The Chinese Communist Party is creating a new system of social control that is beyond anything Orwell could have imagined. Now look, in a new communist push, the CCP is rolling out new forms of technology that are going to take surveillance and social control far beyond anything we could have imagined. And while the Orwellian controls are, again, concerning enough, the frontier technologies, even outside of AI, they get even more disturbing when you get to the military and weapons front.

Now, you might remember the incidents of so-called “Havana Syndrome”. These were weapons that can target people’s minds, affect them in ways that make them feel, you know, maybe feel sick, maybe feel like they’re going crazy, but they can’t find any clear cause of it. These are military tools to make people feel like they’re losing their minds.

Now back in 2016, cases started emerging where US Government employees, federal agents, and also members of the U.S. military, even their family members, in fact, started reporting strange symptoms of these illnesses. Now focus shifted to the embassies in Havana, Cuba. And in 2021, federal agencies began suggesting that these attacks may have emerged from directed energy attacks.

These are next generation weapons, right? They’re sonic weapons, they’re electromagnetic field weapons, and so on. Now look, these cases were written off by some as a type of moral panic. It’s just people’s imaginations, right? But as the investigations continued, it became increasingly clear that US adversaries were in fact targeting American government employees using next generation weapons.

Now, in March of this year, a 60 Minutes investigation revealed that the attacks appear to be very much real. Now in light of this, the House Homeland Security Committee held a meeting on so-called “Havana Syndrome”. This was on May 8th, they’re hearing this year.

And claims emerged on this, and they were pretty shocking. Weapon technology in this front, in fact, they’re not just limited to sonic weapons, these are things on the spectrum of sound. It turns out these attacks on U.S. government employees also, that they’re pretty widespread.

This happens commonly, including, in fact, on US soil, right in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States. Witnesses at this hearing, they suggested that Russia was the most likely culprit, although they can’t fully pin it on anybody, because it’s so hard to do so. But they noted the CCP was very likely involved, as well. Watch.

(Roll video of House Homeland Security Committee held a meeting on so-called “Havana Syndrome”)

“We have the specific evidence of Russian operatives being in China at the time when American diplomats suffered incidents. This could not have happened without the knowledge and at least passive cooperation by Chinese intelligence, which means Chinese intelligence would be exposed to the capabilities and possibility of such a weapon, which probably means they have developed their own version or borrowed it from Russia.

Now the forms and uses of these attacks go beyond just symptoms of illness, as I briefly mentioned. They’re targeting members of our military and these types of attacks are even taking place again on U.S. soil. Watch.

There’s no entry or exit wound. How they’re designed is to make the target feel like they’re crazy, like they’re imagining things, especially on the low duration, the low intensity, long duration hits. But you were saying that the targets are most often always either CIA, FBI, intelligence, law enforcement individuals.

Is that correct? No, I said diplomats, intelligence community and Department of Defense make up the lion’s share. You often don’t hear about the Department of Defense, despite DOD having 10, five or 10 times the number of survivors that Department of State has. Thank you for that correction, sir.

And you guys also said that these attacks are happening right here in this city. Is that correct? Yes. Remember, Cold War type weapons often aim for things like plausible deniability.

You want to be able to deny it. Invisible wars, attacks that are difficult to pin on any individual nation, larger military operations under Cold War tactics. Well, they focus more on the gray zone, things that don’t quite cross that line of being direct military action.

Or they aim, for example, for next generation weapons, cyber attacks, biological warfare, maybe even sonic or energy weapons. But back to artificial intelligence, the frontiers of this are also opening up new doors, not just for weapons, but also on the fronts of surveillance and social control. Now we know about some of the programs here in the United States for next generation computers, you know, the chips in people’s brains that let them control electronic systems.

The Chinese Communist Party is actually working on things just like this as well, but they’re doing it for other reasons. Back in 2019, a new brain reading chip was unveiled at China’s World Intelligence Congress. They called it the brain talker.

