This is a short piece from a 66-minute long interview conducted early last year by the prolific and prodigious Australian podcaster, Maria Zeee with former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza, who joined her to expose the technologies behind the incoming Fake Alien Invasion commonly known as ‘Project Blue Beam,’ as well as the occult, Satanic practices driving their use by the unseen Global Government that he says is secretly running the world. DeSouza made this publicity push about 18 months ago and has since receded back into the woodwork, as far as I can see.

The point of what DeSouza is saying here is that a new age of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) are upon us – especially now, that the DNC completely bombed over the past week, with their platform of continued collapse and destruction of the United States, using their fake, installed candidate, competely bypassing the democratic process and US law, having colossally failed her own presidential primary in 2019 and who then proceeded fail spectacularly, in her own right, within what has been the most catastrophic presidential administration in the history of this country.

We’ve already seen the laser devastation in Maui, Viña de Mar in Chile, the Texas Panhandle, Northern California, as well as in conjunction with the flat-out eco-terrorism-for-hire-by-the-WEF in Canada and elsewhere in Europe. Europe is currently seeing unprecedented weather warfare, with billionaires getting Robert-Maxwelled off the coast of Sicily, due to a “localized waterspout” while their empty lifeboats jostled on the surface of the Mediterraanean. The earthquake weapons are coming online and Sabrina Wallace has warned us to strengthen our own biofields to protect us rom the coming “plasma bombs”.

All of this, of course, is being blamed on “Climate Change” – which is the Globalists’ shorthand for euthanizing you with their manifold DEWs and with their deadly forced injections.

Former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza, here seems to be suggesting that the abovementioned exotic DEWs will soon be accompanied by realistic holograms that can even briefly possess attributes of solidity, together with infrasonic weapons and Voice-to-Skull technology to make Believers out of all of this. Let’s take a listen:



John DeSouza: What I’m here to tell people is that when Project Blue Beam is used – again…it’s not going to be by the United States. It’s not going to be by national – it’s going to be by Global Government. They’re the ones who are going to use this stuff.

And it’s going to be not just a bunch of “pretty holograms”. It’s going to be – they’re going to be using it for religious figures. They’re going to have “Jesus in the Sky” – but it’s not just going to be holograms.

There’s going to be Voice-to-Skull [“V2K”] technology, that’s also going to be used. They’re going to be able to have these figures speak to every human being on the planet.

Imagine the impact of that, that they’re going to be able to see the figure and also hear the figure talking to them!

You know, it’s amazing. I think that is the particular reason why Jesus said in the Bible, “My sheep hear my voice and they will recognize my voice.” And I think – I think – that [verse] was an anticipation of when this operation goes forward.

And it’s going to go forward in conjunction, also with the great Fake Alien Invasion. It’s going to go forward with that.

And – who knows? It’s going to be also a sweetener [?] It’s going to be, instead of, you know, we’re going to have, you know, maybe 10 or 20 UAPs [aka UFOs] that have incredible destructive capacity against our cities. But then with Project Bluebeam, they can make those appear like two or three or 400 UAPs. See, that’s, that’s what they can do.

And also these, these holograms, we call them holograms because that’s, that’s the word that we know, but they’re going to probably have the capacity for noise, for sounds, for solidity, temporary solidity, as well. But then you can say, well, but then that’s not a hologram. Well, yeah, it’s probably going to be something that is several steps above a hologram, as well.

So these are the things that we’re facing and these things are going to be faced all at once. That’s the reason why I try, I try so hard.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • 1 Jn 3:2 “ Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that ***when He is revealed, we shall be like Him***, for we shall see Him as He is.” If people are all seeing Jesus at once, but we are all still in our “flesh” (perishable) bodies, it’s not Him. It doesn’t matter if we’re all levitating, glowing, and feeling a rush of euphoria when it happens—it’s project Blue Beam, v2k, and all the other technology they’ve kept hidden from us so many decades. When it IS Jesus, His people will have transformed bodies all at once.

  • alien disclosure is imminent the BS invasion threat is masking to cover for reunification with the space races in our neighborhood . the quarantine will be lifted soon the escapees who left from Antarctica recently are being hunted down . the resident alien population 30 or so different types are a mixed bag sum are benevolent sum are refugees here after their home worlds were invaded or destroyed . the bad aliens and other scumbags in charge of the .govs are loosing their grip on this world . our freedom is at hand GOD has come back to settle up so CTFD and act right .

  • Since the beginning of the internet I have been monitoring certain aspects of it and am of the opinion that like the corporate world, it has been captured by shadowy entities for global control. Fine, so what else is new, eh?

    Again in my opinion, there is no single settled strategy, not yet. “They” are still experimenting with different strategies, which oddly enough all have religious elements ranging from beings natural to supernatural from somewhere besides the surface of the earth. All while carrying out various operations that undermine established institutions such as Christianity and Islam. This pattern is plainly noticeable on YouTube and now Rumble with a tsunami of cartoons, both studio animated and fictional live human cartoon characters such as populate the Democrat Party especially, which has become a kind of devilishly magical freak side show.

