcome to the Singularity Movement. This is when the elite merge with Artificial Intelligence (transhumanism). This Time Magazine article, quoting Ray Kurzweil, explains Ray Kurzweil’s, Bill Gates’s and other elites’ goal of immortality for themselves (it’s a club and you ain’t in it) by 2045 and depopulation for the rest of us peasants:,9171,2048299,00.html

        • Well, Elon Musk had a SIDs baby. Not all SIDs are the result of extreme codependency, but many are. Kid comes out and takes one look at Musk and dies.

    • Shannon can you put in the comment box links to this claim about microchips in tge vaccine
      Don’t doubt it and would like to send article and references to this claim Thanjx so much

  • Since this person believes in God and Jesus Christ — and uses it to present herself as a moral and good human being — she is completely mistaken and cannot be trusted.

    God does not exist and there is no proof. God was created by man through ignorance to explain what was unknown, God talking through a burning bush — come off it. Science, knowledge, explains it completely, and the fetus traces our evolution as it develops into a baby.

    There is no proof, either, that Jesus Christ ever existed, and his story is a composite of previous “saviours” told in the book by Kersey Graves, 1875, “The Sixteen Crucified Saviors of the World” — still in print. The four versions of his life (which contradict each other) were written 200 to 300 years after he supposedly lived, and embellished.

    The teachings of the three monotheisms, Judaism, Christianity and Muslim, are largely responsible for creating a hierarchical, patriarchal world, which has produced the belief in mankind as an inherently sexually sinful wretch that need saving.

    We are a mammal and mammals don’t have gods.

    • Trevor: When one realizes that “the story” of the savior exists pre Jesus, in pagan times. So man’s stories of a man born of a virgin, is crucified, died and resurrected is a principle. And my understanding is that there are no records of an historical Jesus. However, what I think it is… is this: It is a principle of “self realization” Our birth was innocent; we go through life and have daily personal crucifixion, redemption moments, and we grow evolve….resurrections. We also have big initiative life evolving crucifixions. Madam Blavatsy (Theosophy) said about her mediumship, that the energy is neutral and that the live humans project a form…say wanting to speak to their dead father. So the father appears to be present in the room. So we, in the West and those in the East project the form of Gods and Sons of God, Christ or Krishna. Jesus, or the principle of Jesus, or one of the living enlightened beings at the time, said follow me, I am the way, So says the Tao. That wisdom being said…”I go to the Father. Close your closet”, in the East…mediate, transcend to Source. That wisdom being, at the time, said “No one can come to the Father except through “me” (The son). On the deeper level he meant you have to be a human being with a human physiology to reflect on the concept of “G_D” or shall we saw the concept of limits. As a Father is to a son, having the same DNA and cells etc. Humans are to G-D or Source like son to Father. We are the “sonship”, a shard of Light the impulse from the Absolute non changing, one without a second Reality. We are THAT projected as duality. In the bagvad gita you have a proclivity for the PERSONAL or IMPERSONAL path…the impersonal path is hard for most and so they need to configure and outpicture a form of the Godhead they can relate to and are conditioned to….whether Christ Jesus or Krishna. Perhaps Trevor is the only one here and all this world is your (or mine from my perspective) projection until you reach bliss in the Pleroma. Perhaps the Christ energy known as Jesus at that time is actually who you are. Perhaps there is no one here but you and all is a projection from you that sees separateness (due to duality). Someday we all reach that exalted state in the relative, many levels of more subtle reality after our body sloughs off (which is still duality) and then Poof. So, in conclusion Write your own story, Live your own Myth…and that is what the followers of Jesus, Krishna, Muhammed, Ra, Enke..whoever. Let it BE!!!

      • @Eileen, marxists/satanists want you to believe that Christianity and God is a joke because they don’t want you to have a country that’s constitution was based upon Christian Judeo values and their God given rights (which can’t be taken away), the anti-human marxists only want government given rights (that can be taken away at the government’s whim). marxists want you to worship their satanic anti-human godvernment, not God.

      • @Eileen, The satanic anti-human marxist elite (globalists) despise America, which is “One Nation Under God”, designed by our Christian founding fathers. Under Christianity, America (humans) must answer morally ONLY to our Christian God, not to the “mortal” globalist elite. The “mortal” globalist elite despise the fact that they cannot take away our “God Given Human Rights”. And that is why the globalist elite (such as Ray Kurzweil), want “immortality” by merging themselves with AI machines (The Singularity) by 2045. They want to be our anti-human satanic globalist “immortal” godverment (they want to replace God). The globalist elite believe by becoming “immortal” (and changing our DNA so we are no longer human) that only then can they take away our God given rights and rule over humanity for eternity as our satanic globalist overlords.

      • no records of a historical Jesus HAHAHa. Look at the date, 2021…do you know why it is that number child of satan?? zombie of the devil you people are an embarrassment to the human race. Gays, godless pagans, new world bhudist hari krishnia cursed zombies who will believe what the system says…

        Why not repent and receive the holy spirit Jesus can save you from the spirits that have you trapped.They are going to deceive the whole world soon to cover up the rapture and the zombies like you will love the lie that it was ufos that took the people.UFOS are not from space they are here on earth stored in government warehouses to bring in the new world order just like their fake virus scare to get nanotech into the fools that listen to the tv but not the bible and science…there a reason america has 50 pentagrams on its flag!!
        Wake up garbage GOD can save you…very little time left

    • Well, there is a higher form of intelligence of Creation itself. ‘WAYKI WAYKI Earth Advanced’ website has a fascinated one & half hour long Documentary titled: Luminaries Mysterium. Worth watching. Might be hard to find, but still out there.

    • Trevor, you go worship your soulless satanic marxist anti-human godvernment. I will worship God, Jesus Christ, our Lord in heaven and the individual pro-human God given rights he bestowed upon each individual human, created in God’s image. Amen. Thanks be to God.

    • You are shockingly demo possessed.You preach all the lies they preach and your demons will allow you to accept those lies so you can continue without interruption on the path to hell- because you are weak and unworthy you dont fight back or even investigate the truth

      1. I have done exorcism I know demons exist
      2.You say religion has damaged the world but you dont understand that religion is created by the sinners who are like you cursed and blind.
      3. evolution is not real. The geologic column does not exist and the religion of evolution falls without that invented geologic column.
      You should explore the idea that you are cursed this is why you believe all of the devils lies.Is it really so hard for you to understand that you had wicked parents and their demons passed onto you.I am sure you will take the nanotech injection for the virus that does not exist as you are a child of the devil.Go hurry take your fathers darpa gel into your body and allow your mind to be influenced 24/7 via 5g…the children of the devils should be made mad (er)

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