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First, they censor you, then they imprison you, then they kill you.

Vile narcissistic scumbag blames Tucker Carlson for all the death threats she receives and celebrates his de-platforming from Fox News.

She says, “De-platforming works and it’s important” and “good things can happen” – i.e., people she disagrees with being de-platformed is “good”.

She swore an oath to the Constitution and she has no idea what it is.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to KEON Cancel reply

  • What is new about seeing this kind of typical useless idiot?
    Another shitty dividing tactic, huh?
    You people also need to stay in focus and stop paying attention to idiots
    There are “scumbags”/parasites from both sides, yet many of you continue refuse to accept the fact as your belief is blinding you

  • Has this woman EVER heard herself talk? Her voice is horrible; sounds worse than any eighties mall rat voice. Can’t imagine being staff and forced to listen to her babble and prattle on all day.

  • “She swore an oath to the Constitution and she has no idea what it is.”

    Doing her absolute best,
    Horse-faced AOC reads from a script, and it’s not the US Constitution.

    Let’s deplatform AOC and see how much things improve.

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