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Dietary science is complicated and this is not made any easier by the dieting industry. For decades, we were told that fat was bad – and now we hear that fat is good.

The truth is that fat is absolutely necessary for a healthy diet – but it depends on which kind. Hydrogenated fats, which artificially mimic naturally-occurring saturated fats are, indeed very bad for you, as these can clog your arteries, if consumed in excess.

To find out what is known about fat chemistry, watch this quick episode of SciShow.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • continued…

    You didn’t mention the killing of the bees by the pesticides, after which we will have no food at all. And finally, you didn’t mention the creation of superweeds and super bugs which became GMO roundup ready, or that the GMO crops are not increasing yields, or that the seeds, the fertilizer and the roundup is bankrupting many farmers (see Indian suicides).

    The GMO companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to fight the labeling of GMO foods. Why do they not want us to know? Because then we would have a choice?

    We do have a choice, eat organic, and don’t eat processed food.
    Shop at the farmers market, grow your own food.
    Also it is important to fight the TPP which will pay the GMO companies for their loss of profits if we stop buying their food.

    Have you noticed the expanding organic sections in the supermarkets? We can protest GMOs with our pocketbooks.

  • I agree with Phyllis; you folded to the powers that be and have in doing so, lost credibility. (at least you signaled to us that you were pushed)
    We used to love your presentations. Was it worth it (selling out).
    BTW- You didn’t mention the extreme danger to food security by growing mono-crops. Any biologist could tell you that the lack of genetic diversity is dangerous. You didn’t mention that the use of ever increasing glyphosate levels, including the new pre-harvest spraying of wheat (obviously not for weeds), and the effects on human health of these pesticides. Also, you didn’t mention the use of bacterial genes for toxics (ie. Bt). In this case, we are now eating toxins produced by the GMOs.

    We are all sorry that you were “pushed” into submission, at the cost of truth and honesty. BTW- The Seralini group did not retract their publication. They stood by it, by the journal was “pushed” to retract the study.

  • I have always respected and enjoyed your fast talking double tongued approach to science. You redid a segament on GMO’s and tried to convince us they are good for us and we need them in order to feed the growing population. Seriously. How much did Monsanto pay you for that? I will never believe a word you say again knowing that you can be bought off. You just lost ALL credibility with me. I’m done listening to you.

  • That was what’s wrong , on of the things that’s wrong-about information.

    What did I get out of that? Nothing.

    And yes, dietary scientists? No, thank you….that group doesn’t exist…..who would they be? Some federally funded research? Universities?

  • Really Alexandra,
    Your credibility took a hit on this one.
    Dietary “science” is fiction. I fear for your health.

    Too bad we missed each other at Anarchapulco.
    No one informed or concerned about health fiction there either.

  • What a horrendous mixture of fact and fallacy!
    “Essential” fatty acids have been debunked as have unsaturated
    fats as beneficial. Albeit not before giving diabetes, heart disease
    and alzheimer’s a 60 year runaway start.
    For the record, saturated fat (coconut oil) is safe and the man-made
    seed and vegetable oils have decimated the health of north americans.
    Just sayin’

  • Not bad but a little hard on natural saturated fat. Overeating saturated fat is unlikely because it is so filling. The risk of overeating fat is higher when eaten in combination with refined carbohydrates which raise insulin , the energy storing hormone. Also animal fats are always a combination of fats which keep any adverse qualities in check. For example, bacon fat is 50% mono unsaturated fat which keeps the saturated fat moving smoothly through arteries.

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