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In the US and throughout the West over the past two years, we’ve witnessed universal institutional collapse, the implosion of Constitutional rights and the deployment of mass genocide.

In the face of this global tyranny, the last thing we need is false hope. I know people who want to knock out the teeth of those slinging hopium and who would delude us with their cyber-grifter Operation Trust (and I know others who will pay them $10,000 for each tooth they knock out!)

But seriously, if all of your main allies and trading partners – or rather, the captured governments of the planetary Deep State – had colluded to steal your sovereign government’s election, what would be the appropriate way to respond to such an act of war, that is on par with a nuclear strike?

Consider, as well that the putative perpetrators are being puppeteered by the same Satanist banksters whose agents have infiltrated all of the world’s governments, including yours.

Since July 2nd 2021, Patel Patriot has been seeking to answer this question in a viral series of articles on Substack, exploring the possibility of ‘White Hats’ in the intelligence and military sectors of our government are working on a legal process to remove Joe Biden from his position as a last resort to save the Republic from a coup; a process known as “devolution”.

Based on presidential memoranda, executive orders and odd personnel changes made in 2020 related to national security, the key players of his devolution theory are Chris Miller, Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who held positions in the Pentagon and the National Counterterrorism Center prior to and after the election.

Patel Patriot theorizes that President Trump purposefully allowed the election to be stolen and that through Continuity of Government protocols, he put in place a mechanism by which he could remain Commander in Chief, even as Joe Biden appears to be President.

As evidence of this, Patel Patriot points to the Biden administration’s failure cascade: “How is it possible that the Biden administration has been failing so miserably? No matter the crossroads, they choose the path that hurts the Deep State, and benefits Donald Trump. [There is] an astonishing list of enemy failures that suggest deliberate sabotage.”

Interestingly, Dr David Martin had recently claimed that Trump’s Executive Order 13887 of September 19, 2019 was proof that Trump had sold out to Big Pharma and that he was complicit in the destruction of US Armed Forces and with the global vaxxine genocide but in Patel Patriot’s most recent post, he wrote:

“One thing I will state for certain: Trump’s pro-vaccine stance is directly related to devolution and his dismantling of the Deep State…When Trump talks about the vaccines, we simply can’t take him at face value. EO 13887 and OWS dramatically accelerated all timelines, causing the Deep State to panic and go all-in on increasingly unhinged mandates, variants, and vaccines. Don’t forget what Trump’s ultimate goal here is – he is trying to unite America against those who seek to control and destroy us. He is engineering a mass awakening and he has to do so while carefully navigating the COVID and vaccine situation. How do you reach the half the population who have been savagely indoctrinated by the leftist universities and mainstream media? They believe the vaccines are literally the only solution to ending the pandemic. How would the media react to Trump coming out against the vaccine?

“We can speculate all day long as to why Trump is doing what he is doing but we won’t have the answers until the dust settles. If you’re looking for why he has been so consistent in his pro-vax stance, you won’t find the answer here but this is what I can tell you – Donald Trump knew a pandemic was coming and he took steps to prepare for it.”


Patel Patriot’s articles are now being integrated into a new video series by Adam Riva of Dauntless Dialogue, which is perfect for those who can’t take the time to read the actual articles.

Riva says, “As law and order erodes exponentially in the United States, the American public is rapidly awakening to the Communist infiltration of its criminal justice system, its news and entertainment media, its intelligence community, its military-industrial complex and its public schools…

“These turncoats have progressed their agenda through a variety of methods. Chiefly among them is the employment of false flag events, disinformation, distraction, suppression, omission, projection, bribery, intimidation and subversion…

“There is so much disinformation still surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and that is by design.

“Was it an accident? Was it a bioweapon? Depending on the platform you use, you may not even be allowed to ask those questions.

“However, the answer to those questions is key to the Devolution Theory, because it was the launching pad for the theft of the 2020 election and ultimately, the pretext for Trump having our military prepare for devolution…

“We are in a completely unprecedented situation. We need to step back and review everything that has happened since the release of COVID. Our enemies conspired to attack the USA with the bioweapon to steal an election with one of our political parties. That is the actual coup…

“Perhaps the Cabal’s desperate push for a New World Order is exactly what Earth needs to catalyze a planetary unification event – not the kind the dark occultists desire.

“Rather, we are being presented with the opportunity for all points on the political compass to recognize our common enemy and work together in love, as one race and one people.

