‘Antarctica & Free Energy: Unveiling Earth’s Frozen Frontier’ explores the enigmatic continent of Antarctica, a vast land known for ice and snow, its extreme climate, and as a pivotal center for energy research and exploration.
I have just started to watch this video, and have already heard two misinformed statements.
1 Tesla’s car was powered by tuned radiant energy. driving a large 3 phase a.c. motor. Not by a battery.
2 JP Morgan made his comment about Tesla’s proposed global power system, as demonstrated at Wardencliffe, before pulling the financial rug out from under the project.
This in effect, put an end to further development.
I have just started to watch this video, and have already heard two misinformed statements.
1 Tesla’s car was powered by tuned radiant energy. driving a large 3 phase a.c. motor. Not by a battery.
2 JP Morgan made his comment about Tesla’s proposed global power system, as demonstrated at Wardencliffe, before pulling the financial rug out from under the project.
This in effect, put an end to further development.
What is going on with the Satanic “RAP” music? This is absolutely disgusting and a destruction of the white culture.
Always intrigued by Tores’ expanded experience and awareness. Thanks for sharing such!