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“We finally beat Medicare!”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • since election fraud isn’t a crime for fake elections for dead presidents future WH selectees the new AI electoral college chosen ones will pony up the grift check to purchase the seat assignment outright . the deal of the centurions makes purchasing the office of the presidency less about the art of war and a implements a smoother transition of power into more hidden hands . the bidding starts at 34 trillion . gentlemen start your puppets .

  • If the >30% that voted DECLINED their ballots en mass(world wide) & DECLARE THEIR “GOVERNMENTS” ILLEGITIMATE we’d have a real human revolution. It’s the only 3rd option, none of these people we vote for are anything but tyrannical technocrats. Technocracy is the operating system of all “government”. Become ungovernable again.

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