Now the Sun reported at the time that in the future, this technology could be used for educational purposes, gaming or as a medical device for people who struggle to move, such as those with motor or neuron diseases, right? It wasn’t long though, before the CCP was accused of weaponizing this technology. In fact, right along those lines. In 2021, the Biden administration imposed trade restrictions on 30 Chinese entities.

And those included allegations that some of them were developing brain control weaponry, the exact phrase they used actually, and to carry out human rights abuses as well, particularly against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. That’s where the Muslim Uyghurs are. Now at the same time, the US Treasury Department sanctioned Chinese tech companies for biometric surveillance and tracking of ethnic and religious minorities in China, particularly the predominantly Muslim Uyghur minority in Xinjiang.

Briefly, biometrics: that can be your fingerprints, your DNA, your retinas, anything in your body that lets them track you, surveil you, or take records of who you are. Now, interestingly, they unfortunately didn’t elaborate further on the so-called “brain control weaponry”. They’re left guessing on what exactly that entailed.

But since then, we’ve watched the Chinese Communist Party doing a whole lot more with technology that sounds a whole lot like that. In 2022, Chinese researchers unveiled a new industrial robot. And what does it do? Well, it could allegedly read the minds of human factory workers with 96% accuracy.

Imagine your co-worker is a robot and it’s reading your thoughts and reporting on you to the boss. And by nature of that too, maybe to the CCP, more directly.

But even going back to 2019, the Chinese Communist Party was already using similar technologies against school children. And part of this was being done in collaboration, notably with US tech companies.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Hi,
    Reason article says Russia was responsible for the recently targeted people in Cuba who got sick and headaches was Russia did something very similar in 1976 ,

    This Link explains it ,

    Some people call them GWEN Towers , or 5g Cell Towers ,
    They Are Sound Control Towers.

    They Can Do 4 Things

    1) Control Weather
    (No more cloud seeding like in the 1960s in today’s modern controlled weather ya Use Electromagnetic Waves at a certain precise gig ahertz sound level to cause the Atmosphere Rivers that are about 5 to 50 miles above earth to come down and cause massive Flooded)
    2) Mind Control

    Read the link on Total Control it will explain it all 4 if them ,
    Thus technology can cause people to hear things ,
    And some folks wonder why I stay home slot ,
    But honestly doesn’t matter hone or outside Electromagnetic Waves Can Penatrate walls and ground , meaning folks who live in basements can be effected also..
    The dark side is once in awhile they turn up the electromagnetic wave gig ahertz sound and people die ,
    They won’t fry everybody cause they to control and dominate and basically opposite of empathy.
    This Technology will be used.mire and mire as time goes by ,
    Electromagnetic Waves can also cause a person to Have Visions ,
    So electromagnetic waves Can control what people See ,
    What People Hear ,
    Thus mind control aspect of this Technology will be used on humans and non humans , the half human part machine people , it will be used to get the people to Worship The Devil In The End Times …

    Read The Total Control link ,

    That covers it …. technology Wise….

    Off subject:
    I Just realized something the other day , IF all wars by the Controlled Empires over the thousands of years will have to probably stop but now I think maybe not,
    IF all people in the future are part human part machine then inorder for the controllers enjoy wars if those machine humans have emotions ,
    Well I forgot The Electromagnetic Waves can control emotions as well , Happy , anger , sad , Rage to riot , any emotion can caused by the electromagnetic waves.

    Anyway it’s a messed up world.

  • they have it all and nothing is secret as long as they can read your mind . now they use psychic powers to tell when they are being probed and send false info out as countermeasures . psi- warfare is the new spycraft it even works remotely to mindhack gather intel ,surveil or glean war corpses secret sauce recipes for funny money and spy wargames .

  • This ended too soon or just at the right moment. I’ve been saying this for years that China is a part of the DARPA “5 eyes entity”, just like the rest of the countries. It’s deals through the licencing of DARPA technology. Time to realise that it’s all democides now created by the original money lenders for all the wars going back to the beginning of time. Who are the real original money lenders, I don’t think it’s just the Black Nobility, it goes back further. Maybe all the way back to the ones that created humans as a gold mining slave race. Re: Book of Enoch, Terra Papers, etc…


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