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The tragedy of Malaysian MH-17 continues to elude any clear explanation, a full 15 days after this commercial airliner was shot down in the middle of an Active War Zone.

The flight recorders have been evaluated in England. The voice recorder evidence, in particular is of interest, when one also sees the fragmentary remains of the cockpit, which is ridden with hundreds of rounds of 30mm gauge bullet holes. Dozens upon dozens of entry and exit holes of these large artillery holes are easily seen.

German pilot, Peter Haisenko says that, “In sifting through the available images one thing stands out: All wreckage of the sections behind the cockpit are largely intact, except for the fact that only fragments of the aircraft remained. Only the cockpit part shows these peculiar marks of destruction. This leaves the examiner with an important clue.

The destruction of the aircraft was limited to the cockpit.

The cockpit is constructed of specially-reinforced material. It also clear that an explosion also took place inside the aircraft flight MH-17.

So what, exactly happened, here and how? Russia recently published radar recordings, that confirm at least one Ukrainian SU 25 in close proximity to MH-17. This corresponds with the statement of the now missing Spanish [air traffic] controller ‘Carlos’ who had seen two Ukrainian fighter aircraft in the immediate vicinity of MH-17 on his radarscope.

The typical SU 25 is equipped with:

– a double-barreled 30-mm gun, type GSh-302 / AO-17A
– a 250 round magazine of anti-tank incendiary shells and
– splinter-explosive shells (dum-dum), arranged in alternating order.

The cockpit of the MH-17 was evidently fired at from both sides. What would happen, when a series of anti-tank incendiary shells and splinter-explosive shells, designed to destroy modern tanks, hit the cockpit of a relatively commercial airliner from both sides?

The anti-tank incendiary shells partially traversed the cockpit and exited on the other side in a slightly deformed shape. Aviation forensic experts could have possibly found these pieces on the ground, presumably controlled by the Kiev Ukrainian military.

The artillery fired at the airliner was actually designed to penetrate the solid armor of a tank. Also, the splinter-explosive shells, due to their numerous impacts, would also have caused massive explosions inside the cockpit, since this is what they’re designed to do. Given the rapid-firing sequence of the GSh-302 cannon, it would have also caused a rapid succession of explosions within the cockpit area, in a very short time. Remember, each of these rounds would have been sufficient to destroy a tank.

Commercial aircraft are essentially hermetically sealed pressurized chambers. The explosions would instantly increase the pressure inside the cabin to extreme levels and cause the cabin to explode. This is coherent with the wreckage found at the scene in Donetsk Oblast.


The German pilot whose information is cited here believes that this was attempt on the life of Putin, although Putin has long denied that he flies over Active War Zones.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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