by Matt Ehret
What unites the careers and psychological profiles of Maximilian Robespierre, Leon Trotsky, Steve Bannon and Miles Guo across space and time?
The simplest answer is that all four men were used as controlled opposition designed to lead abused mobs of downtrodden civilians into a complete tearing down of power structures which were themselves targeted for annihilation by a supranational oligarchy.
What unites the careers and psychological profiles of Maximilian Robespierre, Leon Trotsky, Steve Bannon and Miles Guo across space and time?
The simplest answer is that all four men were used as controlled opposition designed to lead abused mobs of downtrodden civilians into a complete tearing down of power structures which were themselves targeted for annihilation by a supranational oligarchy.
In this episode of The Great Game, I unpack Steve Bannon’s connection to fascist supranational intelligence operations associated with the highest echelons of the black nobility including Lord Nicholas Windsor, and the late Count Otto von Hapsburg.
This story takes us into the dark story behind the fascist Pan European Movement which Hapsburg managed for over 40 years and which was founded by leading oligarch Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1923. The Pan European Movement featured early members such as Benito Mussolini, Young Turk founder Alexander Helphand, financier Max Warburg, US social engineer Walter Lippmann, Roundtable leader Leo Amery and Nazi finance minister Hjalmar Schacht (to name a few).
This organization was designed to promote a system of “benign feudalism” with a nationalist veneer, but in truth served as a right-wing counter-gang to the supranational League of Nations founded in 1919.
We took an additional look at the deeper subversion of the french state and the murder of Ben Franklin’s leading collaborators during the dark years of Jacobin terror which opened the floodgates for pseudo fascist Napoleon Bonaparte by 1795 and the replication of this strategy of chaos in the fomentation of the neo-Jacobin terror operations of the late 19th-early 19th century led by Trotsky and Lenin who Steve Bannon has openly heralded as his role models.
This entire story helps us understand the true nature of the Jesuits and earlier splintering of the church into warring factions after the League of Cambrai of 1508-1512, but also helps us better understand the role of Chinese Deep State operative Miles Gao, Falun Gong and the Epoch Times today.
Sorry for going on… But I’ve been thinking about this idea of someone from one religion, ( Just assuming from the comments that you are Jewish) critiquing another person’s religion mostly out of historical context, leading to more problems. What if like on the freeway everyone stayed in their religious lane. Jews have the Moses lane. Christians have the Jesus lane. Muslims have the Mohammed lane. Stay in your lane and there is a lot less trouble and violence in the world.
So, I am doing research for a book on the occult and I have pretty much covered the entire 13th through 19th century histories of Europe. I’ve been looking for this Jesuit conspiracy because of these articles that Jesuits are supposedly the head of the snake or something. Recently, I was reading about one of the most famous Jesuits, Athanasius Kircher( 1602-1680). He was a prolific writer, a polymath, an Egyptologist. Some compare him to Leonardo da Vinci in the breadth of his subject matter that included volcanos—nothing about Black nobility in there. Hmmm. I know as a fact that the Jesuits were opposed to the Illuminati of 18th century Germany. Maybe its the interest in Hermeticism that gave the Jesuits the bad name. I’m looking but not finding any dark agendas to rule the world. Is it possible that this is completely made up. Scary.
Not a word about the joohs… Lenin, Trotsky were both jews, like more than 50% of the Bolsheviks.
The Rothschild took control of European banks (and of nations) at almost the same time the french revolution occurred.
And the Jesuits again, without mentioning the first of them, jewish elected false pope Bergoglio who took Pope’s benedict place through a soros coup.
But Ehret is one of them so he wouldn’t report on that for sure.
Who is controlled opposition?
I guess I don’t believe it. I also don’t believe the Jesuit thing. I have read a lot of the books written around the time of the French Revolution and it isn’t the Catholics who were the perps. The Catholics were drowned, executed, shipped off to areas with deadly diseases, and banned from practicing their religion. The French Revolution destroyed the French Catholic Church and instituted a made up Nature religion of Isis worship implemented by Freemasonry. I generally like conspiracy theories but this one is too far out. There are more obvious religious types that have ruled the world since the 18th century. I would say look in the mirror in terms of the controlled opposition.
First time to hear of this! Bannon Aye!
Yea, something like that
There’s a lot of controlled oppositions (some being so consciously, others being sheep to them or whatever they may be up to).
A lot about politics, so have I seen a lot from “freedom movement” lately.
The only way to get out of this world and system of things is to establish
Locally Owned and Operated, Non-Taxable, Public Food Utilities, and
schools quickly incubating ‘Local Independence Technologies’.
BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street own & control >90% of world commerce.
It is stupid to depend upon distant, politically unstable owners of commerce.
It is futile not to address this.
Gotcha moment: ‘Lenin went to Russia to overthrow Czarist Russia’ – comeon Matt!
Czarist Russia was already gone before Lenin was even smuggled into Russia for the purpose of overthrowing…. the Czar? Hardly!
The Czar had abdictated March 15, 1917 and Russian Orthodox Christians were however clumisly in the process of creating a new democratic republic out of the figurative rubble when they got snake bit by the return on April 16, 1917, one month later, of investment banker agent Lenin a devotee to Karl Marx, who like investment bankers and himself were enflamed with rage by their ilk being banned from Moscow. Is anybody listening??? Who were these bankers? Bankers who shared the same proudly claimed bloodline as the people whom the Czars had banned from Moscow! Anybody who comes to this history without understanding these fundamentals is doomed to making serious mistakes like this. If people continue to get this much wrong, then everything they believe about the Bolshivick revolution and other Bolshevick revolutions is wrong. Everything! Including WWII and the current war in the Ukraine which nobody seems to understand!
These are wars of values! Values rooted in prevalent belief systems, the means of which my nation is astonishingly attempting to impose on other nations by force of arms. Why can’t people clearly see this?
What goes around, comes around.