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It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be worthy of serious attention. Agenda 21, the United Nations’ 1992 plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Rosa Koire has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness about Agenda 21 for many years. She describes how it is being rolled-out – never by name. This is carefully avoided. Hence, we’re propagandized about Climate Change and the Green New Deal. She says Agenda 21 programs can be identified by their so-called “communitarian” ethos that is imposed from without by NGOs, circumventing the will of communities and the individuals within.

Agenda 21 has been getting pushed hard lately in the agitprop of Greta Thunberg and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. Among its unrealistic goals, the Green New Deal aims to restructure the entire global energy economy within 10 years by completely “transitioning” the US out of fossil fuels and nuclear energy and into renewables, like wind and solar power.

What none of its proponents will admit is that this plan requires genocide. As shown by the collapse of Rome and demonstrated repeatedly by successive societies, the halving of energy consumption leads directly to the collapse of human populations.

As a Bay Area forensic commercial real estate appraiser and expert witness, Rosa Koire observed how property owners in Northern California have been barred from using their own properties, thus making these cheap when the Government wants to acquire them for Eminent Domain.

While investigating this, Koire ran into Agenda 21 – or as she calls it, “The biggest public relations scam in the history of the world,” and how this global plan aims to break down economies and to depopulate areas considered to be rural or suburban, concentrating populations into larger cities.

“This is the plan. It’s the loss of our industry, our agriculture, our food independence. Ultimately, it’s the loss of our sovereignty, as a free nation…It’s social engineering…it’s the acceptance of what I call the ‘new poverty’.”

Over two million people in California were left without power this week and several hundred thousand remain without power during a preventive blackout by PG&E lasting several days. The energy company’s promise to make a massive outage like this the new normal will likely drive many people away from the rural areas and thus fulfill the plan of Agenda 21.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Might As Well Moo

    Why not? I used to moo going through the old tunnel into RFK stadium to see my old Redskins play football. It was the captured, corralled cattle joke we all played as we went through the corral entrance into the stadium area. And now, isn’t that all we are? Isn’t it the goal of the globalists to identify, capture and corral us all into the approved living zones by forcing us to leave our preferred lifestyle choices? And isn’t it the same globalists and their enforcement arms, the CiA, FBi and Federalized State, local and now military-backed police forces, under President Donald Trump, all preparing for what’s coming?

    Can you see the corral ahead? Can you hear the gathering of cattle near the feeding troughs? Might as well moo? Hell no!

    Because we forgot one additional inserted false reality. Cattle will no longer be called cattle and they will no longer moo. The powers that be are going to broadcast cattle zen frequencies from your approved cell tower, into your former cow zen ear and coo dove sounds to make you happy little children who are now morphing into doves.

    Meanwhile, go ahead eating your daily veggie rationing and pay no attention to nearby exploding bombs. They are simply making your zone secure from RUSSIANS! And if one were to accidentally kill you and your kind, so be it. After all, we are about the depopulation thingies so some collateral damage will be intentional for the sustainability of the human race and of the earth. Pay no attention to the gathering radiation coming in from afar. It is simply stardust with your own name on it.

    Sustainability. Don’t you love it?

  • Mind-boggling speech. “Power has no Party”…. a statement that pretty much sums up what’s happening to all of us right now. A skin-crawling speech. It mirrors to a ‘T’ what is happening – ‘bullshit baffles brains’.
    And like Rosa stated “Where are the young people?” Generations past & those that have grown-up in todays’ society are a captive audience that are succumbing to the ‘New World Deal’ and would never question what’s taking place….thanks to the best education money can buy.
    What a bloody depressing mess! The ‘new world’ looks pretty gruesome….. humanity is on the the chopping block.

  • It was great to listen to Rosa Koire again. What she dis-covered back then is so blatant today. I’m guessing this video was 2012? It totally motivated me to bring to light how Agenda 21 was being implemented in my community. It helped me identify the real meaning of globalization. Like so many of us who are waking up, Rosa was/is a rogue outsider. We have these core values that define our humanity and pulsate the heart of freedom. I think this video is a great opener for people just on the edge of waking. Thanks for bringing it to light again. Dark to light. #TheGreatAwakening

    • This video was posted late last year but it’s possible that it’s reposted from 2012. The artifacting and the Tea Party watermark would seem to date it to back then.

      I don’t know that I would have been able to comprehend it then the way I do now. She was way ahead of the curve.

      Either way, I think this video deserves to be watched more than once.

      I’m not sure how she can remain a Democrat at this point n 2019, with her party throwing in with the Green New Deal Globalist agenda, whole hog.

  • even tinfoil hats themselves are nothing more than a tool used by knowledgable people who’ve read the montauk files and are, themselves, looking for ways to protect themselves from deep state attacks. we’re all victims of the CIA media control and anyone who laughs at tinfoil hats is themselves falling for the tripe mockingbird CIA media spin. wake up and smell freedom’s coffee. it’s hot on the burner.

  • Please, this information is critical to the understanding of the current and future of
    these once United States of America. As far as I am concerned, all of the servants of
    this/ these agendas are hostile enemies of this republic, and should be treated as such.
    With the NDAA, these tools of tyranny have powers they can engage you with at any-
    time. Stay alert and always be armed, Sometimes the trees of liberty need to be watered.

  • OH! and by the way folks, ONLY the NAIVE or STUPID believe that ONLY the so-called “Democrats” are behind “Agenda 21” (Laugh!!!)
    ALL the “Corporate-Governments” are IN On Agenda 21…UNDERSTAND???

    • Geeeee! I wonder WHY the video link I posted HERE was cut-off about AO Cortez EXPOSING political Corruption for what it REALLY is???
      Doez ya think maybe the corrupt folks running THIS site have sumptin’ ta do with it (Laugh!!!)
      ONLY “Liars” do this kind of EVIL!

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