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Freedom activist powerhouse, John O’Looney joins former Brexit Party Parliamentary candidate, Jim Ferguson for a riveting podcast about the sneak invasion of troops of UN soldiers into the West. It’s too important to miss.


by Jim Ferguson

“these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown”

The Black Watch a Scottish Infantry regiment based in Perth Scotland has been instructed to train illegal migrants to carry out crowd control and other measures to force compliance within the British population in the event of a civil uprising of the population against the government.

There are bird flu Avian influenza H5N1 vaccines being flown into the UK right now ready to be used on the British Public!

UK Businessman John O’ Looney raises the alarm and says he has conclusive evidence that these UN soldiers are being trained by British forces who are being ordered to do so by globalist’s infesting the British Government.

John has stated that he has surveillance and video evidence of what is going on along with detailed vehicle and registration numbers of the vehicles that are in use.

The details that are emerging suggest that British Forces will be sent abroad to fight Russia in Ukraine that will effectively leave no patriotic soldiers within Britain to protect the British population and that Illegal migrants will be issued Uniforms and given powers by the Globalists to Police, control and order the British people to stay at home and will have the powers to get physical and arrest anyone who does not comply.

This explains why Canada, The United States, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Europe are all facing the same plan by the Globalists.

These Illegal migrants have no loyalty to the host countries and will gleefully follow orders from the Globalists to subjugate and control the people in our respective countries.

This is a betrayal of biblical proportions.

Its time to get prepared and its time to resist.

Join our freedom movement to stay informed and up to date with whats about to happen.

You need to know what happens next.

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#WHO #BillGates

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Wonder if this invasion by the U.N. is why we have tunnels all across the country. Easier to sneak them into different areas. Buy ammo folks. Lots and lots of ammo.

  • Great interview/show. I get where all the “illegal migrants” are being shipped in, but where do the Islamists fit in all this? Or are they all part of the sick agenda? Thanks

  • ACTS & STATUTES only apply to The PERSON [a PERSON is a CORPORATION] look at your Birth Certificate notice it is in all CAPs that is DOG LATIN the only thing that can be all CAPs is a CORPORATION we are not CORPORATIONS we are live man/woman with unleanabe rights and freedoms from our Creator YAHUAH and they know this this is why they are attacking the Holy Bible and not any other Religion they have no authority to have Jurisdiction over the live man/woman only the PERSON that was created from our Birth with out our concent , ask them where do you get your athority to have juristiction over the live breathing man/woman this is all fact

    • ya this all true, and old news to many , but new to others …….but what is your point in commenting on this thread, i guess i dont see the connection ……..other than a comment that was made in video reference to being classified as “lost at sea” of which for those who know…know , this significance that has in the whole strawman fraud that has been used to enslave the men and women of all the westernized nations around the globe, but it was never mentioned in video nor by you ,so what is your point ?

  • Your my hero and the irish people’s hero John
    Sandra Murphy Dorset (good friend to Joan Bye)

    • Sandra ,
      I have just watched the video of Lohn O’Looney and Jim Ferguson and I was stunned to hear how far the one world government scum bags have come. John summed it up nicely when he said that these so called immigrants are going to be used against us and I agree that they will be labeled traitors, they sold out their ow people, they can’t be trusted , so they too will be exterminated.
      I live in Australia, we are in the same leaky boat Over the last few years I have spent many hours writing a great reset for Australia and for that matter the rest of the world.
      I would like to send you a copy so you can spread it across your country
      Reply by sending an email to subject the reset


