Alexandra Bruce
December 14, 2014

I’m sick of petroleum. Anybody else sick of petroleum? I’m sick of the wars, sick of the lies to sell the wars.

And hybrid cars leave something to be desired: freedom from petroleum! Students at MIT are working this.

Lithium-air batteries have become a hot research area in recent years: They hold the promise of drastically increasing power per battery weight, which could lead, for example, to electric cars with a much greater driving range. But bringing that promise to reality has faced a number of challenges, including the need to develop better, more durable materials for the batteries’ electrodes and improving the number of charging-discharging cycles the batteries can withstand.

Now, MIT researchers have found that adding genetically-modified viruses to the production of nanowires – wires that are about the width of a red blood cell, and which can serve as one of a battery’s electrodes – could help solve some of these problems.

The new work is described in a paper published in the journal Nature Communications, co-authored by graduate student Dahyun Oh, professors Angela Belcher and Yang Shao-Horn, and three others. The key to their work was to increase the surface area of the wire, thus increasing the area where electrochemical activity takes place during charging or discharging of the battery.

Computer simulation: Lauren Aleza Kaye and Dahyun Oh

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Alexandra Bruce

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