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Alexandra Bruce
December 13, 2013

It is commonly known by astronomers that most stars that we can observe are not singular but are more commonly part of binary – or even trinary systems.

There is no reason to assume that our Sun is a singular, stand-alone unit, based on the fact that most stars are not.

Many mainstream astronomers have sought to prove that a barely-detectable, Jupiter-sized, brown dwarf twin to our Sun with a highly elliptical orbit exists, possessing an estimated temperature of a cup of tea – and thus, very hard to detect, since it does not emit photons, nor does it have much of a thermal signature, in the vastness of space.

There are geological traces of the effects of this theorized binary orbit of our Sun with this object, resulting in a particular 26,000-year extinction cycle (one of many such cycles, some of which are much longer, in periodicity).

The gravitational effects of the theorized brown dwarf twin is thought to dislocate comets in the Oort Cloud, in addition to asteroids in the Asteroid Belt, located in between Mars and Jupiter. It’s much like an unskilled bowler, slinging shots which can be gutter balls or strikes – and everything in between.

The Maya and the Hopi Native Americans have long had legends of this object, with the latter referring to it as the “Blue Kachina.”

Marshall Masters has re-coined this celestial body, “Blue Bonnet”. The crass name for this object is “Planet X” (that term was invented during the turn of the last century to describe any new trans-Neptunian object to be discovered within our solar system, prior to the 1930 discovery of Pluto.

Pluto was recently demoted from “planet” status to that of a “dwarf planet,” after the discovery another body still further afield,
dubbed Eris, which is 30% more massive than Pluto. Actually, there are an astounding amount of these recently-discovered trans-Neptunian objects in orbit around our Sun, at the fringes of our Solar System. Here, check them out!

Zecharia Sitchin followers sometimes call this object the name that he did: “Nibiru” – but his object had a much shorter periodicity of 3,600 years and according to his calculations, it is not due to enter Earth’s neighborhood for another
600 years. Nibiru, according to Sitchin’s massive body of work, also includes an extraterrestrial, civilizational component, for
whatever that’s worth.

Sitchin’s work was never accepted by the mainstream nor am I promoting it, here – I’m seeking to disentangle this conflated discussion between two separate objects. Also, I mean no offense to the many who believe that what Sitchin wrote is true.

I wrote about all of this scientific and mythological material and much, much more, at length in my last book, ‘2012: Science or Superstition’.

In this presentation by Marshall Masters, he gives his ultimate talk on this subject matter and how individuals can confirm this reality by properly using relatively affordable camera equipment.

The goal of this activity is to promote what he describes as a “Soft landing from whatever ends life as we know it.”

It is a lengthy presentation but for those who wish to get the most articulated and detailed view of this potential imminent threat, this is an important document by someone who appears to be sincere about his well-studied warnings.


From Marshall Masters:

For those of you who’ve been following and supporting our work at over the years, this is the video you’ve been waiting for.

In this video, we’re going to view some very compelling images of two objects within the Planet X system. The brown dwarf at its core and one of it’s outmost orbitals, we call Bluebonnet.

Here is what our findings shows.

Current: PX System is presently inbound from beyond the orbit of Saturn in conjunction with us (opposite side of the sun beyond Earth’s orbit.)

Late 2013 to early 2014: The brown dwarf will be in a superior conjunction (opposite side of the sun inside Earth’s orbit.) Around this time, the brown dwarf will be passing through the ecliptic into the Northern skies. This is when it will begin have more severe interactions with our Sun. We’ll see solar storms and a big increase in volcanism and seismicity.

2015 to 2016: We’ll see Bluebonnet (the outermost orbital we’ve tracked from the Turrialba volcan feed, with hundreds of images.) Shortly after that, the Brown Dwarf will move around to our side of the sun to it’s point of perihelion (closest distance to the Sun) to the Greatest-western elongation (our side of the sun, inside our orbit to our right.) At this time, the brown dwarf will enter the kill zone.

Early Kill Zone: The Kill Zone is that part of the brown dwarf’s orbit from perihelion to the ecliptic (the plane of our solar system.) This will be when we see solar storms of Biblical proportions.

Late Kill Zone: The Planet X system will exit our system through the Western-quadrature (our side of the side, exiting behind Earth’s orbit) as it crosses the ecliptic from the Northern skies into the Southern skies. This is when the pole shift will be most likely as this is when the brown dwarf will lock on to our lithosphere (crust and the portion of the upper mantle) and where it’s tidal gravity forces cause the pole shift.

Post Kill Zone: Overall, this whole flyby could take as long as a decade from now to when we begin to see the first signs of blue skies once again.


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Alexandra Bruce

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