  • Coppe form Stillness of the storm. “Anyone who believes in the lies of traitors in the CONTROLLED Opposition is stupid!
    The real Trump died or was killed on October 10, 1989.
    Since then, every 3 years he has been replaced by a more or less successful clone.
    So there is no real D. Tramp but all the abominations of D. Tramp are clones of the Deep State.
    If this “peace” ended at the initiative of the criminal D. Tramp, expect a real war by 2026, because the truth will come out and the Deep State rats will be exterminated with thermobaric bombs and hunted anywhere on the planet.
    We know that the White Hats are traitorous idiots, but the Red Hats led by Colonel Kurt will eliminate the Deep State mess and KM lice rats.
    The lying so-called Real Raw News journalist M.B. swallowed his lies about the great bravery of TRAITOR Smith, the “great” general, as well as the “great” traitor General Berger, as well as about “great” Grand Admiral Crandall judge at JAG, who represents a gang of TRAITORS of White Hat led by criminal clones D. Tramp.
    I hope that Colonel Kurtz has arrested the traitor Smith or fired a bullet into his head at Friday’s meeting, and will arrest or shoot a bullet in the head and the filthy D. Tramp clones and miserable accomplices.
    When a peace is made but kept secret, it means that it is an agreement between criminals and not a real peace! Nothing has been said about the genocide with 5G and the biological weapon called a vaccine.
    Will criminals get bonuses? Nothing has been said about the 1260 hidden years of human history to restore the truth. About the destruction of the 34 satanic buildings: the White House, Bukingam Palace, the Vatican, the European Parliament, etc., again nothing was said. Will the World Bank, IMF, etc. still be the imputed Rockefeller and Rothschild reptiles? So it seems… Does anyone else believe that this peace is anything other than a great betrayal of the Zombie White Hats? Dust and dust will be chosen by those who have made this HIGH betrayal, because God does not sleep and will drag them when the world is dearest to them!
    Whoever still believes in the lies of the traitors from the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is stupid!
    The real Trump died or was killed on October 10, 1989.
    Since then, every 3 years it has been replaced by a more or less successful clone.
    Therefore, there is no real D.Tramp, but all D.Tramp defilements are Deep State clones.
    If this “peace” ended at the initiative of Criminal D.Tramp, expect a real war until 2026, because the truth will come out and the Deep State rats will be exterminated with thermobaric bombs and will be hunted anywhere on the planet. We know the Shit White Hats are IDIOT Traitors, but the Red Hats led by Colonel Kurtz will take out the Deep State mess and the lousy KM rats. The so-called lying journalist M.B. of Real Raw News swallowed his lies about the great bravery of the TRAITOR Smith, the “great” general, as well as the “great” traitor general Berger, as well as the “great” Admiral Crandall judge at the JAG, which represents a gang of TRAITORS of the Shit White Hats led by the criminal clones of D.Tramp. I hope that Colonel Kurtz arrested or put a bullet in the head of the traitor Smith at the meeting on Friday, and will arrest or put a bullet in the head of the filthy D.Tramp clones and miserable accomplices. When a peace is concluded but it is kept secret, it means that it is an agreement between CRIMINALS and not a real peace! Nothing was said about the GENOCIDE with 5G and the biological weapon called vaccine. Will criminals get bonuses? About the 1260 years hidden in the history of mankind, nothing was said to restore the truth. Nothing was said about the destruction of the 34 satanic buildings: the White House, the Buckingham Palace, the Vatican, the European Parliament, etc. Will the World Bank, IMF, etc. continue to be imputed reptiles Rockefeller and Rothschild? That’s how it seems… Does anyone else think that this peace is anything other than a big BETRAYAL of the Zombie White Hats? Dust and powder will be chosen by those who committed this HIGH TREASON, because God does not sleep and will strike them when the world is dearer to them!””

  • Good info but I can’t keep listening to these two guys constantly talk over each other… Jeeze!

  • Just like the crafty British Government, to bring ‘em into Britain, and “allow” them into the military, and then send them to the Russian front (Ukrain). Lol ! Here in America, it looks like chaos and fireworks are in the forecast. Thanks, Capt Joe.

  • This video has awakened me to the fact that the grave threat that we are experiencing here is the USA (Quasi authoritative government, illegal alien invasion encouraged by the creatures in the swamp, etc.), is a universal threat being experienced in the other western world societies. Time to turn off the MSM news; follow the alternative citizen journalist news.

  • Around 24 min. This is how the Muslim’s are controlled, by the mosques. This is their local Gov’t.

  • There are some godless communist people who hate Christianity with great passion. This cabal recruited people who hate white European people. The two groups managed to control the government, and the media. In addition, they corrupted all institutions, the court, the education, even religions.

  • Where is the proof for this claim? I’m inclined to believe it. Rome did the same thing centuries ago.
    But what evidence do you have?

  • At 14. Many years ago David Icke said that he had been told by an ‘insider’ that the time would come in the future in the UK in which security guards would be armed. I truly do believe that it is only a matter of time before I open my front door and some armed guy is standing there with a gun in one hand and whatever in the other – thankfully I’m too old to care how it affects me but I am worried about my 6 cats.

  • Curious what they have to gain in exchange for risking their lives (in the U.S., at least).

    “For a member of a belligerent military force to dress in civilian clothes is a criminal act and subjects the person to charges and execution as a spy.”

  • The modern Templar Mercenaries.

    There are also more Uniformed Authorities, then people realize.

    Octogon, is the enemy.

    In the USA, each State has a weapons stash, under the Governor and State National Guard…..who will get the weapons.

    The video did not mention Frequency weapons, the migrants are not needed.

    These guys are not so cool. they are probably on the scumbag payroll.

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