    If you think about it, isn’t this the same militant pattern carried out ever since 911, only on a more subtle field of battle—the battlefield of the mind? Both Christian and Islamic nations have been destabilized by wars of aggression since 911. By using US military powers Islamic nations have been humbled while at the same time humbling Christian nations with Islamic refugees. How has that worked out?

    Look no further than Minneapolisbad or Detroitistan or England which is deep into Islamization as a nation. But the great reset is not limited to Islamization of the West, its subjugation of both by dismantling the most ancient institution of all—the family along with transendent beliefs that hold it together!

    Here’s where Project Blue Beam comes into play with a demonstration of a power above and beyond human powers, commanding the unification of humanity under one supreme authority.

    I could fill in the details, but they would be mere speculations, however of this I’m certain, “they” mean to replace religious belief in a supreme supernatural being with a religious belief in a supreme natural being, or natural beings with supreme powers to rule over all the entire earth!

    That’s the plan and thats what it’s going to take to totally anilhilate all resistance.

  • My gut reaction to this is that the fake alien invasion event that the breakaway civilization /elites are planning is too grandiose for them to pull off, if his info is right. Did he really intend to say that Jesus 2000 yrs ago anticipated this event?

    • I’m convinced jesus was a targeted individual like so many people are today. Remember it’s just words written in a book and much of the stories are retranslated stories from sumerian clay tablets that predate the bible. Likely to give it a certain percent of the truth to make it more believable.
      Going by the events in the bible didn’t jesus hear a voice that claimed to be god? And didn’t jesus claim he was sent by his father in heaven or “the one who sent me” . ?
      The one influencing jesus remotely is likely the same group that likely gave advanced technology to govt agencies like “The voice of god weapon” used by our govt psyop group during first gulf War. It worked so well that hundreds or thousands of Iraqi soldiers dismantled their weapons and surrendered en mass.
      Columbine school massacre started the decades of mass shootings that most have similar patterns of behavior. Mostly that the shooters who did survive claimed to be hearing voices influencing them. Secret govt agencys use to program serial killers but after receiving advanced tech which can cause people to hear voices and see holograms etc they began a whole new campaign. Most shootings would happen same time a live drill was happening. Sherrif isreal dealt with several mass shootings and Stoneman high school he ordered his deputies to stay outside and nit go in. I think because he knew who and what was going on inside. The next day a teacher was on today show claiming she closed her classroom door because the drill going on was loud and disruptive and she saw a man in full Swat gear shooting students in the hallway where the shooter was not at that time.
      Any way I call the fake alien invasion the ” fake/real alien invasion.
      Jesus christ is a scapegoat so as to be like the pied piper getting his believers aka sheep to follow him but to where?
      Didn’t he supposedly say he was going to prepare the many rooms in his fathers mansion in heaven for his followers?
      OK what else happens in revelations? It says at some point on the future all eyes will be turned toward the sky as they see the old heaven being destroyed and then the new heaven appears and its described in great detail which sounds kinda like a cube like in mecca. So jesus of Nazareth could be the scapegoat and there was a second jesus of aramaya that was accused of having the spirit of beelzebub which could be an elohim aka powerful ones that will maybe be the jesus that returns to rule with an iron rod or iron staff. That’s what my Bible says. Sounds communist to me.
      That’s why jesus last words were “father why have you forsaken me”? Because he fulfilled what the one controlling him wanted…..that is to appear to choose free will to be a sacrifice when ponches pilot said he was innocent. In likewise manner followers of jesus are asked to believe in his name and accept jesus with free will.
      It’s all happened many times before only the names of the savior were different.
      So be careful when jesus comes calling in all the confusion and chaos you might be told you only have mere seconds to come with and oh I forgot the reason the voice of god weapon works so well is because it’s not just a voice but it makes you feel a profound emotion so powerful that it can drop you to your knees wracked with sobbing and snot pouring out and you can’t even stand up……..that is what gets people to commit because only jesus could make someone feel such a powerful emotion…….these beings are advanced way beyond our understanding..
      ….so people ask me why???
      Look up the kardechev scale which rates different levels of advanced beings and the more advanced beings are capable of harvesting ALL energy from not just planets but solar systems and even multi verses. Extreme trauma experienced by humans creates extreme emotional energy which can be harvested like adrenochrome. They call it loosh. So archons aka elohim and other powerful beings can and do influence us remotely in many ways. This is why they tell us to pray things like ” and lead us not unto a path of temptation” also why it says ” forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us” .
      Like George Carlin said “They got you by the balls” .

  • Retired Colonel Charles Holt of Rendelsham Forest fame gave interview a few years back on Coast to Coast. As to issue of who controls exotic UFO technologies, he used phrase “cabal divorced from government”.

    So what is out there? Well, SR-71 blackbird plane was retired back in 1990′ and never replaced. It is likely due to whole new level of technology on hand, which does not require flying people anymore. If certain organizations can disappear whole MH-370 mid flight, what else can they do?

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