“Rapid authoritarian expansion is certainly galvanizing the political initiation of formerly disinterested citizens. If only we can act as one planet to snuff out the Deep State, malevolent secret societies and the elite syndicates pulling the strings of our institutions, then perhaps we stand a chance of peace on Earth and traveling the stars.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Cabal are not trying to turn the USA into a communist state, the Cabal are trying to get the Roman Catholic Clerical Hierarchy (RCCH) to control the USA, and TAATS control the RCCH. AOC is a left winger, not a communist; she just wants to tax the rich more that’s all, and I agree with her.

    • In comparison to most of the world, you my friend are rich. Be careful when you give the Cabal the right to tax the rich, because those less fortunate than you around the world see your small riches being greater than theirs, they are actually targeting you!
      The Rich are NOT the problem, the problem is with those who got their riches through shady means!
      If you truly believe what you are saying you should NOT aspire to improve yourself in any way, especially economically. Quit you job and find a lower paying one right NOW!

  • Here we go again.
    Do we have short memory?
    What did Dr. David Martin just say, and why are we still talking like Trump was innocent?

    Stop this, and accept that entire government is corrupt!

    • The Republicans need to join up with the Democrats so they can both get rid of the institutions that are ruining the USA, institutions like the CIA and the NSA.

  • Trump is like the good cop in the old good cop, bad cop routine. Sure, any thinking person should prefer him over pretty much any Democrat, but what are you getting? Charles Manson instead of Leon Trotsky? He’s bought and paid for.

    “Hands off Hillary Clinton” once he got into office? Israel firster? Not draining the swamp but filling it up? Building a few miles of border fencing and then stopping, claiming everyone and his poodle is stopping him? Stabbing people who helped him in the back (including Assange, without whom he may not have won election)? Leaving all those people he freaking invited to DC in the lurch and just driving off into the sunset?
    Allowing people like Birx and Fauci to dictate to government? Shelling Syria to please his masters? Unleashing an experimental vaccine on millions of people? The guy’s an irredeemable bum.

    • And just remember this: had he been doing his job instead of Tweeting his life away, this senile plague would be at home playing bingo at the assisted living center.

    • Charles Manson worked for the Secret Department of Defense in Hollywood called ‘Laurel Canyon.’ Laurel Canyon was built in 1947 by the Army Air Corps as a secret movie production studio. It was used as an MK Ultra against society to control the youth. Famous musicians signed non-disclosure agreements such as The Beach Boys, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Janice Joplin The Studio was used heavily during the Vietnam Era when the youth started protested the War. Sharon Tate was married to Film Producer/Screen Writer Roman Polanski. I watched a 2 hour documentary on how this case of Charles Manson was designed as a typical “hey look over here” so to stop the attention of the youth protesting the Vietnam. Sharon & Roman were sited in Europe many times afterwards with Sharon not pregnant. When I was viewing the official photo’s that was released of the crime scene, one can plainly see this was staged in a motel setting and not a rich mans mansion.

  • For years I thought Trump was for We The People sent to We The People by God. It turns out Trump is of the same breed of sellout politicians who will suck up to anything that generates the big bug bucks like Big Pharm. Trump and Pelosi together are acting for us…yeah. Keep looking

  • Patel and his Devolution business is a red-herring. It omits a number of facts about the Quack’s behavior before and while in office.

    There’s an old saying: FOOL ME ONCE….

  • all the king’s horses and all the king’s men are rallying around Trump to convince you he’s lying about the COVID op. and it’s just another masterminded 5D checkers move and we’re heading for checkers-mate for sure now if everyone can just fall in love with humpty trumpty .
    but wait there’s more also the military is gonna storm troop the supreme court to spin the 2020 election so we don’t have to suffer till 2024 and go through another rigged election.
    because you cannot get the commies to stop being commies even if you promise them DJT’s head on a pike. Devolution indeed at warp speed no less.

  • I didn’t listen. For 6 months now, I don’t listen to pro Trumpsters
    Just here for comments. Real intel who are patriots tell Trump truth
    Hes evil. Always was lets see what Nuremberg trial says. He will be tried and prosecuted

  • Interesting angle on Trump but personally I think he is totally compromised.
    They need everyone to comply ( republicans) and by using him another bunch will.
    The deep state is behind the government puppets , (democrats or republican and world wide western countries ) and Trump is one.
    It would be nice to be proven wrong though.

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